Hey meh you buying Toys R Us left over inventory since they close for good on Friday?

Kidsandliz thought this was worth mentioning said

I do hope your buyers are scavenging deals from Toys R Us as Friday is the last day the chain is open. Pretty please???

Love to have transformers appropriate for 4 and 5 year olds. I bought 2 when I passed one in TX and should have bought more to give at Christmas as it turns out the boys love them. Also something for a child who will be 2.5 at Christmas who is in love with all her brother’s toys. And her 4 year old brother is getting more enjoyment out of the dollhouse meant for 2-4 year olds (gave to her earlier this month on her second birthday) than she is although I am sure that will change when she decides that if he is playing with it then it must be cool. Right now she is fixated on the talking fridge, talking stove, talking toilet and that you can launch the people out of the bunk beds when you push down on the alarm clock.