We have 6-7 hours total planned for our travel time today. What are you go-to's for long car trips? If you don't have any - what's your favorite gif or news story right now?
In reality though, I'm usually the one doing the driving on long car trips. However, when flying I tend to bring a computer or tablet with some movies loaded on it. Seems the best way for me to kill the time.
@placeholder i listen regularly to Penn's Sunday School and its comedy sister podcast Ice Cream Social, 99% Invisible, Freakonomics, and Radiolab. And now Serial is back, but it's strictly when my girlfriend and I are in the car together. Song Exploder is good but I don't listen regularly. Also in that category is Fugitive Waves and Love + Radio. I miss Alton Brown's podcast, that was my previous favorite. And I dabble in a few others but don't necessarily like them enough to recommend. I haven't yet hit up Nerdist, maybe I should.
You can probably skip to 1:15
@TaRDy that just made @humper crack up listening. To it.
@TaRDy I loved that show!
My favorite story was the Ted Cruz thread, but @dave killed it. ;-)
@cinoclav Really no one appreciates good performance art anymore.
@cinoclav we do get a bit fiesty on holidays around here.
We drive from flyingJ to flyingJ and keep the Phillmor topped up. Seriously hope you're not going to have to drive I-10 today.
@cranky1950 nope, we're in NY - it's been a few years since I've done I 10.
In reality though, I'm usually the one doing the driving on long car trips. However, when flying I tend to bring a computer or tablet with some movies loaded on it. Seems the best way for me to kill the time.
Podcasts. And if the trip is in Texas, Buc-ee's.
@djslack Any recommendations? For me, road trips currently equal excessive episodes of Nerdist.
@placeholder i listen regularly to Penn's Sunday School and its comedy sister podcast Ice Cream Social, 99% Invisible, Freakonomics, and Radiolab. And now Serial is back, but it's strictly when my girlfriend and I are in the car together. Song Exploder is good but I don't listen regularly. Also in that category is Fugitive Waves and Love + Radio. I miss Alton Brown's podcast, that was my previous favorite. And I dabble in a few others but don't necessarily like them enough to recommend. I haven't yet hit up Nerdist, maybe I should.
@djslack Nice list, thanks! I don't think I've heard of any of those... I'll have some listening to do on my drive back home Sunday!
@djslack Judge John Hodgman is #1! Spilled Milk, Song Exploder, Ask Me Another. In Our Time makes me feel smart.
@placeholder - Agree with @djslack. Also Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and The Moth
@SSteve Forgot about Judge John Hodgman! I need to subscribe to that one on this phone. Also My Brother, My Brother and Me can be entertaining.
@placeholder Thank you for the podcast. I am listening to it now
We're back home. I ended using my time honored tradition of passing out for 2/3 of the trip, in each direction.
You could try the Reply All podcast.