How much is too much for movie tickets?
1What's the most you will pay to see a movie in a theater? I usually pay $8 at the local movie theater or drive-in. To see Jurassic World our friends want to see it in IMAX 3-d at $16.50 plus $2 glasses. Seems too much for me with the wife and popcorn it will top $50 easy. Conversely they have it at the drive-in with Ted 2 for $8. What's you're guy's/gal's limit?
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I'd pay $16.50 + $2 to not see Ted 2.
@Moose My address and billing info are on my account. You can feel free to pay me and not watch it.
@Moose How much would I need to pay you to make you watch it in back to back showings?
@MrMark At 1 hour 48 minutes, I reckon $25 per viewing is worth it, and that includes a writeup or video review/blog after each viewing.
You still have Drive-ins??????? I miss those. There are very few left.
@mfladd Yea, i consider myself lucky. I have one 5 minues from work. it's in rough shape but was just purchased by a surgen who want's to fix it up.
The only movies worth seeing in a theater these days are the Found Footage Fest collections, which are $13 around here but include live entertainment. The last mainstream new release I saw in a theater that I liked was either Chicken Run or Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. The last movie I saw was that Batman thing and Heath Ledger (RIP) was amazing but the rest of it was godawful.
I may be an outlier here. Just putting that out there. Maybe.
@editorkid Has there been nothing you've seen recently and thought, "man, that would've been awesome on the big screen!"? I know I'm glad I saw Interstellar in Imax.
@jqubed Actually, I think cinematographers and directors are starting to compose for Netflix. But I despise comic book movies and generic romcoms and blockbusters in general and remakes. You actually mention the one exception -- I would have loved to see Interstellar at Imax, but the timing of my health issues screwed that up. Other than that, no, to me, they're just movies, and my 32" screen is good enough for the few things Hollywood convinces me might be worth seeing. It sucks that I grew up in the days of Harold and Maude and Amadeus and 2001 and After Hours and the King of Comedy, but it feels like the only source of that level of quirk has been Sasha Baron Cohen, and he just overdid it pretty quickly. (But like I say, I know I'm an outlier.)
@editorkid I have to agree with you, I don't typically like the movie theater experience anyway, and on top of that movies just are not worth >$10 for a single viewing these days. I miss living within walking distance of the AFI Silver theatre... Good independent films, awesome revivals, silents with live accompaniment. I think everything I ever saw there was worth whatever I paid for it.
@brhfl I even have a feeling there's still a lot of stuff I'd like, but it isn't passing into my radar. The other regular thing I try to catch is Oscar-nominated animated shorts collection, for example, but it's something I somehow consistently miss. And the marketing for all the stuff I don't like makes it really tough to be enthusiastic about trying to look for stuff I might like. The Drafthouses that @JonT and other folks like sound promising, but the nearest ones are still in neighboring states.
I saw Avengers: Age of Ultron, Mad Max, and Jurassic World at the Alamo Drafthouse after hearing about and wanting to see a movie at the Drafthouse forever (and managing to not go even after being in Texas for a year) and I never want to go back to 'regular' theaters again.
Between being able to order drinks from the full bar and really delicious food from the kitchen, special movie-themed menus, super curated pre-show with related clips from weird B movies, no children allowed, and the very real threat of being kicked out for talking or texting:
It's the only place I want to see a movie now.
So ultimately my answer is "whatever price the Alamo Drafthouse charges for tickets".
If you have a Drafthouse near you, go! Especially if you love movies. Just be ready for all other theaters to be ruined forever.
@JonT Yup! I actually go out of state to hit the Drafthouse, because I just don't hate it which is pretty unique for me and movie theatres. The one I go to is actually cheaper than our local Regal or whatever the hell it is, aside from being nicer in every other way possible. Get there a little early, hit the bar, then enjoy another drink and a really decent meal with your movie… it's amazing. I did witness a pretty spectacular argument once as some people were getting kicked out, that was enjoyable too.
@JonT I so love their attitude--and actual enforcement--against rude moviegoers. Unfortunately, they can't protect me from the glutens, so we still haven't been yet. I'm pretty sure the popcorn isn't even safe. :-( But I'm thinking of making the case for Drafthouse when we just want to get silly drunk (for, yaknow, a mediocre comedy).
@joelmw I believe they're in the process of making some menu changes… I sure don't remember enough details to know if gluten was a concern or not, but it may be worth re-examining the menu in the near future just to be sure.
