How many of us Kickstarters are left after 9 years?
25So how many of us Kickstarters are left after 9 years? How many sent items into Mediocre to help decorate the offices and got the $20 gift card?
I was in the kickstarter but couldn’t find anything to send in.
We’ve been here for deal a day, shirts, wine and even pasta.
What’s next?
- 65 comments, 56 replies
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I’m still here, but I managed to trick them into hiring me, so…
@Thumperchick how did you do that? They didn’t hire me but I I also dont live in Texas
@Thumperchick I’ve tricked them into not hiring me
@haydesigner probably the smarter move.
Still here. Still crazy after all these years.
Here. Sent the decor.
I am lab rat #308, Meh K #127 and Casemates K #495. No tattoo, considered every time except the first but talked myself out of it. I may or may not have regrets.
@speediedelivery I still think the decor was a really cool idea for how you get your fans involved in your site
@speediedelivery I’ll bite; how do you find your number?
@speediedelivery @stinks
My number is stored away somewhere and an email from probably in 2013 or similar
@speediedelivery @stinks Find your Mediocre Labs email from 2013. Search your email for Seligman
Not a Kickstarter I was here right after. Although I am a lab rat and I do have a case mates k. But I’m still here even though I know there’s an earth coming tomorrow I don’t know what I’m going to do about it. And half of me is ready to give up the VMP thing but I really don’t want to so I think I’m stuck with it
@Cerridwyn that was me too… The place was already a few months old when I found it. I would have gladly joined the kickstarter had I known about it.
@Cerridwyn I was a long time woot’er but somehow missed out on the new adventure after it was sold off. I would have definitely joined the kickstarter if I knew about it.
@Cerridwyn @scilynt created an account less than a week after meh opened. Was on the site 2 or 3 times prior to that. Found it totally by accident though.
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz I’m curious how everyone knew… I don’t remember how I finally learned about meh but likely from some random comment on the woot forums lol.
@scilynt snapster would hang out on Deals.Woot quite a bit and so he had quite a few followers there even after he left. One day someone announced that he was starting a new venture, so what else was there to do but follow him? was created maybe about a year before the Kickstarter was announced, or at least they opened it up to us followers then. We just hung out there talking and speculating what was going to happen and maybe even IF it was ever going to happen.
@Cerridwyn @scilynt I was looking through kickstarter looking for a startup to use in a business class I was teaching and found meh that way. I had been unaware he had started woot, although I didn’t know much about that other than having bought a couple of things from there, but I found the history interesting and thought the class would too. So I went to the forum and hung out and then signed on initially for class purposes and then stayed because I enjoyed it here.
@Barney @scilynt I was following Snapstreak on Twitter when I found out about the new venture and signed up immediately.
@scilynt I think I found out about meh through Slickdeals. When I found out it was the “new woot” without Amazon shenanigans going on I immediately became a regular. I had been using woot for years before that.
I was on Woot for a long time, not sure how I found out about Meh – been here 7 years. I was still on Woot for a while after that, but only Shirt.Woot. Only left entirely because they forcibly removed my subscription to the shirt emails and replaced it with the general daily junk.
@OnionSoup hmm, that could also be how I eventually learned as well, now that your mention it. I assumed it was seeing some mention on woot forums but I didn’t spend a lot of time in there and even less after the Amazon takeover. But I did spend a ton of time on slickdeals so maybe a random deal posted there, or a comment, tipped me off lol.
I don’t think I used Twitter much back then so doubt it was seeing a snapster tweet, otherwise I likely would have known much sooner.
@OnionSoup @scilynt
I found woot from Slickdeals.
Was late to the party.
And this is kind of weird given that I may well have bought techie stuff from @snapster, in the dark early one Saturday morning or other, under highway 75 in the old days
Did you ever go shopping at First Saturday’s?
How about others from DFW? Did any of you ever have the flashlight habit there?
