@carl669 It could be something like remembering previous tough areas and adjusting power and so on to correct for it in future. Or it could be meaningless marketing-buzzword salad. I've had good experiences with Dyson so far so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
@TaRDy I find all that extremely fascinating. The sci-fi idea of a C-3PO like robot is taking a lot longer than people seemed to think it would, but it seems pretty much inevitable that we'll get there someday.
@carl669 Dyson has always been about rediculous techno-babble. (Read the box on a "bladeless" fan.) The "probability theory" probably just means that it turns in random directions like a Roomba, and probility theory says if you do that long enough you get full coverage.
"This unique 360° vision system uses complex mathematics, probability theory, geometry and trigonometry to map and navigate a room."
what the hell does it need probability theory for other than "this room is probably dirty. i should clean it now."?
@carl669 It could be something like remembering previous tough areas and adjusting power and so on to correct for it in future. Or it could be meaningless marketing-buzzword salad. I've had good experiences with Dyson so far so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
@carl669 probability theory is often used a lot in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and autonomous navigation...the list goes on
@TaRDy I find all that extremely fascinating. The sci-fi idea of a C-3PO like robot is taking a lot longer than people seemed to think it would, but it seems pretty much inevitable that we'll get there someday.
@carl669 Dyson has always been about rediculous techno-babble. (Read the box on a "bladeless" fan.) The "probability theory" probably just means that it turns in random directions like a Roomba, and probility theory says if you do that long enough you get full coverage.
I can just hear poor little Neato screaming at all the journalists covering this, "I've got a laser! Who cares about a camera!?"
@dave A laser? Sounds like Neato is just one plunger arm away from being a baby dalek.
@Starblind this gives me an idea
@harrison Well now I'm all curious.
@Ryaneil That video made me want one.
@Ryaneil I wish my house had such big empty floors. Does this thing come with big rooms and empty floors?
@Kidsandliz I agree, one of my biggest complements to the roomba is being able to go under furniture where a traditional vacuum wont reach.
Looks like a portable transporter.
@Bingo Someone needs to give them the Mad Ape Den lyrics so they can re-record it properly.
@Bingo That's exactly where my head went too
This is the only thing I've ever wanted and I didn't know it until just now...