@brhfl Good to know. Thanks. I like them so much I check back periodically anyway. :-)
@joelmw I must be tired.. I read that as glut-tens, misspelling gluttons in my mind... makes more sense as glutens... :)
@mikibell Oh, they definitely cater to gluttons, if need be! ;)
@JonT I read it on reddit that someone went to see Inside Out and drove quite far to go to the Alamo Drafthouse because they hate seeing movies with kids. The theater was full of kids. The manager said there were too many mothers complaining so they let them in.
@JonT That said, that video is fucking HILARIOUS.
@HELLOALICE that makes a lot of sense tbh, it's a kids movie after all. If I saw that I would expect kids, but being able to see PG13 or R movies with no kids is glorious.
@JonT We saw Dope this last weekend (great movie, btw, and unique, IMO; highly recommended). Somebody brought an infant, who made noise three or four times (once, continuously for about two minutes), but was actually well-behaved and not so loud. Those parents should be shot.
@brhfl It looks like they have gluten-free buns and pizza crust. That doesn't mean it's safe, but it's a good sign. I've reached out for confirmation. Maybe I'll see you there sometime, @JonT. We almost ended up there once for a special Princess Bride showing, but it sold out too quickly.
$10 max. Any more and I expect some sort of premium service like wine buckets or love seats.
I wouldn't pay more than $10. I might have to switch to those $2-theaters sometime soon, especially since I'm starting to feel guilty about pretending to be a student.
We're old. We get the senior discount. And we hit the first movie of the day when the movie has been out for a couple of weeks (it gets cheaper).
Earlier this year I bought ten tickets via the AARP website that cost $8.50 each. There may be a surcharge for special stuff like 3D, but it's only a couple of bucks. This if the movie we want to see isn't on the cheap menu.
So, I can't see where we'd have to pay more than $12 for any movie.
@lisaviolet I keep forgetting I have an AARP card now. Or maybe I just can't bring myself to use it yet.
@mfladd we're rocking that senior discount. Not using it doesn't make ya any younger.
@lisaviolet you're right..time for me to start rocking my not-so elderly rights. Tomorrow, I am going into Dunkin Donuts and getting that free donut with my coffee! (and better ticket deals)
@lisaviolet @mfladd Sad to say my Wife got me the senior discount 3 years ago... I wasn't even 30 then... Men in my family start to go grey early in life...
@sohmageek @lisaviolet @mfladd My husband is not quite 50, he is quite a bit older than I am and he is graying a bit too .. On Saturday, we went to the local taco bell where they have this obnoxious order taker at the register. He asked my husband how old he was -- I couldn't leave it alone, I asked WHY are you asking him his age? The guy said, I thought he was eligible for our senior citizen discount. Hubby was soooo embarrassed. Next day was Father's Day, our kids are on vaca with Grandparents. My husband REFUSED to go to breakfast anywhere new, because he didn't want anyone to think he was MY dad on Father's day. I have not laughed this hard in quite a while!!!!!!!
@mikibell when I received my AARP card it also now comes with a spouse card regardless of their age. She is 9 years younger than me but she was the first one to use it at Dunkin Donuts for the free donut.
@mikibell When I was 21, I bought the beer for an outing to a drive-in (my friends were underage). I got into the movie for being under 14. Funny how that works.
@mfladd Awesome.. another benefit for having an OLD(er) husband! ;)
@lisaviolet Sadly, I was never carded until I was in my 30s. Perhaps because I rarely drink alcohol, by association to my husband, I do look younger :) Not sure why ...
@mikibell you (almost)offended me there :-)
@mikibell my wife has boycotted one of the local restaurants. When we first started dating we went there and the waitress said it was so nice of me to take my mom out for dinner... She's only 7 years older than me. And she acts 5 years younger than me...
@sohmageek See, I would have kicked the waitress ;) But, I can see why she would boycott the restaurant!!
@mfladd There is a similar age difference between my husband and me too.. He has had to deal with "old" jokes for near on 25 years!! Sorry, I forget it might insult someone else :)
@mikibell Not insulted at all. I like you put the (er) in it. That's was I responded with (almost). I have been lucky that I have always looked far youger - I hated it when I was younger (I was always carded for everthing). Don't ever think I take what you post personally. You're sweet :)
I recently discovered a deal for dealflicks at groupon:
Used coupon code LOCAL20 on groupon to save 20% off of that. Combine with the savings that dealflicks already has (Movie ticket + Medium Popcorn for under $10), and the savings add up.
