I was just reading my profile (to check my meh button streak) and it says I have given myself likes I don’t recall doing this but it’s kind of funny the way they wrote it up. (i do dole out a lotta likes and sometimes just spam threads)
Wait until you find out that you can’t search for them in any kind of reasonable way. In order to undo the mistake. And yet, Meh knows where they are in order to count them.
@InnocuousFarmer@zinimusprime I was once looking on msdn forums for some obscure SQL Server or MS Project Server issue, and when I finally found an answer and went back to tag the response as helpful or give them points or whatever, found that I had made the post about a year earlier.
So sometimes the past version of myself was apparently smarter once or twice.
Usually that guy is a dumbass.
@zachdecker@zinimusprime That’s one of the best work feelings, realizing there’s a big hassle / problem you don’t have time to deal with and starting to work on it, then realizing six-months-ago you already planned for and took care of it.
@mbersiam@zachdecker I have several saved pages of my old SQL and it’s very good. I would hate to have to write it all from scratch. Some of it is things I would have needed a DBA for and could not get one…
@unksol@zachdecker I was very lucky. when I started in my role with writing SQL I hadn’t even heard of it nor knew what it meant. I had a couple very nice DBAs and other report writers and business analysts help me learn by fire how to write it and I picked it up really quickly. Which is good because I eventually had admin access to my state’s Medicaid database
I think the way they point it out on your profile is hilarious.
Maybe that’s cuz I’m one of the ones that intentionally likes most of their own posts. Same for my instagram posts (which I don’t do a ton of).
To get rid of them, use the filter tool when looking at your profile. Only select likes given and then scroll to find the recycling symbol. Those are likes you gave yourself.
´(人❛ᴗ❛)♪ тнайк чоц♪(❛ᴗ❛*人)
Hey that’s great/useful info! I never really took notice to the filter setting, i’m embarrassed to say i’ve opened new browser pages just to save a spicific conversation in a thread. Too much!! Lol
But, but … that other site works differently. When you click on your own Like icon it shows you who has given you likes. That is what got me the snarky comment on my Meh profile. I even pled for mercy and got no forgiveness. I decided to save my strength on the issue and hope people reading the profile would either understand (other site users) or think I’d only clicked once and that wasn’t too bad.
The most common way to accidentally do this is on your phone. When you go to check who has liked your posts, if you “short click” on it you will like the post. If you click and hold, it will show you a list of the people that have like it.
On a computer, when you point to the star it will pop-up a list of the likes, so it is not as likely you will do it by accident.
As already noted, you have 30 days to undo your self likes. Trying to find them after 30 days is not very practical.
@chienfou@macromeh but only if you realize you did it… You can’t undo something you didn’t know existed or was an option. Then when you are told you have no way to find it
Wait until you find out that you can’t search for them in any kind of reasonable way. In order to undo the mistake. And yet, Meh knows where they are in order to count them.
Just happened to me. So now I’m just gonna start liking a bunch of my own stuff, go big or go home.
@mike808 Someones always watching!! Always as in ALWAYS!!
I’ve caught myself before. “Heh heh, this guy gets it. … oh.”
@InnocuousFarmer I’m a QE and I do that all the time with protocols and reports for testing.
“Hey engineer so & so, you did a real good job writing this!”
“Oh, well, you actually wrote that part…”
“Damn I’m good.”
Artistic license in the retelling aside, it really happens…
@InnocuousFarmer @zinimusprime I was once looking on msdn forums for some obscure SQL Server or MS Project Server issue, and when I finally found an answer and went back to tag the response as helpful or give them points or whatever, found that I had made the post about a year earlier.
So sometimes the past version of myself was apparently smarter once or twice.
Usually that guy is a dumbass.
@zachdecker @zinimusprime That’s one of the best work feelings, realizing there’s a big hassle / problem you don’t have time to deal with and starting to work on it, then realizing six-months-ago you already planned for and took care of it.
@zachdecker i often have to rely on my old SQL to help me with current projexts. So glad I don’t have to re-write a lot of that stuff all the time
@mbersiam @zachdecker I have several saved pages of my old SQL and it’s very good. I would hate to have to write it all from scratch. Some of it is things I would have needed a DBA for and could not get one…
@unksol @zachdecker I was very lucky. when I started in my role with writing SQL I hadn’t even heard of it nor knew what it meant. I had a couple very nice DBAs and other report writers and business analysts help me learn by fire how to write it and I picked it up really quickly. Which is good because I eventually had admin access to my state’s Medicaid database
@mbersiam I can port an entire claim between databases if I want. And they are both phi safe
I think the way they point it out on your profile is hilarious.
Maybe that’s cuz I’m one of the ones that intentionally likes most of their own posts. Same for my instagram posts (which I don’t do a ton of).
Here are two of them:
@FreePasta bahahah you’re awesome!
To get rid of them, use the filter tool when looking at your profile. Only select likes given and then scroll to find the recycling symbol. Those are likes you gave yourself.
If it’s been more than 30 days, so sorry.
Except Meh knows them because it counts them.
@mike808 @RiotDemon this still minorly annoys me.

´(人❛ᴗ❛)♪ тнайк чоц♪(❛ᴗ❛*人)
Hey that’s great/useful info! I never really took notice to the filter setting, i’m embarrassed to say i’ve opened new browser pages just to save a spicific conversation in a thread. Too much!! Lol
People have been banned from Meh for less.
@Felton10 Really???
@Felton10 @Kyeh @mbrsiam
So give yourself at least 4 self-likes and you’re still a lifer.
@Kyeh Not really, but everyone thinks a lot less of you.
If they go to the trouble to check…
@Felton10 @Kyeh
Yeah right, that’s a even bigger EWW!
But, but … that other site works differently. When you click on your own Like icon it shows you who has given you likes. That is what got me the snarky comment on my Meh profile. I even pled for mercy and got no forgiveness. I decided to save my strength on the issue and hope people reading the profile would either understand (other site users) or think I’d only clicked once and that wasn’t too bad.
The most common way to accidentally do this is on your phone. When you go to check who has liked your posts, if you “short click” on it you will like the post. If you click and hold, it will show you a list of the people that have like it.
On a computer, when you point to the star it will pop-up a list of the likes, so it is not as likely you will do it by accident.
As already noted, you have 30 days to undo your self likes. Trying to find them after 30 days is not very practical.
@chienfou True but, unlike some other salacious sites, on meh a second click will undo your self gratification.
@chienfou @macromeh but only if you realize you did it… You can’t undo something you didn’t know existed or was an option. Then when you are told you have no way to find it
@chienfou @unksol If you are self-gratifying without even realizing you did it, you may need more therapy than is available on this forum.
@chienfou @macromeh accidents happen :p it never occurred to me liking your self was an option so I’m still not sure how it happened
Is the “ew” really necessary though?