I got a Fukubukuro bag, but it feels like cheating.
20In order to test some of the Kickstarter code we wrote, I ended up backing our Kickstarter at the Fukubukuro level. I noticed we're shipping these out soon but it kinda feels like cheating for me to get one.
So, I'd like to give mine away to someone.
Entertain me. We recently added the sort comments by "most votes" feature. Let's test it out. I'll give my very own personal Fukubukuro bag away to the person who gets the most votes on a comment in this topic.
This is a totally unofficial thing I'm doing on my own. Winner picked Tuesday, July 22, 12:00am ET.
- 53 comments, 81 replies
- Comment
I miss @ocheri
if another employee wins it would you still feel like it was cheating
No, but then I'd expect them to give it away in another topic pay-it-forward style.
I'm down for a game of "how many times can we pass around @shawn's Fukubukuro bag"
I will only be starring @shawn's comments. I hope to create an infinite loop of fukubukakrookery.
Vote for me and help this puppy find a home.

Shameful. But I couldn't help myself and I gave you a star.
Did you Photoshop that puppy? Shame!
You're going to stuff that puppy into a Fukubukuro bag? Shame on you! (I voted for you anyway. Who can resist that face?)
Your Jedi mind tricks won't work on me.
If you must star a comment, choose this one. I will return to sender.
best comment yet.
Please email us and tell us how you did this so we don't accidentally fix it
@harrison - emailed steps to repro.
It's like triforcing over on 4chan
@harrison it's cool, I used super mod powers to learn his secrets.
One time I almost shit myself and had to pull over, and I shit on the side of my neighbors yard and used a sock.
So there's that.
tl;dr I fingered my dog
I got a fukubukuro bag and I'm keeping it. But also, uh, it's crap. Maybe I'll never open it, so I can always imagine it could be something amazing.
Ah, just like the JJ Abrams mystery box. Well played.
Schrödinger's fukubukuro: until you open it, it is both awesome and crap.
Still funny.
Let the mediocre stretching of my social media begin. ...meh.
Oh, I see, you're starting a bounty program.
Ha! Good times.
Since I'm late to the party (and already have a fukku bag on it's way), I'm just going to enjoy the variety show (my votes are for sale). Good luck!
Vote for me! :)
Vote for this comment if you think I should just keep my Fukubukuro bag and save myself the hassle.
Damn, I should have said "an employee," not "another employee"
Does that mean you still have to pay it forward!?
I vote you keep it. Half the fun of a Fukubukuro is in the hunt. And staying up late. And beating the bots. And the server crashes...
@WaltC Um, none of that applies to the fukubukuro.
@k3nd0 The kickstarter FB had the hunt part: finding out about it soon enough. I'd bet that subsequent FBs have it all.
Well, I guess you get to keep it. Meh. ;)
A vote for me is one less vote for the other guy.
Here's a fun story. When I turned 19, I went on a camping trip with a buddy of mine. We live in a fairly rural area, so it doesn't take long to get to the middle of nowhere. We decided to hike up the mountain behind my parents' neighborhood and set up a campsite on the ridge.
We hiked up about 3-4 miles and set up a nice campsite. I had the tent up and had started a fire and started cooking some hotdogs when my buddy suddenly had to crap.
I did have the foresight to bring toilet paper, and despite it being 15º outside, he was a trooper and found a comfy place in the woods away from the campsite to do his business.
Rewind 6 hours. At lunch time, we stopped into a crappy drive-in diner called The Blue Circle (cool place if you're ever in the area) and grabbed a sack of Circle Burgers. They're kinda' like Crystal burgers, but not square and not $1.19 (why the hell are those so expensive?!?). Between the two of us, we put away about 30 of them. They were greasy and delicious.
Fast-forward 6 hours and 30 minutes. Jeremy had been missing for a while so I decided to go check in on him. I took off down the trail and started yelling for him. It was getting dark and I couldn't see too far in the thick canopy of the trees. All I heard was a muffled "ughhhh...." coming from behind a downed tree. I walked a little closer and could see the top of his head and he looked like he was dying.
I asked, "You alright?"
"Fucking burgers are crawling out of my ass against my will and my nuts are frozen." was, I think, the reply he gave.
"You going to be alright?"
"No. I'm out of toilet paper."