@Cerridwyn @Kidsandliz @scilynt @f00l I don’t know how much is appropriate to say about other people’s lives. I never know. But my wife was working as a nanny for one of the e-suites (a great guy, the mediocre exec whereof I speak). He told her that he was working with Snapster on a new thing called mediocre. I checked it out. The community seemed very “in crowd” in a way that I admire but didn’t feel comfortable wedging into. So I very much stayed at a distance, didn’t even check in very much and I don’t recall that I ever commented in those early days (though I had created an account). I’d bought a thing or two from Woot!, but didn’t know it well and hadn’t been part of that crowd.
But I was tuned in enough to know about the Kickstarter and really liked the vibe, so I bought in (and have been a VMP continually from way back; no, I don’t have all my stats and I’m not gonna fucking look it up ). Even from launch, it all felt a little cliquey, so many ex-wooters who all seemed to know each other and had the inside jokes and shit. Again, not hating, but I’m accustomed to being an outsider and being told about it even. I admit to having baggage. But eventually I weaseled my way in, feeling a lot like the freaky kid for a long time (fuck, still, if I’m honest), never quite knowing if I’d modulated my voice right and whatnot. I’m prone to enthusiasms and, if given the chance, rants of every sort (both happy and un). Eventually I found my peeps here. I’ve still never felt part of the beautiful people, but I love my meh nerds.
Fun fact: I’ve been to a child’s birthday party where Snapster was in attendance, and otherwise seen him in the wild. He seems a likable fellow irl. I think he and our original contact are a lot of why I like this place. I’m not much a fan of capitalist bullshit. Which is quite ironic, because I am quite the consumer and this place is all capitalist bullshit, but in a sufficiently self-deprecating way I can appreciate.
@f00l @OnionSoup @scilynt @snapster I have indeed been to several First Saturdays. Had no idea Snapster hung out there. That (specifically, my attendance, ca 2008-2009) was during my lonely widowhood. Talk about an odd collection of mostly useless, often sketchy shit. You ever been to one of those places that sells fire damaged shit? Or a garage sale that looks like someone jacked a semi full of random, for some reason mostly used or low-rent electronics? That was very much First Saturday. And a lot of folks clearly for whatever reason on the fringes. And I bought some of it. I’m hindsight, probably what primed me for meh. I work downtown and in those days what better was I doing with my time than staying late on a Friday.
Wish I’d met you irl, @f00l. If you’re ever in the neighborhood, we should grab coffee.
@joelmw @OnionSoup @scilynt @snapster
@snapster used to be a vendor.
He would pick up remainder items and off lease items and stuff like that and sell it under Hwy 75 at First Saturday
I was there during the early 90s
After that, either friends to source stuff for me, or we got it from Amazon or we went to Fry’s
I was there in the old old days before I had ever used a non-lynx browser
So that puts me before 1995 by a good bit
@joelmw @OnionSoup @scilynt @snapster
I’m on the Big D side of things at least a few times a month.
maybe consider a run at being GOAT. The dead goat will trump your poop icon at that point.
Yup. Still here because I’m easily entertained.
/image cat raising a paw
/giphy dozens of us
Created an account on longishly before kickstarted and Meh launch
I have one of those not-very-high original membership #’s somewhere.
But I hate reading email and I avoided email and didn’t see the kick starter notification which I think was done by email
So I’m not a Kickstarter
/giphy clueless
Anyone wanna go spelunking back thru the abandoned caverns of old forum history?
/image fly, you fools 2
It’s still there for those who follow the signs to the forum lairs …
/giphy lair
Way wrong image for “lair” and no time left to edit.
{VMod edit: Refreshed the Giphy.}
Thanks, MOD!
@f00l okay I’m curious.
/giphy lair
@f00l @stinks
evidently giphy can’t tell lair from liar which would seem to be the point of that gif!
Present. Also did Seligman. Also too tired to recover any account sequence numbers or dates. I see that logging into now forwards to Meh… been a while.
Also still VMP for reasons unknown…
I sent in a poster of the Timeless Art of Seduction, featuring George Constanza for their office. I still have the socks they sent out as well.
@Macoland I have my socks as well.
@Fodder650 @Macoland Me, too.
@Macoland those meh socks were really nice socks. I don’t know what happened to mine though. They were for a while my favourite socks.
