Which is why my use of the name @tickledlizard didn’t last long. (Well, that along with the fact that somebody (or several people) decided to create accounts using combinations of “l” (12th letter of the alphabet) and “I” (12th letter of the alphabet).)
@PlacidPenguin pictures come with instant death to those who’ve laid their human eyes upon them. If you’re still game I’ll inform my brethren about the viewing. And don’t worry, we know where you live.
@cengland0 my favorite show, right until the lizards lost. So unrealistic. Miami vice took over as my favorite because Don Johnson is 1/4 scale hopper.
@denboy I watched that show too and I think they were harvesting humans for their food supply but it was secret and only a few people discovered it towards the end of the series.
All my life people have thought I am several inches taller than I am at 5’6". I attribute it to being an alpha female, and growing up dominating a cluster of macrofauna younger siblings. 6’7" tall brothers, 5’11" sister.
That I don’t have a filter and say what is on my mind and I cuss like a sailor.
All I know is that I’ve warned numerous mfers that if they don’t want the fing truth to what I’m fing thinking then why do the SOBs keep asking my gd opinion about their stupid ass question/problem/thoughts?
Personally… I think they are way off base…
/image I’m an Angel
I’ve had people call me mean. I’m not mean, really. I’m sarcastic and passionate and probably too sensitive. I can be impatient which can make me snippy but I don’t think I’ve ever been mean on purpose (exes don’t count in this scenario as they bring out our worse, I mean they are exes for a reason). Basically to know me is to love me, or at least like me. I just wish that I didn’t have to go through those getting to know you periods where i was called mean…it hurt. Rarely happens anymore so there’s something to be said about this growing up thing.
I also get called funny…hey, sometimes people get it right!
My mouth seems to have a natural down turn so people think I am mean or angry all the time (before they get to know me). It’s like the old saying - “My face, I don’t mind it, I’m always behind it. It’s people in front that I jar”.
@rockblossom do you use a mayonnaise sauce? Like a fry sauce? Or more of a barbecue? Or maybe something a little more Asian? What is the best people eating sauce in your opinion?
@unksol Oh, that’s really a matter of individual taste. I prefer a cream sauce, because it goes well with fava beans and a nice Chianti, unless I have a guest who is taking prescription MAOIs. In that case, I would probably go with a nice lemon fish with a salad and herbal tea.
@f00l well i don’t curse much*, maybe that’s why people apologize to me. but i don’t fucking care if they curse because i was raised by a pack of wild fucking drunk marines.
*i’ve often wondered if i curse more than i realize though, since “fucking” is just like a fucking filler word, so maybe i don’t notice when i say it.
@RiotDemon Someone told a somewhat dirty joke in a meeting where I was the only female. I got a personal apology. Thanks for singling me out for being a girl buddy.
Most people think I’m innocent.
I’m not.
It’s the habit you wear, @RiotDemon.
@haydesigner I’m trying to keep a low profile.
/image metal nun

Most people think I’m a person, I’m not.

/giphy lizard
I never suspected that you are a person.
@PlacidPenguin waddle waddle
Good news, the fund I have which is used to send stuff to mehmployees has been filled.
(You don’t strike me as one who would accept a large stuffed purple bear without a fight though.)
@PlacidPenguin you’re lack of experience with lizard people is shining through now
Which is why my use of the name @tickledlizard didn’t last long. (Well, that along with the fact that somebody (or several people) decided to create accounts using combinations of “l” (12th letter of the alphabet) and “I” (12th letter of the alphabet).)
I can now verify that @denboy is indeed, a lizard person.
@denboy @Thumperchick
Somebody won’t be happy next week.
@denboy - Pictures will be needed.
@Thumperchick takes a scaly lizard to know one. That said I can’t verify your lizard interior nor do I suspect you to be a fellow scale hider.
@PlacidPenguin pictures come with instant death to those who’ve laid their human eyes upon them. If you’re still game I’ll inform my brethren about the viewing. And don’t worry, we know where you live.
Finally. A worthy adversary.

/giphy evil laugh
@denboy Reminds me of the TV series “V”.

@cengland0 my favorite show, right until the lizards lost. So unrealistic. Miami vice took over as my favorite because Don Johnson is 1/4 scale hopper.
Read this subthread and decide who should be more scared, @denboy or myself.
@denboy I watched that show too and I think they were harvesting humans for their food supply but it was secret and only a few people discovered it towards the end of the series.
Gee. What if I would have wanted to watch the series? >_<
@PlacidPenguin Netflix or Kodi?
@denboy Exciting! I was hoping for Komodo dragon, but now you’re saying you’re a basilisk, which is fascinating.
My point is you posted a spoiler.
@PlacidPenguin Oh sorry. It was a 1983 mini series so I thought everyone would have known by now.
I wasn’t exactly written as a script in 1983.
Also, it’s fine. I’ll feel better in a week or two.
@dashcloud am I saying that? Do you trust those that hide their true identity to say what they mean?
Based on what I’ve found out about you, you seem to be consistent with your positions.
@cengland0 V was my favorite mini-series everrrrrr. The show too, but nothing compares the The Final Battle…
Most people think I’m too loose but I’m afraid not.

