How does your wife feel about your addiction to Meh.
8In my case, as long as I buy some things for her (knives mostly), she’s a happy camper. She’s reconciled to the idea of me buying Fuko’s. And since it keeps me up till 12-she’s asleep by then and I can turn on any TV program I want in the bedroom to help me fall asleep.
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Don’t have a wife, but the husband just snorts when he sees a new Meh box and asks if I got him anything!!
/giphy saintly patience

Wait… We are all supposed to have wives? Did I miss the e-mail and the FAQ entry for that?
Why am I always in the 10 percent that never gets the news? Why, meh, why? Well, daaay-ammm! If that’s a requirement, then you need to sell me one. Refurbished is okay, if the price is right, as long as she (he?) can live in the spare room and won’t get me into trouble with either immigration or the IRS. How about it , meh?
Most “wives” and “husbands” from Meh - and even from Amazon - and even robot varieties - are not to my standards of “total agreement with me”.
Market opportunity here, people! Unfilled needs!
Oh yeah, whoever/whatever “significant-other type being or device” should really like to mop floors, or pay for someone/something else who loves mopping floors.
@rockblossom I’m still waiting for one to be included in my Fuku!
@f00l I think a genuine Stepford Wife might be a bit pricey, but perhaps there are acceptable knock-offs meh could sell for cheap?

Nope. I want “CONVINCING PERSONA” as an attribute. As in “Convince me and everyone else that I am perfect, and that you are honored to be allowed to share your life with me, 24/7/365, and that you are a profoundly independent person and free thinker with a career, commitments, and life of your own”. No doubters remaining.
Stepford Wives didn’t sell that well even in Stepford.
@rockblossom I wouldn’t want a spouse that just lived in the spare room that implies a failure to do one of the major spouse tasks that often occurs in the main bedroom
@rockblossom check the return policy too
She thinks I am an idiot. I probably am.
(but I still luv you kidz)
@mfladd My husband shakes his head and says and you wonder why you’re tired all the time…quite shopping when you should be sleeping!!
Take husband to Doctor.
Have his head examined.
While this is going on, you can shop.
@mehbee Being tired works to my advantage-then I have to take a nap in the afternoon which takes up more retirement time.
Sorry I don’t find women attractive. A deal on good looking nice smart man I could go for a husband

/giphy I could go for a husband
What happens at Meh stays at Meh. Boxes? What boxes?
@sammydog01 You got that right!!
She doesn’t like that I pay so much attention to this site and that if she catches me on here one more time today she’s going to bash my head into my keyb haiaofdgqwo4hqr4jtoigeijlr q35ghyoij;oi;ohijo3#$T#Q%TYegry58h;oih3gtw5rt2y64;haiouwgr;io8hi234qtpo8hg3q5;io ur il’w3r5go83w245rt;oiuheg5rtv4n q3op5;4tiyjo;ij35gt;oincvwr4w
/giphy broken nose

@capguncowboy 911 what is your emergency? She is beating me for being on Sir, we are sending a car right over.
@capguncowboy I liked the first soccer gif you had.
@mfladd she just flew in on her broom and told me she doesn’t mind Meh, but despises fantasy football. Then she hit me with two more curses from her wand and flew out the office door to do more dishes and laundry.
/giphy wicked witch

@mfladd i had to edit the text and it changed the gif when i did
@capguncowboy Welcome to my world. At least my kids and pets love me.
@capguncowboy your face typing earned you at least 1 snort from the ET crowd
@capguncowboy I just HAVE to ask. Was the editing in here?
Because otherwise you should have left the gif. You know what? I have your back on this one.- and then some.

@Yoda_Daenerys ET zone!

@capguncowboy wsderftyhgtred b@#$%^&*(BGTYHNMJUIOPLM<to you.
@capguncowboy btw, I am not the biggest fan of the /giphy option because I like to control my gifs - but that witch gif is GOLD!
@mfladd I’ve heard there’s several therapy options for that OCD

/giphy therapy for OCD
@compunaut My OCD keeps me sane. Ok, that is in question.
My wife is fine with it. Of course, my wife lives in my imagination and is a billionaire who does not mind me spending the fortune on knives and cups.
@conandlibrarian what no speaker docks?
@Kidsandliz nope, she put her foot down on speaker docks.
In high heels? Wanna see that!

Is this her?
/giphy high heels speaker docks
We are an equal opportunity meh couple. Most of the time when we buy something, we go nuts and each of us buys that same item. And neither of us complains about the other’s separate purchases.
We like getting mail! Our mail carrier is a very cute young woman with whom we have become good friends.
@Teripie But does she ring twice?