"Use a sock and get cleaned up"
"I'm out of those too. Can we go back to your parents' house?
I felt so bad for the guy, so I offered to hike back down with him. We got our flashlights out and started back down to where we had parked the car. After about 30-40 minutes of high-paced walking, we had finally reached the car. We were about a 3-4 minute drive from my parents' house. As I hopped into the car, he moaned "I think I'm going to shit myself." I suggested he had better get into the car and I'd drive as fast as possible.
As I pulled out onto the highway, I floored it. No way was I going to let him crap in my car. I took a U-turn to head in the right direction, and I don't think I used my brakes. There wasn't a car in sight in either direction, save the one coming toward us from about a mile away. Luck would have it that it was a cop.
As we pulled into my parent's neighborhood, Jeremy had started wailing in pain, his feet up on the dash like he was going into labor. Blue lights lit up behind us about a hundred feet from my parents' driveway. The cop approached the car and asked why I was in a hurry. I calmly and as respectfully as possible explained the situation, and he asked us to "sit tight". After about 15 minutes, he finally let us go and Jeremy didn't even wait until I had pulled into their driveway before he was out of the car running for the house.
He made it, but I can't eat Blue Circle burgers without first thinking of the dangers and he still talks about how I took a U-turn doing 45mph without using the brakes.
tl:dr you fingered your dog.
@harrison - see @marklog's post in this thread: https://meh.com/forum/topics/are-you-dumber-than-me
@carl669 thanks! not sure how I missed that
You aren't planning on sending a frozen bag of burger crap?
I have kittens and Benedict Cumberbatch.
I like this so much.
@hollboll You're on staff, it would be particularly craptastic to rig the voting.
@hollboll I'll do it for $30
@hollboll @harrison - Consider it done. Paypal? Bribery is totally in the spirit of this thing right?
Sorry, cash only, can't accept anything tracable.
Bitcoin isn't traceable
@hollboll You realize it's Cumberbatch's birthday today?
@patti you remembered.
Now we can party.
Tumblr must have been in fits and tizzles today with it also having been Jared padalecki's birthday.
One fukubukuro bag is all I can handle and that may be one too many.
I'm local, and by the time I got to Kickstarter, the Fuku bags were all gone. Also, I'm local. Did I mention I'm local?
Vote for me and I'll TP the Mediocre offices. Or not. Whichever.
If you agree to open it on camera at the Mediocre offices, you get my vote.
Sure, I'd be happy to! If they'd let me.
Sort my comment to the top!
It was college, and we were drunk. I mean to say, we were "we actually finished the Snatch drinking game drunk", which means it was a miracle we were still upright. Around 2am or so, my friend started blabbering about something he needed to show us all...so we stumbled out to his F150 to find the biggest cache of fireworks I'd ever seen. We immediately grabbed the fireworks and started meandering around campus looking for a good spot to shoot them off.
We ended up in the campus square where there are 2 very large statues facing each other, about 1000 feet apart. My friend Justin drops his armful of fireworks, raises his hands triumphantly in the air, and screams "THERE WAS A FIREFIGHT!!" a la Boondock Saints. We all looked at each other, split into teams and divided up the fireworks. Then, we started shooting fireworks at each other. My team had the seated statue, so we were launching from Mr. White's crotch. To this day, I still don't know how we didn't kill each other. We did manage to set part of an oak tree on fire.
About 15 minutes into the fireworks frenzy, every rent-a-cop on campus shows up - which was damned lucky for us. With the rent-a-cops, they could only detain - and you could punch the hell out of them and get away with it, as long as you acutally got away. A few of us splintered off and crept into the music building - and ended up sleeping in one of the classrooms (at that point, we were paranoid drunk and afraid to leave). 2 days later, the front page of the school paper displayed a janitor cleaning scorch marks from the crotch of our statue with the tag line "Fireworks Bandits Still On the Loose!"
It remains, anonymously, one of my finest moments.
tl;dr He dirtied a statue's crotch as one of his finest moments
Can I have a flamethro... ...I mean, a Fukubukuro bag?
Do not, under any circumstances, click the star to the left of this post.
Oh Fukubukuro me!
I think I am too late to this party. Way too far down to get enough votes. :(
A vote for me is a vote for my kitten. Okay, I lied. She is mine... but she's no longer a kitten. Hence the "3 years ago" label under the image. But dammit, she's cute.
