Holiday 2023 reading: Streisand for me, for now.


I’m quite enjoying Streisand’s newly released memoir. I’ve always liked her music, films, ambition as a filmmaker, but I’ve never been obsessed with her or followed her career minute by minute so there’s a lot that’s new to me

I had forgotten or never known that she was super close to Marlon Brando for a long time or that she dated Trudeau seriously way back when and much else.

I quite like that she never stopped being the girl from Brooklyn

Maybe she’s a diva in real life; I don’t know
On the other hand, maybe for somebody as perpetually, talented and famous and media powerful as she is, you have to be a diva to do things like get movies made and obviously if you’re a vocal legends like Streisand, you’re going to be a diva in designing and performing your concerts.

But on the page she comes across as an extraordinarily successful, intelligent person, whose not that far off from normal, in terms of her sense of her own place among other human beings

She’s quite curious, and is reasonably educated in number of areas, but does not paint herself as some sort of an intellectual

Of course, any presentation, especially iof somebody well-used to presenting themselves in public, is going to dtaw things a certain way. But she seems pretty candid about her own flaws or it reads that way.

She is self deprecating enough that I would think it would be a pretty pleasant read to somebody who liked her music, even if they disagreed strongly with her politics.

The audiobook is particularly good simply because she narrates it

/image Streisand 2


Previous recent reads were Michael
Lewis’s Going Infinite
re-reading a few Le Carre books.


So what are you all reading?