How has the last two days ruined your life?
10I gave up working, eating, sleeping, going to the bathroom, any communication with my wife, and taking Walter out for walks. Oh I did take time out to open an IRK that came today.
My wife is ready to give me an ultimatum that it is either her or meh. I am thinking.
- 17 comments, 39 replies
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So frustrating!!!
I got so many dirty annoyed looks on the scavenger stuff. And obsessively checking the site on laptop and phone. Didn’t get anything done.
Day zero was easier
What’s wrong w your wife?
Is she ill?
@f00l No, she’s sane!

She isn’t; at least not so much by the standards of this universe.
@f00l Well after I got the hair thingy in my IRK that she grabbed she didn’t bug me for the rest of the day.
@f00l My husband and I do this together. One of us always gets one. What kind of spouse can’t support your $5/mo Irk habit??
@f00l @nitac78 He gets irks just about every single time. On another thread he said he got 3 the last 2 days. One on the first day and two on the second (different sites). I’d imagine the junk collection from those in his house could create avalanche potential that could kill them both in their sleep or something. She might be worried about that.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @nitac78
This is a accurate representation of IRK addiction.
/giphy garbage avalanche Idiocracy

@Kidsandliz Who me?
@Felton10 Couldn’t be
@f00l @nitac78 or rather 10.00 a month, don’t forget our mehmbership fee.
/8ball Has the double mehrathons ruined our lives?
Cannot predict now
/8ball are you just fucking with us?
Better not tell you now
Without a doubt
/8ball Yes?
Omg- I lost sooo much sleep. My alarm was constantly going off to remind me a product was about to end. I got an IRK at 3:40am on zero day and I still had to see what else there was… then to realize that today was all the same stuff until the very end because I was at work trying not to fall asleep in my chair… today was literally my last day at that job sigh but I love meh
@KayStet44 no IRK for me BoooOoOo
It didn’t.
I would have had fun with the games etc, but our ISP sucks big stinky sweaty donkey balls, so my life was ruined by missing out on almost everything because of no fucking signal. If Viasat is ever offered to you as an option for internet service, RUN AWAY.
Fixed wireless? Or other?
Rural folks are outta luck mostly.
It’s awesome, I know about a dozen people here with it and they all love it.
@PHRoG @Pony
I’ve gotten great fixed wireless in the past but the quality varies greatly on your provider and your individual location in relation to the Tower
Not everybody is going to have a great experience
It usually beats satellite hook up for internet though
@f00l Satellite is what we have, and as wretched as it is, it’s the best we can do up here in the foothills.
@PHRoG We’ve been on the wait list for ages. Not available here yet.
@Pony hopefully soon! They’ve been opening it up a lot more from what I hear.
Well, my wife now has her own account, and her first IRK. She is always excited to see what “we” got in my IRKs, so it was time. Probably past time.
I have a fucking headache.
And some shirts and IRKs.
Thx Meh
@f00l plural IRKs, nice and congrats.
Ugh…it was fun and frustrating all at the same time. A few too many impulse buys in the hunt for the elusive IRK today…which I never scored. Found most of them after they sold out, the one that was not sold out when I found it sold out while I was trying to buy it.
@cbilyak Was lucky enough to get 2 today-on (never figured out what the fuck that was) and on sidedeal for VMP. Was trying to get one on morningsave to complete the cycle with the one I got yesterday. Insanity combined with commitment yields results.
@Felton10 never worked for me. Tried and tried and tried…never showed sold out yet never let me buy it either. Oh well…less crap to re-IRK I guess.
@cbilyak bought mine on at a little before 8 yesterday morning from the link on the main meh page. Order went through with no problems. Think you coined a new word with re-IRK.
@cbilyak @Felton10 I had the same checkout problem. There were 2 there I had found the links to just about immediately when they were there and same issue. I tried the on and off during the day and nothing. I contacted meh and they said they were sold out and showed that. Nope not to me they didn’t show that. They never showed that.
I didn’t realize how stressed it made me feel until it was over and I felt a sense of calm. Ahhhh. Looking forward to getting some sleep.
Zero day I got 0 so yesterday I was obsessed with the hunt. I managed to tear/steam down 30% of the wallpaper in a room between searching and getting sad looks from puppies for staring at my phone during walks. My husband might accidentally break my phone the rest of the way after yesterday (I dropped it two weeks after getting it and have watched it crack and decline over 2 years) but worth it!
Day 0 was great; I actually found two items worth buying in addition to the IRK. Birthday was not worth the effort. Meh
You’re such an Irk-hog! 3 yesterday and one the day before. Maybe you’re hoping to turn your house into your own personal ball pit!
@Kyeh no-only two yesterday and the one the day before and the last one I got I sent to our daughter-the same one who got the “Torture me Elmo”. Would an IRK-hog do that?
And the IRK I got yesterday did not contain any “balls” so I think the cycle may be broken. Much to my wife’s relief no balls yesterday. I had more “balls” than she could handle anyway.
Hah - you know that could be taken as a challenge by some people.
@Felton10 @Kyeh oh, you mean @koolhandjoe? He may not have even seen this post!
/giphy mischievous

@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe @tinamarie1974
@Kyeh My wife warned me that a response like that may start the cycle all over again.
@Koolhandjoe @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. If that be the case, I sure hope that he doesn’t sent any to my daughter to whom I sent the last IRK I got.
@Koolhandjoe @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 All you are probably “ball deprived” and jealous-me I have enough to last me for a while.
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe @Kyeh no, no. Not jealous. I think the entire situation is humerous
@Koolhandjoe @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 You wouldn’t think that if you got more balls than you ever needed or could use. BTW-my July 8th IRK already shipped tonight so hoping it is ball free.
@Felton10 @Koolhandjoe @Kyeh nah, I would enjoy the fun of it! I would love to get a pallet of something like Mr. hilton did. Crazy fun! Makes for good stories over a drink!
@Koolhandjoe @tinamarie1974
@Felton10 You could always send tinamarie a personalized Irk with balls for her dog to chase!
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 Doubt it is anything special as people have already gotten theirs.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 I don’t even let Walter play with my balls.
I have discovered that the more sleep I lose, the dumber the people on this forum become.
@Barney by chance, is this you?
@caffeineguy I wish. I’d love a purple Tesla. Hell, I’d love to be 36, too.
Well no sleep for two days and no irk on day one( day zero) so very “ sad” irk less day for me that day. The actual meh birthday I snagged a sidedeals irk though.
I really enjoyed the virtual scavenger hunt put on by meh, as that was fun imo. Of course, after being up for two straight days today I had to take a nap and I slept a long time !
We had dinner plans tonight with friends we haven’t seems since January so if my spouse hadn’t had to wake me up, to meet our friends, I think I would have slept 16 hours straight through!
Meh’s Mehathons wiped me out -especially staying up this time two days in a row trying for irks — but just had to do it anyways!