No one told me I could use kittens!
Everyone needs to immediately unstar their previous votes and star this one.
Then we should get @snapsters personal mailing address and send him all of our bags.
i'm removing my vote for Shawn and giving it to Snapster. Fascist boss reigns again.
Damn it.
So... my mom is a hairdresser... and she unfortunately injured her hand--- seriously and has been out of work since March. She just had surgery today and the doctors found out that the damage is much worse then the initial MRI let on. She's resting in bed right now and I showed her this site... all she wants (besides to get better) is this bag. So please--- vote for me. :)
Lame. I don't like cute little puppies either.
This is real... I'm not lying to get a bag.
I am prince of the grand municipality of Nigeria. I contact you on this most wonderous day for the presentings of a business opportunity for which I hope you are found in good spurts. I wish to make an investment transfer of 50 Billion (47) Zimbabwe dollars into your grasping hands, however for this eventuality I wish for the processings a mere pittance of one (2) Frumpipumpi bags from your stock. If not and we are unable to come to such terms, then as we say in my glorious nation, "meh". I await your soonest reply.
Anything has to be better than what I just got in my birthday box.
This would be %35 funnier without the guitar.
I shopped a tux on him.
Actually it would be 100% funnier without the guitar. Completely angry with myself that I didn't think of it.
Will work for Fukubukuro bag
RAD is the greatest movie of all time.
I guess you've never seen Ice Pirates or The Pirate Movie.... Or 9 Deaths of the Ninja!!!!
For each star I get, I will take one squirt of Sriracha sauce if I win (up to 50 squirts, or my death, whichever comes first). This will be recorded and posted here of course.
Requirement: Add it to your will that if you die prior to opening said fukubukuro this re-starts
Dave's Insanity Ghost Pepper Sauce and I'm in . My ten year old daughter uses Sriracha.
Ok, I'll up it to Dave's or the equivalent on the SHU scale that I can find locally.
Hey guys, just discovered the site at about 1:30 Central Thursday. Looking forward to spending some lurking time here. Kinda upset I missed out on the kickstarter, if only for the sweet badge next to username. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately, meh) I hate speaker docks and had no need for a second HDX so I will wait for a deal relevant to my interests.
Anyway, I hear fukubukuro makes for some mighty tasty potato salad. Vote for me and I can make some and invite all of you to a party while it happens.
What's that? Some guy already has a kickstarter for that? He made HOW MUCH?!?!
Who wants homemade chocolate chip cookies ?

They look like store bought cookies to me. Are you trying to cheat?
Just kidding, I already have a fuku on the way, but I think I had a good shot with that one.
Upvoted because I liked the part where you said "TITTIES!!"
Hit the star on the left if you think the fukubukuro bags are going to be wayy better than BOC's.
Zoinks! I'd sure like the Fukubukuro!
Aww, the happiest dog.
Thanks! He's a little spoiled!
Here's to hoping it's a giant pallet of stuff. I'll leave it in my apartment hallway to piss everyone off and claim I haven't been home the entire week to claim it.
I'm not sure which is worst
a) My dog woke me up in the middle of the night to take him outside for the sole purpose of eating grass.
b) I was tired/lazy and didn't want to stand outside while he ate grass so I picked a handful of the variety he was eating and brought it inside for him.
c) This is not the first time either of the above things have happened.
d) I'm posting this info here.
this should be our next poll
only if you keep 'worst', or change it to 'worser'
I'm not sure which is most worstful.
Keep it on the shelf as a mint original collector's edition box. Maybe you can get it autographed, too? You will be filthy rich in no time once this place goes from meh to hem.
I'm 12.. and what is this?
Alright then, that's a pretty hidden feature. At least in Chromium. meh.
Top right of the thread?
If you make a comment, the sort method reverts to date created rather than most votes. Please star this comment so that the devs see it.
Also, am I supposed to be able to star my own posts?
Only if you really like what you said.
We'll take a look at that behavior, thanks.
I beat @snapster by 33 votes. Wasn't even close. So now that I'm guilt free... can't wait to see what I get to keep in my fukubukuro bag (which hasn't arrived yet).
I think I should get it since I have no idea what it is.
30 minutes and 55 stars too late.
Like this comment if you want Meh to add Bag of Crap style deals!