@brennyn I mean they knew about the 10 inch BW and us hooking up the NES in our room eventually. For all I know that was allowed cause dad wanted the living room. I hear he used to stay up late trying to beat frogger when we weren’t using the Atari
When I was home sick from School or Work… Trust me I was Sick… many time “worshiping Ralph, the porcelain god” My head was NOT made to be where my Butt sits.
@mycya4me If i could manage to stay out of the bathroom long enough, i always found a lined bucket to be a much less unpleasant & less uncomfortable receptacle. Being on the hard floor wasn’t any fun, especially when sick.
Definitely video games. Here were the consoles that I owned as a child, in approximate chronological order: Intellivision, NES, Sega Genesis, SNES, Sega CD, Nintendo Game Boy, Sega Game Gear, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast. The Dreamcast came out in 1999 and that was the year I graduated high school. After that just fill in the blanks with every Nintendo console that came out during adulthood. I’ve always been a Nintendo geek at heart. Mario and Zelda(amongst so many other Nintendo exclusive titles) 'til I die!
Steal my friend’s Dad’s1958 Ferrari 250 Spyder, take the friend and girlfriend to Chicago, eat lunch at a snooty restaurant, go to the top of the Sears Tower, watch a Cubs game, go to an art museum, destroy the Ferrari, and be home in time for dinner.
Lie in bed, read, and watch terrible TV, at least till I was 12 or so. After that, I didn’t take sick days so much as cutting school days. And those were for all sorts of misbehavior.
Watch eight straight hours of TV???
Not during the daytime.
We only had 3 lousy channels back then, instead of the
399 lousy ones of today.
I only had the TV on when I needed some help getting to sleep.
I didn’t forget to spay and neuter my pets.
@show_the_maw Come on down!!
@ircon96 @show_the_maw Yo-dee-lo-ee-yo Yo-dee-lo-ee-yo Yo-dee-lo-ee-yo Yo-dee-lo-ee-yo
Drink massive amounts of coffee and strong tea, watch horror movies and light things on fire.
@edguyver14 That last one has me wondering LOL
Get some work done, like any other normal post-school day.
Play video games! Yes, I had those when I was a kid/teen. Usually Super Mario World or MarioKart 64.
Play SNES on the portable TV my parents didn’t know I had in my room because I found it dumpster diving.
@brennyn I mean they knew about the 10 inch BW and us hooking up the NES in our room eventually. For all I know that was allowed cause dad wanted the living room. I hear he used to stay up late trying to beat frogger when we weren’t using the Atari
Read lots and lots of books.
Sleep in, play video games, watch TV and depending on the time of year go swimming
Swimming when sick?
@Kyeh sick or “sick”
But your mom let you?
@Kyeh yeah, but I really didnt abuse it. Maybe two or three times a school year. It was great!!
@tinamarie1974 Nice! I had a coworker who’d take sick days when, in her words, “going to work would make me sick today.”
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 Oh man, if that was allowed, I would’ve missed almost the entire last year before I finally quit my job (for exactly that reason).
When I was home sick from School or Work… Trust me I was Sick… many time “worshiping Ralph, the porcelain god” My head was NOT made to be where my Butt sits.
@mycya4me If i could manage to stay out of the bathroom long enough, i always found a lined bucket to be a much less unpleasant & less uncomfortable receptacle. Being on the hard floor wasn’t any fun, especially when sick.
Stayed home sleeping and swallowing spiders.
@OnionSoup That spider is like, “Man, he sure does hold a grudge!”

Usually alternated between watching bad TV & reading fun books, like Stephen King & Judy Blume, or doing both at the same time.
I would say watch cartoons, but we were never home sick. Or had snow days.

/giphy Looney Tunes
Definitely video games. Here were the consoles that I owned as a child, in approximate chronological order: Intellivision, NES, Sega Genesis, SNES, Sega CD, Nintendo Game Boy, Sega Game Gear, Nintendo 64, Sega Dreamcast. The Dreamcast came out in 1999 and that was the year I graduated high school. After that just fill in the blanks with every Nintendo console that came out during adulthood. I’ve always been a Nintendo geek at heart. Mario and Zelda(amongst so many other Nintendo exclusive titles) 'til I die!
Steal my friend’s Dad’s1958 Ferrari 250 Spyder, take the friend and girlfriend to Chicago, eat lunch at a snooty restaurant, go to the top of the Sears Tower, watch a Cubs game, go to an art museum, destroy the Ferrari, and be home in time for dinner.
@earl_danger I feel like I’ve heard this story before…
Lie in bed, read, and watch terrible TV, at least till I was 12 or so. After that, I didn’t take sick days so much as cutting school days. And those were for all sorts of misbehavior.
Watch eight straight hours of TV???
Not during the daytime.
We only had 3 lousy channels back then, instead of the
399 lousy ones of today.
I only had the TV on when I needed some help getting to sleep.
Read. Sleep. Eat, if I could.