I'm panicking...

mbersiam went on a bit of a rant said

ok not really. but really. My husband and I NEVER exchange gifts. not on Christmas, Valentine’s day, birthdays, ever. Mostly because he was a SAHD for 10 years and didn’t have money of his own to buy me something and I just got him whatever was needed when needed.

All Christmases past I would buy something for him and something for myself and put it under the tree so the kids didn’t think we were left out.

This year I didn’t get anything for either of us because the “secret” of Santa is out of the bag, so I figured it wasn’t an issue. EXCEPT that my husband is also working this year for the first time in our relationship. … and he decided to buy me presents which is super nice, but now I feel like shit because … well, what’s he going open?

I don’t know what to get him either. He’s tough to shop for. I don’t buy stuff for his hobbies, because he knows best what he has/wants/needs and doesn’t share that with me.

I panic bought earbuds for him and am thinking of a new pair of boots. he wanted a 3d printer and I almost hit the buy button on it, but I don’t know where to put it in the house for set up so I feel like it would just end up sitting in the box. Then I thought about buying a Cameo from someone but none of the people I could think of were on the site, except Ernie Hudson. We already have a signed photo of Ernie hanging in our living room that he got IRL, so a cameo of the guy seems redundant. I also considered a Mick Foley one briefly.

Not that I think any of you would know what to get a middle-aged guy who loves nostalgic stuff from 1985-1995. (Ghostbusters, WWE/WWF stuff) but I’m just lost.