/giphy postman always rings twice
My husband rolls his eyes occasionally at my purchases, but I did just buy him a Chromebook so… maybe he’ll finally let me live down the ice cream maker I still haven’t used.
@alexthegirl It takes up too much space in the freezer, but the ice cream turns out very good.
Confused. Short on space because the spousal unit is in the freezer with the ice cream maker? Full-time?
Now now now! My CSI watching history says: bad for marriage
/giphy divorce likely

She is patiently annoyed . . .
Sorry-should have worded it “Spouse” instead of “wife”-my apologizes.
@Felton10 i think partner may be the pc term for millenials, partner is ambiguous intentionally, because, accepting.
@Yoda_Daenerys Again my age betrays me-I have excluded those in same sex relationship. I will get it right one of these days. What do you expect from a person who has one of the best talking parrots in the world who can only say a few words and only a couple of sentences.
@Felton10 but your age betrays you even further, because ‘partner’ no longer implies same sex, it’s also used (ambiguous) in “multiple sex relationships” nowadays dot dot dot
/giphy multiple sex relationships

that gif may be going for the multiple species relationship - i’m not sure if there is a new term for that or not. millenials???

/giphy millennial partners
One way to minimize the “meh effect” is to have so many other boxes coming you your house (mostly from Amazon and ebay). So when the doorbell rings-she looks outside and sees another box and just leaves it there for you to get. If the event she brings it in, she just puts it on the counter and doesn’t even open it. The when you open it (knowing its from meh), you can hide it from her.
We have gotten as many as 5 boxes delivered in one day so I know this method works. Hey-but what else are you going to do when you are semi retired and sit by the computer all day until your activity tracker tells you it is time to get up and walk so you don’t die in that chair.
i can sum it up in one word: mad, pissed, frustrated, aggravated, exasperated, flabbergasted, fuming…
/giphy pick any one

@Yoda_Daenerys Yes, I will pick Disneyland, thank you.
“Sometimes you leave me alone.”
@DrunkCat Not tonight.
Don’t ask me why. I just need to fuck with you. But I still luv ya. SNL has made there original video untouchable. I have issues with that. If you can post it please do.
“their” oh lord, please keep the nazi’s off my back.

/giphy ich mein grammar
@DrunkCat I deserve that.
@DrunkCat Wow, that fish was trying really hard to escape that gator!
You mean this one? Or another one?
/giphy stop wasting money

@somf69 hang on, who put the cameras in my breakfast nook?
@Yoda_Daenerys you let strange men work out in your breakfast nook?
@RiotDemon who you callin’ strange willis? just my normal ‘before my first coffee’ pushups…
@Yoda_Daenerys so you admit you’re a guy??
@RiotDemon well, ummm, no not really, but i was speaking metaphorically, no wait, mumble mumble mumble, blah, blah, blah, low hushed noises in background.
/youtube "intentional ambiguity"
LOL, likes it’s a bad thing

/giphy waggles eyebrows
She gives me the…

/giphy eyeroll
My wife just said after I as justifying the expresso maker “didn’t you just tell me you were going to stop buying things?” SHIT!!! What a good deal it as… Yes, was… I didn’t get it…
This wife loves Meh…now my husband? He keeps reminding me that food and electricity are NOT “luxuries”…

/giphy is that a fact?
/giphy Is that a fact?

@capguncowboy So wrong. They are just little Rubik cubes w/o food coloring.
Um. Eww?
If by “wife” you mean this life-size Hatsune Miku doll I keep in my bedroom, then I’m pretty sure she’s cool with it.
I live alone now, so I am freeeeee
@RiotDemon Holy crap, have we been talking to a horse this whole time?
@brhfl And such a fine example of the breed!

/giphy fine example
@brhfl oh sorry, I hid my horns in this photo.

/image Mr Ed
She has the same reaction to me being on the Meh website as she has to me looking at porn. Why do you need that!
@Felton10 Meh provides for needs that my spouse has no interest in fulfilling. Now that I think about it, the same is true for porn.

Probably TMI; sorry.
/giphy so sorry

Batteries are so cheap these days.
/giphy buzz
Speaking of knives. Come on Meh! Ceramic knives and knife sets. We have speaker Tuesday’s…how about “sharp Thursday’s”? Knives knives can never have too many!
@sarahsandroid You are correct. Meh has allowed me to throw out all my old crummy knives and replace them with all the new crummy knives I bought on meth.
And because the new ones are crummy, will need replacements for them very soon. More knives-meh and soon.
@Felton10 maybe don’t do meth while shopping on meh.

/giphy meth
She totally fucking hates it. But she loves me, so it’s just more of my stupid shit that she puts up with.
/giphy she hates it

My boyfriend and I both use Meh and get fuku’s and all that. We don’t have any problem with those purchases. But because I still live at home with parents, I get questions whenever I get any packages.
“Why waste your money for a box of stuff you don’t even know what is?”
“Because it’s exciting, Dad.”
“The roomba you got was broken anyway.”
“Yeah, but it’s still a roomba that I only paid $5 for. It’s pretty cool.”
@ninjaemilee You should have gotten the pallet of broken TVs. Your dad would have loved that.
@sammydog01 Seeing as we live on a hill, it would have been a nightmare to get that delivered in the first place. I honestly don’t know how he would react to that…