SWAG is the algorithm. Checklists are the safeguard.
Overthinking is the process. Overpacking is the result. Discovering that critical items were forgotten is still the inevitable result.
Having traveled for work, as Field Support, you kinda know what it is like where you are going, So I pack accordingly! I have a rolling suitcase with big wheels & lots of space!
Many many years ago I started a “Master Packing List” on my computer. Initially listed everything that came to mind. It had categories like Outdoor, Sleep, Dress-up, Med/Cosmetic, Gifts, etc.
When packing, I print it. First cross out anything I don’t need for the immediate trip. Then check off remaining items as I pack.
Upon returning home, I add things I found needed while on the trip. Sometimes remove things from the list I find am no longer using.
Over the years cosmetic/grooming items like fancy make-up and hair dryer went off the list. The pill list bloomed from a few aspirin to a full senior citizen array. Various pairs of shoes decreased to one very walkable pair.
For the record, I now almost always travel with just a backpack or carry-on, and a fair-sized shoulder purse/bag. Early years that included things like that hair dryer also meant larger checked luggage.
I try not to bring too much, but somehow always have more than I need. Put my clothes in air tight bags for space . Bring what I need, may need and a few snacks just incase .
Pretty much have my packing list down to an art.
I can generally pack 10+ days worth of stuff into a carry-on. Many things will get used multiple times. If people notice I’m wearing the same thing more than one time for the trip that’s too bad.
SWAG is the algorithm. Checklists are the safeguard.
Overthinking is the process. Overpacking is the result. Discovering that critical items were forgotten is still the inevitable result.
(Too lazy to google right now)
@f00l Scientific Wild-Assed Guesswork
Pack what is absolutely needed, bring a couple weather extras, and prepare to bring back some local fashion souvenirs.
I try not to overpack, but somehow I always do.
@Kyeh same
Only pack what I THINK I need. And get what I forgot. No need to pack multiple pairs of shoes
I’ve traveled all of twice so heck if I know.
I’m an over packer no matter how hard I try not to. Or maybe my suitcase is just too small!
@Lynnerizer If it fits, it ships!
@kuoh How true!
It’s the dam suitcases fault!
@Star2236 Let’s just blame the goat!
Having traveled for work, as Field Support, you kinda know what it is like where you are going, So I pack accordingly! I have a rolling suitcase with big wheels & lots of space!
I like how as of right now, the results are split right down the middle.
@PooltoyWolf Not unlike my suitcase when I got it off the carousel.
@macromeh Oh no! Hahaha
When driving the minivan is my suitcase. When flying try to only have carry on.
One time when preparing for a vacation, someone’s advice was to pack everything you want to bring, and then leave half of it at home.
I try to do that, and still end up over packing.
Many many years ago I started a “Master Packing List” on my computer. Initially listed everything that came to mind. It had categories like Outdoor, Sleep, Dress-up, Med/Cosmetic, Gifts, etc.
When packing, I print it. First cross out anything I don’t need for the immediate trip. Then check off remaining items as I pack.
Upon returning home, I add things I found needed while on the trip. Sometimes remove things from the list I find am no longer using.
Over the years cosmetic/grooming items like fancy make-up and hair dryer went off the list. The pill list bloomed from a few aspirin to a full senior citizen array. Various pairs of shoes decreased to one very walkable pair.
For the record, I now almost always travel with just a backpack or carry-on, and a fair-sized shoulder purse/bag. Early years that included things like that hair dryer also meant larger checked luggage.
@romellex You’re my hero.
@romellex we’ve got a list just like that for camping! it’s super helpful
I try not to bring too much, but somehow always have more than I need. Put my clothes in air tight bags for space . Bring what I need, may need and a few snacks just incase .
I like to bring everything I could possibly need but accept the challenge to pack it as efficiently and easily as possible.
@zinimusprime Easy, if you have the right friends!
I always overpack and end up not wearing half the stuff I brought.
Pretty much have my packing list down to an art.
I can generally pack 10+ days worth of stuff into a carry-on. Many things will get used multiple times. If people notice I’m wearing the same thing more than one time for the trip that’s too bad.