Also RFRH8X7XGZ on dealflicks for 20% off your first order for more savings.
$2 for the glasses? I wish they would give me a discount on the movies. I purchased my own CLIP-on glasses years ago that fit on my RX glasses.
@sohmageek Do you have a link? I might enjoy 3D movies with something like that!!
@kadagan is about what I got... it makes 3d movies much more enjoyable with RX glasses
Given the markup on concessions, I'm not willing to pay one red cent for admission.
@nadroj so not a red cent. But how many copper (well zinc alloy) cents are you willing to pay if you go with drink and snacks in your purse/on your person and they allow it?
@sohmageek that would depend on the feature, the venue, and the company. I could see paying up to $10, maybe $20, for a movie that really interests me, in a clean and comfortable location with good image & sound, and fellow patrons who are well behaved. Perhaps that's asking too much, so it's probably best for all concerned that the 1-5 movies I watch in a typical year, I watch in the comfort of my own home.
Get three people together, wait four months, buy the Blu-Ray, save a fortune on candy, popcorn and drinks. Problem solved!
@PocketBrain Or get streaming video in HD, pay about half the cost of Blu-ray, and watch it while it is still in theaters. And you can pause it for potty breaks. (I'm old, so that last bit is important!)
@rockblossom Is this a legal service?
@MrMark Of course! Amazon video, Hulu Plus, Vudu, and a number of other services offer movie streaming while movies are still playing in theaters. Some are not available until the movies have left first-run theaters, but still ahead of Blu-ray and DVD releases.
@rockblossom sure, but the blu-ray is indefinitely replayable, even when the streaming service's contract with the movie distributor is being renegotiated. I hate it when they are being pissy and I lose a big block of movies or tv shows I used to be able to watch.
We love seeing our highly anticipated movies in IMAX 3D. Other movies it's the cheap matinees for $7.50.
@kc5rbq Mad Max on IMAX?
For the last few years it has been $6-$6.50 per adult for a Saturday or Sunday matinee (shows starting before 12:00 PM). Several of the local theaters have this pricing for films released the night before. Also tends to be quieter and somewhat less crowded (especially after the first weekend). Head out for a nice lunch after a 9:30 or 10 AM show and the whole thing is under $20/person.
20 bucks
Depending on where you live you may be able to catch some for free and early. A guy at work hooked me up with this about 2 years ago Its pre-screeners for press and guests but they will give them away if they dont fill the theater, you just have to be quick and sign up for them.
@sthiede1 We did this for a little over a year. There is one group of folks who've been doing this for years and years and a couple of them show up really early. And then all of their other friends/buddies start showing up. At one showing, we were in line two hours before show start, there were maybe fifty people in front of us. We didn't get into the movie when they started letting people in because of all of the line cutters. We had fun while we were doing it, but getting crappy seats (or no seats) after standing around for two hours got old.
It was a lot better when the old company handed out "raffle" type tickets, the kind with numbers, that you picked up when you arrived. Your place in line was based on those numbers. Latecomers got the seats they should have gotten. The crappy ones.
@sthiede1 I have been to a couple of those, mostly in college. My favorite was a screener for Beerfest. You were supposed to email them ahead of time and receive a confirmation email. I emailed them the day of, heard nothing, and went down there anyway. As my wife and I were standing in line, we noticed that everyone else has printouts of their confirmation email. I asked some people around us about how they got them and when I got to the front of the line, I told the person that I had forgotten to print mine out. They looked for our name on a list, and it wasn't there. Since I could tell them all of the steps that I didn't really take, they just let us in. It was great. It was actually at a music venue, so there was plenty of room. They had drinking games before the show, with flippy cup, chugging while hulu hooping, and chugging from a baby bottle. They even brought 2 guys up on stage to play beer pong against 2 of the actors.
@bruceoite They do 2-3 a month in Columbus I end up skipping as many as I end up going to. Or give them to workmates free movies are free movies.
@lisaviolet Ditto. I tried doing this a few times and could never get seats regardless of how early I arrived. Finally said screw it.
