I dream of Meh
11If you check the new item on Meh every night before bed, it’s bound to happen sooner or later. Last night, I dreamt Meh put up a Fuku but only people who hadn’t ordered the Fuko were eligible. (My dream self forgot about the “mystery Fuku” so I can’t tell you the rule there.) And the Fukus were going to be especially lucky to make the Fukos that much more unlucky.
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/giphy keep dreaming

/giphy make it so

and i dream of Genie.
@carl669 I was too lazy/busy to Photoshop Irk’s head on Genie. (And something I hope I never dream about.)
Honestly, it took longer than I thought for someone to make this statement.
I dreamt I was being persecuted on Meh for my opinions. Then I woke up and saw that it was reality.
I dreamt that @Dizavid recognized the error of his ways, realized that the reactions he receives are a result of how he presents his opinions, not his opinions themselves, and became a valuable and contributing member of the meh.com forum. Then I woke up and saw that it was only a pipe dream.
@jbartus I’m going to shitpost like you’ve never seen before as soon as I build up the motivation.
@jbartus this is the opposite of ignoring them.
Last night I dreamt I worked for meh. I don’t remember much of it now. Took place in a break room with tables and chairs. Also a computer connected to a big tv. Maybe pinball games too. About 10 people in there. Hollboll was working on the computer but wasn’t logged in as herself. It was projecting to the tv and something secret showed up. She freaked out trying to get the sensitive info off the screen and ended up losing her work trying to minimize stuff. Moose was complaining that the pot lights were too hot and bright. Enter snapster who told everyone to sit on the floor for some reason. Again, their were lots of chairs in there… he then starts taking about competition and stocks and then I don’t really remember. Maybe I fell asleep at that point in my dream. Weird stuff. Get out of my head.
Sounds about right.
/giphy Get out of my head