I’ve technically never applied any makeup myself, depending upon the definition of “makeup” (see @Salanth and @tweezak ‘s insights above) but I have had some applied to me when I’m going to be under the hotter lights and more a focal point of the audience or cameras. I do more engineering than front side stuff now so it’s not been a concern for a while.
I’m also very much in solidarity with my uncle in mocking any church that wants its on stage people to wear guyliner or really much of anything “to make the IMAG look better.” It’s not what we’re here for. The camera, scaler, switcher, and potentially several other systems have color management capabilities to manipulate things if we care that much, but makeup is a sign that we’ve stopped focusing on anything useful.
I wish the current trend for super heavy makeup would go away - I’m tired of everyone having the same plaster mannekin imitation Kardashian faces! Also the long stupid-looking fake talons everyone seems to be wearing. Well, nobody I know in real life, but still.
Not that often.
SERIOUSLY?? Hey man, I’m a DUDE!!
/giphy Manly Man

@IndifferentDude yep I agree, I am not on TV So why!
@IndifferentDude You aren’t actually Conan?
/showme how naturally beautiful @indifferentDude is
@mediocrebot Hey Bot! That’s pretty darn accurate! Great job!!
@IndifferentDude @mediocrebot Pix or we make assumptions. Actually, we’ll make assumptions anyway.
On me, or on my dolls?
Once in a while, when I have time and a reason to do it.
I’ve never found that “makeup sex” everyone talks about…
@phendrick It’s as mythical as six inches.
@phendrick @werehatrack are we required to shrink to six inches?
@haydesigner @phendrick @werehatrack
I take it you have a Pinocchio prick?
Well, @Kidsandliz, there are grow’ers, and there are show’ers.
Doubles as sunblock.
If you consider beard balm to be makeup then pretty much every day.
I’ve technically never applied any makeup myself, depending upon the definition of “makeup” (see @Salanth and @tweezak ‘s insights above) but I have had some applied to me when I’m going to be under the hotter lights and more a focal point of the audience or cameras. I do more engineering than front side stuff now so it’s not been a concern for a while.
I’m also very much in solidarity with my uncle in mocking any church that wants its on stage people to wear guyliner or really much of anything “to make the IMAG look better.” It’s not what we’re here for. The camera, scaler, switcher, and potentially several other systems have color management capabilities to manipulate things if we care that much, but makeup is a sign that we’ve stopped focusing on anything useful.
Every comedian knows that an essential part of an entertaining “put on” are things that you “make up”.
I wish the current trend for super heavy makeup would go away - I’m tired of everyone having the same plaster mannekin imitation Kardashian faces! Also the long stupid-looking fake talons everyone seems to be wearing. Well, nobody I know in real life, but still.
Plus Botox and other “work”.
It’s like, there are “Hollywood plastic people”, and normal, real people.
I look like the latter.
@Kyeh I see lots of the acrylic nails over an inch long down here, though oddly enough not at the place where I have mine done.
You have inch long acrylic nails done?
@Kyeh Nope. Much saner length, well short of that. If I had inch-long nails, then I’d have seen mine at the place where mine are done.
@Kyeh Yes! To those, add the ridiculously long, clearly fake eyelashes.
What year is it?
@katbyter [checks sundial] 1287. Maybe.
It depends, do we count taking a tube of lipstick and drawing a smiley face on my belly as putting on makeup?
If so, daily.
@OnionSoup May you do all of your laundry yourself.
@werehatrack not a problem if I go around topless.
I’ve always heard that makeup sex is the best, but it seems like it would make a mess of the bedsheets.