I’m going on an adventure, and I’m going to bring…
8All of you!
Welcome to my introduction/hazing to these here forums. This is where I tell you a bit about myself and how I came to be here. So I’ll start, but now that you’re all a part of my story, you get to help me continue it!
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I hail from the underwhelming state of NY. Way up in the parts of it that are still wild and green (in spots). Life moves at a slower pace here. Most probably as to not upset the locals, who tend to think a bit slower, overall. But, it has its moments.
@LeviOhPlz Go Bills
@CaptAmehrican Whoo! Go, anybody but the Patriots!
I’m a huge foodie. I daydream about starting my own business someday. I want to travel. I enjoy music, books, and movies, and I’m a bit of a closet writer. I’m one of those strange people that like to re-watch movies, re-read books, and look up spoilers for T.V shows. I will also not hesitate to tell you with when the book was better.
I’m currently reading the Harry Potter series to my 3 year old at bedtime every night. We just met Dobby. It’s probably the pictures (I bought the illustrated editions at least partially for this purpose) more than the story, but I love enjoying one of my favorite stories with him.
@LeviOhPlz What kind of business might you be interested in?
@LeviOhPlz I’m about to start listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks (I have about 15 minutes left in my current book). I’ve read them all but I’ve heard fantastic things about Jim Dale’s narration and I had audible credits just sitting there so I figured now’s the time.
Who’s your favorite character? Does it change book to book?
@compunaut COOKIES!
@stardate820926 Jim Dale does bring his own level of magic
I think overall, Luna Lovegood is my favorite. She is true to herself without apology.
I’ve been lucky enough to reach this point in my professional life with over a decade of various customer service and almost as much middle management experience under my belt and still face the world with fresh skepticism each day. It’s refreshing to now be with a company that appreciates that. And meeting you all, of course. So what comes next? (Or, you know - I guess you could ask me anything.)
@LeviOhPlz As the years drag on, your healthy skepticism is slowly replaced by feelings of disdain towards the very customers you’re meant to serve. Questioning the point of it all, you retract from any unnecessarily human interactions and your wardrobe features mostly elastic waistbands. The experiment known as “a mediocre corporation” comes to a meaningless end with little fanfare leaving you unemployed and alone. Your life is now a waiting game. One day, you find a $5 bill on the street and, for a brief moment, you almost remember how to smile.
@LeviOhPlz @medz How refreshing!
@medz My wardrobe already consists mostly of elastic waistbands, so I’m one step ahead on that curve!
@LeviOhPlz Yeah, I don’t know why “nice” clothes have to be uncomfortable. People are so materialistic and worried about status symbols.
Have you ever been arrested?
@therealjrn No. But that’s not to say I’ve never been in the back of a police vehicle.
Are you a dog or a cat person?
@therealjrn I have 2 cats, 2 dogs, 4 guinea pigs, and 6 chickens as a part of my household. I love them all. But if I had to choose, I’m a cat person.
@LeviOhPlz Can you pick up and cuddle your chickens?
@therealjrn Most definitely. The kids where just out giving them their night time treats and cuddles.
@LeviOhPlz @therealjrn Chickens are basically feathered reptiles. They would peck out your eyes and eat them if given the chance. (And yes, we’ve kept chickens for 20 years. Tasty but vile creatures.)
@macromeh hm. I feel sorry for your unloved chickens.
@therealjrn Please don’t misunderstand - I am not cruel to the chickens - I just don’t feel the need to pretend they are little feathered people, capable and deserving of affection, any more than I would a ham sandwich or a pot roast. I have plenty of real people and pets in my life for that.
@macromeh @therealjrn I’ve been nominated as the “business” for our chickens. So, even though they are for eggs, not meat, I don’t do the cuddles personally in case a time comes when a non-biased decision needs to be made. And I’m ok with that. They have their own personalities and all, but it’s easy to see how easily that would erase if they weren’t doted on, same with reptiles. I’ve kept them too. Neither are what I would consider “domesticated”. But they’re still cool.
