Hurr Durr I am Hooman
30So the wonderful and adorable @halfling set the bar REALLY REALLY high on introductions, but my name is Nommynoms and I started a week after her! Copying is the highest form of flattery right? Right? (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Anyways, I’ve gotten to help some of you as a CSR, but hopefully I can get more involved in the community. Thanks for having me!
#artbonding #noticemesenpai #deskneighbors #right?
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You can’t double dip like this @halfling.
You already got your updoots.
@Cythwulf @nommynoms
this is not the cs team member you’re looking for…
@nommynoms - Looks like a lot of hard work to me!
@Cythwulf @nommynoms
@aetris @nommynoms Two of my favorite robots!
I like the pen. Can you get Meh to sell them sometime? I have a coupon.
@sammydog01 or maybe send them to VMP’s. I think they mention random gifts as a benefit, but I have never seen anything.
I got three in my IRK bag! … Want one?
@nommynoms YES! But I would rather you keep them to use for those awesome drawings.
@tinamarie1974 because their definition of random now is apparently never.
/giphy truth
Hiya @nommynoms! Glad you came out to play. Be careful on the far side of the playground, the big kids are kind of pushy.
Welcome to the team!
Do you like orange? I like orange. I also like purple. How do you feel about purple?
@RiotDemon And snickerdoodles? How do you feel about snickerdoodles?
@RiotDemon @sammydog01
@RiotDemon @sammydog01
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 I feel very strongly
@nommynoms weird is okay!
Have you ever been arrested?
@nommynoms Hmm, we’ll just put that down as a “yes” then.
Follow-up question: What’s your opinion of so-called “morals” crimes?
@nommynoms @therealjrn
@LeviOhPlz @nommynoms Jobs for ex-cons don’t come easy, right?
I know someone who doodles a lot at work…they don’t get much else done, though.
I hope you brought those post-its and pens from home. Lest you be stealing time and supplies!
@nommynoms. Hi! Pro dog or cat? And do they sleep with you?
@tinamarie1974 The ink didn’t want to dry today. The birb doesn’t sleep with me, but the ladies do! Artemis likes to spread out though so she usually moves to the floor.
@nommynoms aawww so cute.
So …
What qualities do you possess so that we should have cause to revere you?
What qualities do you possess that would cause us to heap good-natured abuse upon you?
/giphy reverence
@f00l Nope. Straight-up garbage.
@f00l If you look at my keyboard you can see the pink reflection of today’s deal!
Cringe levels just dropped 100%, you are HIRED my friend.
/youtube nom nom nom
@aetris I LOVE THIS GIF!
I want to share it, but it’s so tiny.
Tried to find a bigger version and couldn’t.
Anyone know if there is one?
@DennisG2014 - All I can say is good luck, but here’s some more Hurr-Durr for you:
@aetris lol Adorable.
I wonder though, if that kitty is just being silly or if it has some kind of neurological disorder.
I almost adopted a wobbly cat, she was very sweet, but I was holding out for two litter mates.
@DennisG2014 - Cats - mentally ill, or just a snarky sense of humor?
Do @nommynoms and @halfling communicate via post it drawings only?
And can we have a fresh drawing each day from both @halfling and @nommynoms?
Again, these drawings are purest charm.
@cinoclav How lucky is it to have two talented artists in the office like that? @nommynoms & @halfling
Kinda wish I had a customer service issue so I could get a cute drawing…
@cinoclav I think so, I haven’t ever seen them speak to anyone yet.
@cinoclav @Targaryen
@cinoclav @nommynoms @Targaryen
@cinoclav Yes.
hi @nommynoms! is cereal a soup? it’s a very important question and future generations may depend on the answer.
Breakfast soup is best soup. I don’t care what google says.
@nommynoms you have been accepted into the cereal soup militia. your welcome packet of froot loops will be sent at some point in the near distant future. congratulations!
+1000 points for the Rejected reference.
Is salsa a fruit based salad?
Hi, I mostly hang out on the far side of the playground here, but I promise I am reformed. I would just like to say you are super anime hot on that first postie! Is that weird? Nevermind, I already know the answer to that
Hi @nommynoms! Loved the cartooning format. Welcome and thanks for the fun!
How does Meh have so many fun and talented hoomans?