OK. Everyone stop praising the crappy combos!!! It’s gone too far! Kudos to Meh for pushing the lazy too far. Seriously, a deal every day? EVERY SINGLE DAY?! That’s hard. Dumb combos are better than repeats I guess.
VMP for life. I will find this foolishness forever. I’m already too deep in a net loss.
Knock $10 off the price, hide the contents in a special foreign looking bag, and call it a fancy Japanese name. You’d be sold out by now, and all of the unlucky buyers would be delightfully disappointed. That’s the way you Meh.
@narfcake I recognize that photo. That’s the BOC that I received and took a photo of. That’s the tile on my floor so I’m pretty sure that one was mine.
That BOC was the reason I don’t buy them anymore. At least with the fuko, I usually get one item of interest that is worth more than $5 and a nice bag too.
@pooflady Wow, that’s just unbelievable. I haven’t even heard of the brand AQ Textiles before. Someone would be crazy to pay that much for sheets. And I thought $80 Ralph Lauren sheets were expensive.
@pooflady I cannot feel or see a difference between my most expensive sheets and my cheapest sheets. The organic cotton ones I bought from meh stay very wrinkled all the time so that is a bit noticeable but they are not visible when the light is off when I’m sleeping and when the comforter is covering them. I do pay more for quality but not pay more for brand names and not much more for convenience (I will buy online to save instead of buying from brick and mortar if prices vary significantly.)
@cengland0 To be honest, I have no idea what the brand name of my sheets are. I only used Macy’s as an example. I’m pretty sure I got them online and there were reviews. Maybe I’ve been buying really crappy sheets, because I can tell the difference.
@bbf Tried to get giphy to display the ren and stimpy happy dance that shows up first when I search for it on giphy.com… but my embedded giphy skills have failed me big time. http://gph.to/2BhnjvO
Used to occassionaly find some good stuff here… over a year since I have seen anything meh junk… glad I bailed on the club $5 a month saved me $90 and not kickin’ meh-self…
I had so much fun handing out toys to kids at my vacuum store (the fidget spinners and those LAB exploding buildings) I just had to buy this bundle to have more stuff on hand…
/giphy dreamy-eminent-chameleon
I spun my first spinner this week, and the same day saw my first Nintendo Switch. What a day!
Anyway, any number crunchers here that have analyzed Amazon Prime yearly and VMP, as far as percentages saved?
Meh, thanks for letting me post this. You’ve always been open to discussion.
@RedOak Prime is not rational for everyone. I don’t buy that much but when I do, I can bundle all my items in one purchase to exceed $25 and get free shipping anyway.
Prime video sucks because even when you do have Prime, all the good videos still require you to pay for them.
@cengland0 The point was, for most folks, it is easier to “rationalize” a Prime membership than a VMP membership.
$99 vs. $60. A ton more content/value for the money. Especially post-first 18 months of Meh/Mediocre.
Bundling burns the best prices on Amazon. We have key items camelcamelcameled (not a perfect price tracker tho) and many items in “save for later” (shows you price changes for those items everytime you look at your cart). We regularly get items for as little as half price because we don’t have to wait to bundle. We’d lose the low price by waiting to bundle.
If you don’t buy a lot on Amazon you might be surprised by how volatile their pricing is on a lot of items. It is clear Amazon must have a brutal automatic pricing-inventory management algorithm.
If you think about the millions of items Amazon has to keep in inventory, they have no choice but to ruthlessly dump excess inventory that is in excess of their internal turn rate requirement. With so much stuff, their warehouses would quickly overload if they did not do so.
I keep VMP for irrational reasons and suspect many do the same. Haven’t bought anything since those silly LED spinners in October (?).
More people searching/seeing an item? High demand = increase the price.
Isn’t that the way it should be? But clearly it has limits. And there is competition. If Amazon is the highest price too often, they lose business. Especially if they get a reputation for it.
And you’re not mentioning another Amazon pricing feature - very quickly matching other site sale prices. Amazingly efficiently so.
I’m not a complete fan of Amazon - especially their sloppy product info management… and offshore support. But what they do well is pretty impressive.
We use a range of e-comm sites depending on what we’re sourcing.
@RedOak The problem is that you can get free shipping for most items on Amazon without Prime. You cannot get free shipping without VMP on Meh. That makes you pay for an extra convenience of getting something immediately which is rarely a need for me.
With Meh, all you have to do is buy 12 items a year to make it worthwhile. If you buy more than that, then you saved money. You cannot bundle items to save shipping costs on Meh. Sometimes, I will buy two of the same item and have one shipped to a friend as a gift because I can do that with VMP. That’s two orders that would cost a non VMP $10 to do the same thing. I also get a 10% discount on Morningsave.
