I HATE Facebook


I seriously hate Facebook. I don’t get it. One friend told me she doesn’t know have the friends she has. People just attempt to gather as many “friends” as they can. As though it somehow elevates their life status.

People I know who are unhappy create pages making their family life look like a 1950’s family show - just perfect. Then there are those who write such lovely things about one of your pics or posts, while they clean the blood off the knife they just stabbed you in the back with in real life.

I never even new “unfriending” someone was even “a thing”. I thought it was just part of a South Park episode.

I am on Facebook but I only started it to get 10% off a new handgun years ago. I have around 23 friends who are mostly friends and co-workers who somehow found me and sent me a “friend request”.

I understand that some people us this abomination responsibly to keep up with family and such. My nephew’s wife is one of those. But I can’t help but to feel that this epidemic is somehow a plague within are society. I wish Russian hackers would just wipe it clean.