All my life people have thought I am several inches taller than I am at 5’6". I attribute it to being an alpha female, and growing up dominating a cluster of macrofauna younger siblings. 6’7" tall brothers, 5’11" sister.
@moondrake Ain’t genetics a bitch?
For some reason or another, people think I’m a purple dinosaur.
@Barney you’re not???
I’m close to finishing collecting data for my study about what you are.
@RiotDemon Oops.
@PlacidPenguin Looking forward to seeing your conclusions.

/image purple dinosaur
/image gif purple dinosaur
So am I.
/image “purple mystery”

@f00l looks like an angiogram
Of all of my wonderful traits, tremendous talents and extraordinary characteristics . . . my defining quality is my humility.
@huja And your haikus.
@Barney Awww shucks.
-No no no. Reply
-Like this: Awww shucks. Awww shucks. Awww
-Shucks. Awww shucks. Awww shucks.
I don’t know. . ;
Most people seem to think I’m an I’m not; but, I’m not.
Not really.
/giphy "I’m not"

I’ve been accused of being an adult on more than one occasion.
/giphy DAMN THEM!

You could just use the occasion to prove them wrong …
I can’t answer this without it sounding like a humblebrag.
@Thumperchick that also sounds like a humblebrag. Damnit.
Would you accept a humblebag @Thumperchick?
/giphy humble bag


/giphy curious
@haydesigner I feel like that product will be part of an organization themed pop up shop on morningsave.
@Thumperchick Humblebrag is the martial art of our times. Sadly, I keep running into black belts.
That I don’t have a filter and say what is on my mind and I cuss like a sailor.

All I know is that I’ve warned numerous mfers that if they don’t want the fing truth to what I’m fing thinking then why do the SOBs keep asking my gd opinion about their stupid ass question/problem/thoughts?
Personally… I think they are way off base…
/image I’m an Angel
That’s PERFECTION right there!
I’ve had people call me mean. I’m not mean, really. I’m sarcastic and passionate and probably too sensitive. I can be impatient which can make me snippy but I don’t think I’ve ever been mean on purpose (exes don’t count in this scenario as they bring out our worse, I mean they are exes for a reason). Basically to know me is to love me, or at least like me. I just wish that I didn’t have to go through those getting to know you periods where i was called mean…it hurt. Rarely happens anymore so there’s something to be said about this growing up thing.
I also get called funny…hey, sometimes people get it right!
Your title was a little click bait.
"One time, at band camp, there was this horse and he had the biggest . . .
. . . Saddle."
That was on the blooper extras on the American Pie DVD.
Edit: It seems to ignore the timebase when you add a youtube video. Jump to 1m56 seconds.
Put ?start=<time in seconds> at the end of the url for it to work here.
@djslack Ah, thanks for that tidbit. Wonder why they had to change it from the standard youtube syntax.
My mouth seems to have a natural down turn so people think I am mean or angry all the time (before they get to know me). It’s like the old saying - “My face, I don’t mind it, I’m always behind it. It’s people in front that I jar”.
@mehnyblooms I have that too. It’s my resting sad face. It prompts a lot of people to tell me to smile or ask what’s wrong. So frustrating.
Maybe you do?
I know that personally, I’m very humble. I’m humble and proud of it – very proud.
I was recently told I’m irritable. WTF? How dare that little pimple suggest such a thing! People are so insensitive. Rotten bastarges.
At times people think I’m shy. The truth is I just don’t like people that much.
@MrMark Actually, people can be okay if you use the right sauce and catch them young.
@rockblossom do you use a mayonnaise sauce? Like a fry sauce? Or more of a barbecue? Or maybe something a little more Asian? What is the best people eating sauce in your opinion?
@unksol Oh, that’s really a matter of individual taste. I prefer a cream sauce, because it goes well with fava beans and a nice Chianti, unless I have a guest who is taking prescription MAOIs. In that case, I would probably go with a nice lemon fish with a salad and herbal tea.
@rockblossom that almost sounds like you are making your food dinner before you eat them.
@unksol Well, not any more, now that you have told them!
Sometimes people think I’m wrong. I’ve only been wrong once in my life. I was seven and I thought I was wrong about something.
I think you’re rite.
@bish Same. Exact. Problem.
People think I am outgoing. The truth is I’m just an opinionated asshat. As I get older that becomes more clear.
@TimWalter Curmudgeon and proud of it? (grin)
I honestly am shocked this surprised you.
But put some butter and syrup on it and it will be delicious.
That I’m “perky”.
Fuck that shit.
@lisaviolet You’re still going to be forever known as the “nice Lisa” here at meh, though.
@narfcake Oh, yeah, I remember that. What got me my goathood. What a nasty piece of work she was.
@lisaviolet You might even call her twisted.
most people think i’m an extrovert.
Nah. You’re just a motherfucker.
@f00l well that’s just a given
most ppl think that I am weirdo, they are right
People apologize to me when they curse.
I was raised by Marines.
Let a stream of it out for us please?
Always good to see/hear a someone with the skills of a true professional.
I could use the inspiration.
@katylava haha, I love when people do that to me, especially with really benign words.
@f00l well i don’t curse much*, maybe that’s why people apologize to me. but i don’t fucking care if they curse because i was raised by a pack of wild fucking drunk marines.
*i’ve often wondered if i curse more than i realize though, since “fucking” is just like a fucking filler word, so maybe i don’t notice when i say it.
@katylava i wholeheartedly approve of your filler word.
@RiotDemon Someone told a somewhat dirty joke in a meeting where I was the only female. I got a personal apology. Thanks for singling me out for being a girl buddy.