@Macoland I still have my socks. They’re amazing. And bordering on transparent in places because of how much I’ve worn them.
What, when, where am I?
Still here. Still VMP. Lab Rat #72, K #15. Click streak of 3,246. Missed one or two due to having a child born right after this site was launched … love the kid, but he kept me from perfection!
I sent in a moon pie tin sign and a coke tin sign. They were hanging at one time in HQ so that was nice.
Still kicking. Mostly lurking lately. Rat #266. Couldn’t find my kickstarter numbers.
I’m here currently lurking in the background.
Can I be an honorary kickstarter? I was moderately active at Woot (and was there from the very first Woot - a roomba style lawnmower, IIRC)…
I just happened to doze through the Meh kickstarter days, and now I forever have to live with my folly…
Maybe if you keep yourself in the refrigerator
Actually, I think the first Woot, which I think was in 2004 was a really fancy cool MP3 player which I lost it after and didn’t realize it was selling
I didn’t discover work for at least five years after that I think
What does MP3 player was back in the days of hard drive MP3 players?
And this one incorporated, a flash drive where you could put a little music or a hard drive or you could put a lot of music
So you could either have something really lightweight or you could have something with your music library on it
Depending on the size of your music library
I forgotten the brand because bigger brands sort of eight the business app, and then along came the iPhone
But that original woot if I’m correct, was a wonderful thing and I wish I’d gotten one
I think the company cooperated with Woot for a splashy product launched on that way
But I may have it all wrong. Maybe that device was offered later
@f00l Believe it or not, it was the robot lawn mower (though the mp3 player sounds cool too!)… first item that Woot,consumer electronics and other categories.
@f00l @shahnm
Geez … I’m jealous.
@f00l @Kyeh I still remember the discussion thread on Fatwallet (RIP…). The price was ridiculously cheap, and $5 shipping?? Was it a legit crazy good deal or was it a scam?!?
Well, after years of Woot, and even more years of Meh, the answer has certainly become clear. It was a scam…
@f00l @shahnm I’d pay good money to have a push lawnmower with a C-3PO clone walking behind it.
@f00l @phendrick What kinda dollars you talkin’? I know a guy…
I am still here. Kickstarter from June 2014.
Where else would I be?
I’m here. I tried to leave, but the door was fucking locked.
I’m still here… Somehow. I don’t buy very much, though. Or participate. I do still use the 4K monitor I got in a fuckubuckaroo though!
@fuzzmanmatt Oooh the AOC 28" 4K FreeSync from Myriad of Monitors? I wish mine had VESA but otherwise one of the better meh purchases I’ve made.
You IRKed that? Wow.
@stinks I wish it was that good! It’s a monoprice monitor that I’m assuming came out of someone’s cubicle when they got an upgrade. It’s limited to 30FPS, but that’s good enough for the radar display and Teams calls I use it for. The stand was busted when I got it, so it’s hanging on a VESA mount on the wall.
way to turn lemons into lemonade!
Still here…
Yup. Didn’t know we could send them stuff, that sounds fun
I’m still here and did participate in experiment #saligman
Still here, Kickstarter and still a VMP
Check, and check.
Still here! Got the gift card… never sent anything. Meant to. Still have a banner and a partially-finished craft project I meant to send for the birthday festivities… three years ago? I moved them to the new house. The banner is missing some fasteners. But I SWEAR I’LL SEND IT AND I’M REALLY SORRY IT’S TAKEN ALMOST SEVERAL YEARS. Maybe for the holidays? Keep your eyes peeled and your expectations low, meh staff! One day you’ll get a thing from me. And a banner.
Found the old emails. Also a part of Seligman. Lab Rat 134. Still here and mostly a lurker.
Ahhhh the memories. This is from the email on October 4th that 2013! I’m getting old.
24 days ago you signed up to be a lab rat at Mediocre Laboratories. Remember that great time? Well you can brag about being Fearless Leader Rat #134 to your mediocre rat friends (and enemies) someday. We can hardly wait to see if you can survive our experimental ecommerce ideas, but right now we’re swamped interviewing and building infrastructure.
In the meantime, as one of the first doomed lab rats to sign up, we want to see if you will help decorate our labs!
