I ended out with 47. I feel like most of the missed ones were in that first hour when I didn’t fully appreciate what was going on. More reason to try harder next Meh-rathon!
Between going to sleep, staying asleep and then going to work I topped out at 32. I may also have missed a couple when the site was being difficult. It’s a nice, low-ish bar to surpass!
Ended with 48 - what counts is how much crap I bought - 7 items. I am sure some of you went crazier, possible gifts for the next merichan exchange, so watch out folks.
What the heck is the matter with you people? It can’t be the heat, because I’m a Phoenix native and so should be more cerebrally cooked than most or all of you. Why? For the love of all that is holy, why would you do that?
I think I almost got a fuko, but the page loaded slowly and then Google started demanding that I teach their machines about buses, so that’s probably just wishful thinking.
@carl669 Are you me? That’s exactly my meh-ration day too. (Except for the gym part. I have bad anxieties about anything that reminds me of junior high P.E.)
@carl669 Smirnoff. This one is their “original blend.” It is actually really good gin if you like flavor-forward gin. It’s not a London Dry, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t use it for a martini or a G&T. It was exceptionally good in a Bijou:
I got 4. Went to sleep after the first 3. Drove down to border for an ER visit (nothing serious…) Doctor’s office wouldn’t let me on my phone and then cell service kept changing to Rogers. I love ya Meh, but am not going to pay international rates… Got one more when I got home and back on my wifi.
Missed the Fuko (damn!) but had a good time! Thanks Meh! Let’s do this again!
I think I slept through a couple in the early AM, or some of the 5 minute ones didn’t take. But I also snagged a fuko while at work, only my third counting the kickstarter, so I’m happy about that!
I got a whopping 13! Apparently, sleep, kids, commuting and work get in the way? And, on top of it all, I got Fuko’d, meaning, I ain’t been done got none of them tharrr fukos.
/giphy Lucky like a possum on the side of the road
I thought it was just during the meh-rahthon, but the meh button is still behaving differently when not logged in.
I used to be able to click the meh face which would prompt me to log in. Now, when I click the meh face, it just jiggles a bit and nothing happens. To login, I have to click the account icon, then click sign in to get to the sign-in page. I hate extra clicks.
13! but no purchases. so meh.
Between going to sleep, staying asleep and then going to work I topped out at 32. I may also have missed a couple when the site was being difficult. It’s a nice, low-ish bar to surpass!
39 for me

Edit: I only missed 1?! I got 4 hours of sleep last night… How the?..
/giphy head scratch
Heinz, baby.
@BillLehecka A perfect 5/7, if I do say so myself… How many of us do you think there are?
@pyudin How many crazy people are on this site? A lot probably. Congrats!
@sammydog01 I also completed the barrel roll. It felt pretty…good?

/giphy perfection
I only got 48 because I ended up falling asleep for a while this afternoon.
@PurplePawprints “Only” 48. Hahaha!
And living proud!
Insert comment about the Patriots here.
@mflassy No, that would be this…

I think I missed alot of the ones during the 8 o’clock hour.
@salaosantiago 49 for me too, and I missed the same time block
Man, how did I manage to miss 12 and still only get 3 hours of sleep?
I got 26; I kept hoping something would show up that I wanted, but just enjoying the forums was gift enough.
I look forward to next year. This was clever.
47…against my wishes I slept some
I got 43. I had to sleep a little here and there. And no fuko for me.
Zero. Where you supposed to click on them?
A lousy 21 with three (or four, need to check…four!) purchases. Work sucks on Meh-rathon day.
57… I got no sleep.
Also a member of the 47 club.
Ended with 48 - what counts is how much crap I bought - 7 items. I am sure some of you went crazier, possible gifts for the next merichan exchange, so watch out folks.
/giphy meh buttons

57! And I managed to scrape a Fuko while at it!
/giphy content as a possum


/giphy "you win"
Um, four?
@lordbowen - Congratulations! You apparently have a life!
@lordbowen haha, i had a similar reaction when i saw i got eight. and i thought i was on the site a lot today.
52 with 3.4 hours of sleep. I got a pair of USB rechargeable massagers, a fuko, a precision scale and a blurry t-shirt. All in all, not bad.
Was involved in some shit at work that distracted me a couple of times between 4 and 5 PM ET, which sucks, but meh.
Thirty three.
I got exactly one Meh button click all day.
What the heck is the matter with you people? It can’t be the heat, because I’m a Phoenix native and so should be more cerebrally cooked than most or all of you. Why? For the love of all that is holy, why would you do that?
@DocBJ buttons are meant to be clicked.

I would have had them all, but I didn’t check the page for an hour.
The 8 o’clock hour where there were 12 clicks.
45 clicks total
How often does meh have a meh-rathon?
@mjhamilton40 This was the very first one.
/image 22.

/image tu tu
Well, it was fun and I hope they have another one soon. Thanks for the update.
53 clicks. 5 purchases.
No Fuko. 

/giphy 27
12 clicks.
I think I almost got a fuko, but the page loaded slowly and then Google started demanding that I teach their machines about buses, so that’s probably just wishful thinking.
that included a solid 5 hrs sleep, going to the gym, and actually getting a ton of work done. oh, and 1 fuko.
@carl669 Are you me? That’s exactly my meh-ration day too. (Except for the gym part. I have bad anxieties about anything that reminds me of junior high P.E.)
/image 34

@SSteve i might be you. do you enjoy bacon and vodka?
@carl669 I guess you’re not me after all. There’s not a single bottle of vodka in here. (But there is bacon in the fridge.)

The bottle of Smirnoff is vodka that we turned into gin.
(Interesting. The image is upside-down in the post but not when I open the image in a new tab.)
@shawn The image is right-side-up on the iPhone but upside-down in Safari and Chrome on the Mac.
@SSteve image was fine in email preview, but flipped in chrome.
that homemade gin thing is pretty cool. what kind of vodka did you start with?
@carl669 Smirnoff. This one is their “original blend.” It is actually really good gin if you like flavor-forward gin. It’s not a London Dry, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t use it for a martini or a G&T. It was exceptionally good in a Bijou:
Stir ingredients over ice. Strain into chilled coupe. Squeeze lemon peel over top, discard peel. Serve with cherry.
@carl669 34 clicks for me too! Didn’t check Meh until I got up in the morning but I did snag my first ever Fuko while walking to work.

/giphy 34
/giphy 30 from Mexico

I got 4. Went to sleep after the first 3. Drove down to border for an ER visit (nothing serious…) Doctor’s office wouldn’t let me on my phone and then cell service kept changing to Rogers. I love ya Meh, but am not going to pay international rates… Got one more when I got home and back on my wifi.
Missed the Fuko (damn!) but had a good time! Thanks Meh! Let’s do this again!
Halfway through this morning I thought in a panic “I’ve missed a bunch of Meh clicks!”
@dave Slacker. You should know better - you work there LOL
I am a sloth. I am content.
I thought I clicked once, but I was wrong.
/youtube too low for zero
Applause! You all are amazing.
Another member of the 47 club.
/giphy Lucky like a possum on the side of the road
I thought it was just during the meh-rahthon, but the meh button is still behaving differently when not logged in.
I used to be able to click the meh face which would prompt me to log in. Now, when I click the meh face, it just jiggles a bit and nothing happens. To login, I have to click the account icon, then click sign in to get to the sign-in page. I hate extra clicks.
@medz yeah, we accidentally broke that. it’s on the list to get fixed soon.
@shawn That’s ok, friend! I’ll manage.