@sthiede1 That site is not intuitive. I can't tell if I've gotten tickets or if I've entered a contest to possibly win some tickets. I'm guessing it's the latter. I'm not wasting 2 minutes on a site where I have 500:1 odds of getting a ticket to a movie in a theater that'll cost me more in gas and tolls than the value of a single ticket is.
@JerseyFrank Here, if it's a contest, it's not actual tickets, you are not assured entry. You're assured a place in line. And if there are ten people ahead of you with fifty billion friends who show up five minutes before they open the doors, you're SOL to see the movie.
I'm pretty sure movie theaters here are $15 per ticket for the plain, first-run, not-3D version. I wouldn't know because I pretty much stopped going to the theater 10 years ago.
@JerseyFrank Curiousity got me... Fandango says they are $11
We only catch movies in the theater 2 or 3 times a year. Most of the time, it is to see something at the true IMAX at Navy Pier. That is where I saw the Batman movies, first 2 Hobbits, Interstellar, Tron 2, and some others that I am forgetting. I am willing to pay $15 per ticket since it is such an experience in IMAX and the fact that we reserve our seats in advance. No worrying about getting stuck in the front.
We just tried out a different theater for Avengers 2 that was just remodeled. They put in full leather recliners. There were only 5 rows in the theater we were in because the seats are so big. It was really nice to have my feet up and back reclined. The only downside was that the arm isn't movable so my wife was like 3 feet away. They also serve good beer and wine, so it is worth the $15 ticket. Oh, they also reserve seats as well.
We catch our favorite theater's Tuesday special - all movies, all day, matinee prices. Runs $6-$8/ea depending. Or the drive in, which is $8/ea but covers 2 films.
$5 for matinees here in STL ($5.18 for the theater with the reclining seats).
Visa - if you have a "Signature" card (such as the Chase Amazon Rewards one) - are offering a 2 for 1 on Friday visits to cinemas via Fandango. So I paid $10.50 for two to see Jurassic World on opening night. Wouldn't want to pay much more than that.
@armchair I was just reading about this yesterday but it sounded more like buy 2 get 1 free, and I don't need three at once. Guess I'll have to re-read that. Edit: You are correct.
@darksaber99999 However, it says I'm not eligible. Are there different Amazon rewards cards? I thought there was only one.
@darksaber99999 I don't think the Amazon Rewards card is a Visa Signature card. It would most likely say 'Visa Signature' if it's the correct type.

@cinoclav @darksaber99999 I have an Amazon Rewards Chase card that says 'Visa Signature' on it, and works for this offer.
@armchair Maybe some do, some don't? I dunno...
@armchair Mine doesn't : ( Thanks for clearing that up though.
@cinoclav @darksaber99999 I'm sure a bunch don't. Maybe it was a more recent change? I only got mine in January. Maybe if you haven't been chipped yet, you'll get one.
@armchair Mine is a couple years old; that's probably why. It didn't change when I got the chip.
3D sucks. I would pay more for non-3D if I had to.
My gf and I both have access to the Regal/UA vouchers through work. I have to order mine but she can buy them at work. They just changed hers to $8.50 but it gives you the gold voucher that has no limitations. We typically go to a Regal theater that has the new recliners so they tack a $1.50 surcharge on, making regular movies $10. I took advantage of the Visa Signature/Fandango offer last Friday to see Jurassic World at the IMAX in King of Prussia, PA (yep, that's a place). Total was $22 for two tix. Worth every damn penny. I believe that particular screen is 52'x74'. If anyone is in/near/visiting Philly, be sure to go see something at the Tuttleman IMAX at the Franklin Institute. It's an experience like no other. Dome style screen that surrounds you and truly draws you into the movie.

"The Tuttleman IMAX Theater is an IMAX dome theater that is 180° encompassing and tilted at 30 degrees. The seating places the audience up in the dome which is over 70 feet (21 m) across and 4.5 stories tall. In addition, the theater has 20,000 watts of amplifier power and over 50 speakers."
@cinoclav I love Omnimax (aka IMAX Dome) theaters. My home theater projector has a 120" picture, so I see basically no reason to go to a movie theater (and many reasons not to). However, I sometimes still go to an Omnimax theater, as it's an experience that I just can't duplicate at home.
Pretty sure our movies are always about $14.... darn you California.
One of our movie theaters is 3.75 on any night other than Tuesday. Tuesdays are $2.
Bought tickets on Groupon this week for $6.50 each.