Have you ever skydived or done any “extreme” sports?
@therealjrn Sports and I don’t get along much past the spectator position. I want to have the guts to skydive some day. But I’ve done one of those rip cord, 150 drop, “flying” rides at a theme park. That was cool.
What attracted you to Medicre Corporation?
How did you find us?
Where you a customer before working here?
@therealjrn I knew somebody. @thumperchick made me do it!
What is your favorite (or dream) travel destination?
@therealjrn Ireland

@therealjrn New Zealand and Scotland are also on the wish list.
@LeviOhPlz Nice
@LeviOhPlz Scotland, especially NW Scotland, is really nice. I worked and lived there near Fort William on Lock Eil.
@Kidsandliz This is good to know! I’ve recently been coerced into watching Outlander and the desire to see the…countryside is intense.
What’s the deal with Black & White cookies?
@therealjrn Other than they’re yummy?
I suppose they aren’t a typical cookie though. They have a pretty cakey texture and can be frosted heavily. So it’s like the love child between a cupcake and cookie.
How historically accurate was the documentary My Cousin Vinny?
@therealjrn Though probably one of my favorite roles for Marisa Tomei until Aunt May.
Is Billy Joel as overplayed on the radio up there as Leon Russell is here in Tulsa?
@therealjrn Probably.
What is your second favorite color after purple?
@therealjrn I love purple.
@therealjrn @Barney I love purple too! After that I’d say green. Putting them together is even better.
Do you ever go up to Canada to shop eh? What do you buy when you are there?
@therealjrn I haven’t been to visit our friendly northern neighbors in quite a few years. I hear the ballet is great.
Oh, and poutine. If you haven’t tried it, you should!
@LeviOhPlz - You are definitely going to need elastic waistbands if you like poutine! Though I have to admit, I liked the Trader Joe’s version, which is the only poutine I’ve had.
Speaking of Canada, what proportion of your change coins are Canadian?
@therealjrn hmm…of the coins in my car cup holder right now, I have just 1 Canadian quarter. But that’s still about 10% of the coins.
@LeviOhPlz Sigh! Canadian quarters used to be great - they could be used in parking meters and they were about a quarter the value of a US quarter. But then the exchange rate got more level and the parking meters got smarter.
Have you ever traveled the Erie Canal?
@therealjrn I have not. Though we sang the song relentlessly in grade school.
Are transplanted Californians living in New York always talking about how great California is like they do in Oklahoma?
Sometimes. Specifically about burgers. But mostly they just have a hard time adjusting to the weather for a while. New Yorkers wear sandals until the snow is too deep to say otherwise. Warm weather transplants break out the Uggs in September for a few seasons.
@LeviOhPlz @therealjrn CA has better, except for Italian, Greek, and Indian.
@LeviOhPlz @therealjrn In upstate NY, where I went to undergrad (U of Rochester), sandals (finally with socks) were a common occurance and were worn even with unshoveled snow. So were sneakers without socks. Then again there were plenty of sane people too who wore something where you were less likely to frostbite.
Are the people wearing “I
NY” shirts up there mostly New Yorkers or tourists?
@therealjrn Most of our tourists are New Yorkers. Locals refer to them as “cityots” when confronted with them in traffic.
New York state is the largest producer of cabbage in the U.S. (source) Are you a fan of cabbage?
@therealjrn I didn’ know that!
That’s pretty cool. I enjoy cabbage. I make a pretty mean cilantro lime slaw for fish tacos.
What was up with that Anthony Weiner guy?
@therealjrn The dudes gross. With a name like Weiner though, how surprised can we be that he’s into dickpicks? Still. Super gross.
Rochester: Flour City or Flower City?
@therealjrn IDK. Lol. I have family there, so I can say the flowers are beautiful. There’s a couple of cool wineries nearby. And garbage plates. Which, I guess you have to be really from the area to enjoy, because I don’t see the appeal too much.
Will you please sing us the Erie Canal song?
@therealjrn Um…no. But here:
@LeviOhPlz @therealjrn can you do a mad ape den version?