Project ID: #Seligman
Theory: Learned Helplessness in Office Decoration
In this experiment, you will receive a deliverable and a request. What will you do? That’s the test. The deliverable is a $20 Amazon gift card. The request is “Please help us decorate our now barren Headquarters.”
Still here
Ummm. Hi
Check and check
what happened to your K badge?
Based on my comment at, my lab rat # seems to have been in the 600’s.
I do remember seeing the @snapster announcement and then not following up for a day or two for some reason.
(My comment)
Still looking for the original relevant email
@f00l ok. Found an email
I seem to be #499.
The subject line of the email is
In case someone is searching the email and could use that
This is the email I didn’t bother to read because I hate email
And therefore, I’m not a Kickstarter person
/giphy “poor sad me”
Still here. Lab rat #254. Was a kickstarter. Part of Seligman; sent something, got the gift card. Found out about Meh by following Snapster. Still a VMP.
Just checked my Kickstarter account. Meh backer #787 (better late than never) and Casemates #33.
Still here.
Oct 7 2013:
24 days ago you signed up to be a lab rat at Mediocre Laboratories. Remember that great time? Well you can brag about being Fearless Leader Rat #274 to your mediocre rat friends (and enemies) someday. We can hardly wait to see if you can survive our experimental ecommerce ideas, but right now we’re swamped interviewing and building infrastructure.
Here! Meh #942 and Casemates #1,816.
@cbilyak this thread sent me down a Kickstarter rabbit hole, almost backed a few more projects but really should not spend the money. Had to step away.
I’m still here. No clue what my rat number is, but I did do the $20 gc (I sent two plush lab rats) and the kickstarter thing, although I must have lost my kickstarter account and started a new one at some point, because the only things on there now are recent. Who knows. I still have my original Meh kickstarter shirts.
Checking in here.
Still (kind of) here…Lab Rat #355. I sent a stapler and tons of staples. I guess high school me thought that was hilarious for some reason?
Gosh, it’s been 9 years. Wow. I like that I can scroll through this thread and still recognize some usernames, even if I was never that active before.
Turns out, it’s almost a year since my last order. I feel like the deals have gotten worse since the beginning, haha. I want my $5 Cheerson CX10 mini drones!
Anyway, hello to everyone!
I’ve bought the $100 IRK, so now I’m committed to buying some stuff this weekend. What have I done…
Still here. Lurking in the shadows. My rat number was 333. I think i sent like/dislike stamps.
/giphy sneaky
Still here. Followed @snapster. Signed up to be a Lab Rat. Too lazy to try and find my number. Did Kickstarter and #Seligman.
I’m still an original VMP, still alive and going strong, but not strong enough to look for a email from 9 years ago
I was here early. Somehow missed Seligman, which I sorely regret to this day. I think I saw it but was highly suspicious. Anyway, in in plenty of time for the Kickstarter, which I gleefully indulged. Got myself goated on the first new year.
I love these posts, seeing so many of you nasty and lovely motherfuckers from the good ol’ days (I cringe to say such a thing, but I feel like it’s okay in this case). Does it seem like the place kinda went to hell recently? Idunno, feels like that which shall rename unnamed had a lot to do with it. “Recently”. And, yeah, maybe I’m the thing that’s gone to hell. And I do blame myself, and most of us. Honestly in fact it feels a tad pious around here is the worst of it. Like Nextdoor and another thing which shall remain unnamed. Fuckitall anyway.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck. That feels a little better.
/giphy fucky fuck
@joelmw Well since your a goat… yeah things feel like they’ve gone to hell. So yeah probably YOUR fault
Quite true. I’d argue not even “probably”.
/giphy touche
@joelmw Hi sweetie! Miss you.
As I do you.
/giphy purple love
@joelmw So why not come back more often to fuck things up?
@Enigma @joelmw
/image much confuse
Still here and kicking!
