@therealjrn Out of all the places I’ve visited Paris is the only city I’ve disliked. The one bright spot was the smashed sandwiches that I had outside Toulon. Those were amazing.
Ehhh. If public urination is a problem, I’d rather have an ugly trash can looking urinal than having the streets smell like pee.
I understand some of the thoughts in the article, but people will be offended by anything. I’ve been out fishing and some random dude just whips it out to pee off the side of the dock. Some people don’t give a fuck who is around.
I don’t get why they can’t make it a taller cylinder shape with an entrance so you can be hidden a little bit. Unless it’s a cleaning issue. I dunno. Maybe they should install more of the pay toilets that self clean.
I had the pleasure (sic) of eating lunch in Paris prior to catching the train and watching from my 2nd story vantage point while a man relieved himself in broad daylight against the building across the street. Public restrooms were very hard to find in Paris, unlike the US where all stores/restaurants pretty much have them.
I was once on a road trip in Nevada and we got caught in a tremendous rain storm. The rain was so heavy that we couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of us and the storm knocked out power in the town we were passing through making things worse.
We pulled off the road and stopped the car ASAP. I was overcome with the need to go so I jumped out and ran a few feet off in the distance to relieve myself. I literally couldn’t see anything; the rain was kind of like a heavy fog. Thought we might’ve been at the edge of town with no one around but once the ran let up it turned out I pissed in the middle of a McDonalds drive-thru right next to the lobby windows haha.
@InnocuousFarmer at least in Tokyo people are polite enough to bring their trash with them. They also tend to stand outside the convenience stores to eat their food so they have a place to dispose of the wrappers.
Ahhhh, Paris.
@therealjrn Out of all the places I’ve visited Paris is the only city I’ve disliked. The one bright spot was the smashed sandwiches that I had outside Toulon. Those were amazing.
Ehhh. If public urination is a problem, I’d rather have an ugly trash can looking urinal than having the streets smell like pee.
I understand some of the thoughts in the article, but people will be offended by anything. I’ve been out fishing and some random dude just whips it out to pee off the side of the dock. Some people don’t give a fuck who is around.
I don’t get why they can’t make it a taller cylinder shape with an entrance so you can be hidden a little bit. Unless it’s a cleaning issue. I dunno. Maybe they should install more of the pay toilets that self clean.
Already exists:
That’s a $60 ticket in the early 2000’s, anyway.
@medz I take it you have personal experience?
@sammydog01 Let’s just say bicycle cops can be very sneaky in dark parking lots.
Key West has stealth pee police or it seems that way anyway. The point of this is don’t try to take a leak by the old cistern.
I want to pee in public too! Gender discrimination! (I’m good with anything that takes pee off the streets.)

@medz I want one of those.
or if you don’y like ebay…
and a bunch more places to buy.
@sammydog01 practice in the shower so you don’t pee your pants.
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01
$4.99 with free prime shipping
$1.27 free shipping (i think…)
Can’t wait to see all the new ads I get thanks to this search…
@sammydog01 @dave another meh-branded product idea.
Lots of choices! This is a 4 pack for $4.49 free shipping.
@medz @sammydog01
I thought the idea was to take pee OFF the streets. Seems like this would lead to more pee ON the streets.
So now we have places where you can pee discretely in public.
What to do about beer-loving frat boys that boof in public?
'Cuz everyone knows beer boofs stink up a joint worse than a gym full of jocks lifting.
This thread pisses me off.
I’d use it…
I hope to god most American men continue to hold their pee till they can get to a restroom forever.
@mick is “get to a restroom forever” new slang for “die?”
@Cythwulf @mick
It’s a euthanism.
I had the pleasure (sic) of eating lunch in Paris prior to catching the train and watching from my 2nd story vantage point while a man relieved himself in broad daylight against the building across the street. Public restrooms were very hard to find in Paris, unlike the US where all stores/restaurants pretty much have them.
I was once on a road trip in Nevada and we got caught in a tremendous rain storm. The rain was so heavy that we couldn’t see more than a few feet in front of us and the storm knocked out power in the town we were passing through making things worse.
We pulled off the road and stopped the car ASAP. I was overcome with the need to go so I jumped out and ran a few feet off in the distance to relieve myself. I literally couldn’t see anything; the rain was kind of like a heavy fog. Thought we might’ve been at the edge of town with no one around but once the ran let up it turned out I pissed in the middle of a McDonalds drive-thru right next to the lobby windows haha.
Zey call it ze “Oui oui”
@mehcuda67 meh
Paris doesn’t have rest rooms. Tokyo doesn’t have trash cans. Got it.
@InnocuousFarmer at least in Tokyo people are polite enough to bring their trash with them. They also tend to stand outside the convenience stores to eat their food so they have a place to dispose of the wrappers.
@RiotDemon Never been to either city. I guess that fits my stereotypical impression of their respective cultures, good and bad.
@InnocuousFarmer @RiotDemon Pro-tip: When I was 12, I learned girls don’t like it when you play “calling Tokyo” unexpectedly.
What is that? @therealjrn
@RiotDemon Um…it’s…now this embarrassing. I didn’t think I’d have to explain it. Didn’t everybody do it? Just me then? er…OK…ah! Here we go!
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Tune In Tokyo
@therealjrn …how long ago were you 12?
@RiotDemon I’m old enough to be posting immature things in a Public Urination thread.
@therealjrn I ask because it references ww2 and an old radio.
@RiotDemon I’m old enough to have used old radios but not old enough for WWII…
These things have a way of crossing generational boundaries though, as things of this sort do.