I have the best wife.

Seeds went on a bit of a rant said

Woke up, still drunk.
Came downstairs, poured a pint of Guinness stout (bought 8 cans for st pattys), poured her a shot of jameson (we came into money recently, bought for same reason). She wanted ham and eggs. We bought a giant carver ham weeks ago on a crazy sale. I start sawing through the frozen ham with a knife, but after ~5 minutes I get tired of it. I wrapped the ham in a plastic bag, hung it off the edge of the counter, and smacked it with a hammer. Took two swings (and two chunks of ham) to get what we wanted, but she was not only ok with this method, she loved it. Called it the HAM-mer method. Says we should buy more bargin basement ham, freeze it, and ration it out with this method. She also wanted me to say something about Veronica Lake, but I didn’t really understand that, so she’ll type it up in a minute.

I just wanted to brag, and I have no social media besides work network, school network and linkedin, and none of those seemed like a good place to share this story.

Wife’s Edit: I love the idea of ham and eggs because of Sullivan’s Travels. Veronica Lake is probably my favorite actress. The first time I saw her was in Sullivan’s Travels and her first line was “Give him some ham and eggs.” On snowy days, when the world turns to shades of gray, I like thinking about the old movies and the old actors. So, on days like this one, I want some ham and eggs.

Pan’s edit: Oh! I get it now! Makes sense.