I had a dark period for a bit but here since the beginning! I can’t find the backer number. And looking back through emails I should have bought that kickstarter shirt on day 0
I’m still here. I found out about Meh by following Snapster on Twitter. Meh Kickstarter Backer 1,110; Casemates Kickstarter Backer 1,844, Original VMP. Thinking about cancelling VMP because I haven’t seen anything much worth buying. The site started out Meh which was ok, anymore I don’t have words for the direction it’s taken. No, I didn’t send any gifts. I’m really bad about checking email or being active on the forums boards. That said, I missed the Lab Rat, Pasta, Seligman, GOATs of the month or whatever it’s called any anything else. Not going to buy a Mystery IRK @ $100.
It’s just not fun anymore.
still here…
kickstarted both Meh (#108), and Casemates (#708)
participated in Seligman ( 2 red Swingline staplers - Milton Waddams approved*) don’t know my lab rat nuber any more… the casemates kickstarter was about as far back as i could find in my email…
not buying nearly anywhere near as much as i used to, cuz, not as much stuff i’m interested in is coming up…
having said that though…you can pry my VMP from my cold dead hands.
@earlyre VMP 4 Life
I wasn’t born here, but I got here as fast as I could.
I find Meh to be as good a place for wasting time as most, so I’m still here.
I Kickstarted and did the gift card thing. Think I sent them an Alien poster, lol
Still around since the beginning, pretty much. Participated in Seligman but can’t find the original email with my number. All I can see is I’m among about 1400 other kickstarter backers, and 1800 other backers for Casemates. Managed to win a PastaDrop photoshop and a Mad Ape Den contest over the years. Good times!
@james those were the days.
Lab Rat #164 checking in!
I did some more digging. I’m Lab Rat 1319, OG VMP, and I sent them 3 carefully considered items for the Seligman experiment:
) to get the bastards back for all the ones I somehow ended up with from Woot back in the day.
Anyone looking up a lab rat #
Try searching email subject line for
Probably Nov or Dec 2013
@f00l thanks for this info. I’m lab rat #1,465. If I recall correctly I sent a Kramer poster (in smoking jacket w/pipe), a George poster (seductively in boxer shorts) and a cool mug with rhinestones that says “PIMP”.
I’m still here….can’t find the email to figure out what labrat # I am, must have been deleted.
Just checked. I know I was here from the start.
I think I remember seeing this, but I’d been burned on a few Kickstarter projects (I have maybe $500 worth that turned out to be scams) and drew back from anything that wasn’t a pretty sure thing.
Bah, you need to poll who still here is from the start of Woot! That’s the real OG bling right there.
Got to woot v late.
About the time deals.woot started up.
I suppose if I logged in the woot it might kill me how long I’ve been around
/youtube still crazy after all these years
I couldn’t find the email from 2013, but this one wasn’t too far after that one…
Last chance to throw away a buck on Meh.
Mediocre Laboratories
Jun 27, 2014 Details
A Meh Kickstarter update.
Consider Meh kickstarted. A thousand of you bought up all our stupid fukubukuros, despite us strongly advising against it, and a couple hundred more threw a buck our way to get into our first experiment a day early.
Speaking of which, how often can you spend a dollar and forever get bragging rights over your friends? Back the Meh Kickstarter in its last few hours and when Meh finally goes down in fiery flames, never to be seen again, you’ll be able to stand over the smoldering ashes and say “I remember when this site launched, like a month or two ago.”
Anyway, we’re working to get this thing out the door in July. Meanwhile, feel free to check out our Mediocre forum, (which will be quite similar to our Meh forum because we’re lazy like that).
Thanks, and Sorry,
Been around from the start and still find a way to check whats for sale daily. As life gets in the way haven’t really been around the forums much for some time, but try to poke around when I can.
I have a Kickstarter t-shirt…
Still here!
Still here too
Looks like I was backer 871. Still have (and wear) my meh Kickstarter shirt.
AND I’m still a VMP… because I can’t get myself to cancel it, even though I pretty much don’t use it.
Not a Kickstarter but I found my way here shortly after launch courtesy of @joelmw. VMP since 2014. Sadly not as active here as I used to be but I still check the new item every night. Hadn’t purchased anything in a while but in the past week I’ve been sucked in by deals from Meh, Side Deal, and Morning Save
Still a kickstarter.