If Prime gave me a 10% discount, it would be a no-brainer and I would immediately get Prime. But they don’t so I don’t currently have Prime. I have purchased Prime in the past when it is on sale. The last time it was $68 for a year but that expired a couple months ago and I’ll have to wait for a similar price before I buy again.
@cengland0 It would appear everyone has different use cases. If Meh’s deals don’t sweeten up, I’ll likely let VMP expire after this $30 year. ($60 less $30 legacy VMP coupons for Casemates Kickstarter.)
Netflix at HD runs $132 per year and carries no Amazon benefits (Prime isn’t only fast shipping and streaming video).
@sammydog01@Pantheist I might be exposing an interest in SciFi, History, and Armageddon series, but I’ve found the following Prime no charge series enjoyable (some perhaps available on other streams, but we don’t pay for other streams and cut the Cable TV cord over a decade ago) …
Vikings, Bosch, Salvation, Mr. Robot, Rome, The Man in the High Castle, The Night Manager, Goliath, Defiance, Falling Skies, The Last Tycoon, Strike Back… + a fair number of movies.
@daveinwarsh yeah they changed that it is now stuck on whatever comes up first. However if you slightly change the title you get a different pic, sometimes even adding a “.” does it.
Heheheh. You guys must be drowning in fidget spinners. Stop selling them and save them for the next Fuku. Then just send all the rest - like an entire semi full of them - to some poor sap. Ummmm…not to me, though…cause…I already bought some! Yeah, that’s it; I already bought some. Whew.
Have you heard of the New Kids On The Block? They were a boy band that enjoyed success in the early 1990s. Their “hits” include Step by Step and Hanging Tough. They sure were pretty. We miss them very much.
My kid’s birthday is coming up and these would be perfect for favors. Even with shipping, works out to less than a dollar a favor. But, I can’t, in good faith, buy a package with MORE fidgets when I’m still trying to off load the fidget spinners from Halloween. AND, the birthday party we went to, the guests went home with them. Sigh…the economics of the fidget.
None of these toys vibrate so funds will not be allocated at this time. However a CR will be voted on provided that a BT speaker is given full consideration tomorrow.
I’m a teacher. Spinners are gold! This is an awesome deal. If you don’t know what to do with the other 19 spinners that you don’t need – donate them to a local school or kids club!
I don’t understand the fidget spinner hate. Every kid I’ve given a fidget spinner to (and I bought the 50 pack) has been DELIGHTED. Both of my kids’ teachers were happy that my kids gave them to all their classmates. Fidget spinners are great! If you don’t want yours, give 'em to me - I’ll find a kid (or an adult) to appreciate them.
What’s in the Box?
1x Random Car or Bug set (62 pieces)
2x Hot Wheels Star Wars Ships
2x Duncan Kendama
10x Metal Fidget Spinners
10x LED Fidget Spinners
0x Pepper Spray
Star Wars Ships
Discovery Cars
Price Comparison
$20 (for 2) at Amazon
$9 (for 2) at Amazon
$9.95 at Amazon
$119.80 (for 20) at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Just like Bumper said on the first Pitch Perfect movie “Nope, hard pass!”
hey…it’s some crap
You should have tossed in some Tide pods.
@sammydog01 Did you run out of yours?


@sammydog01 if they’d offered some tide pods and candy corn I woulda been all over this sale.
Where is the candy corn?
@gwaki We ate it all.
@gwaki it’s about to expire isn’t it?
@RedOak Wait… Candy corn expires?
@rustyh3 Yes but expiring candy corn can be recycled and renewed.
Too bad about the pepper spray. I might have bought it if it was included.
Please tell me you at least thought about including a knife or two…
Looks like a dollar store sweep
Two expensive for so much random crap.
GOV shut down, blame whoever you want. Everyone needs to buy these and send them to congress and the President. At least then they can be productive.
@bleedmichigan Detroit reporting in. Which asshole to send these to? Tempting.
@bleedmichigan You think Trump can handle a fidget spinner? You have more confidence than I do.
@Kerig3 Maybe he can fly the Millennium Falcon.
@venussuz Any, All, Most, Some. You choose.
@Collin1000 I could have sworn there was a Mad Ape Den of this song. Couldn’t find it.
@Collin1000 What is god’s name was that? I am massively stupider for having watched that, and I did not have a lot of smart to waste to begin with.
@Jonas4321 A very popular late 90s hit song with nonsense, gibberish lyrics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summer_Girls
Meh staffers like New Kids On The Block. HAR HAR!
Haha. Meh editors are funny. Notice that most words are scratched out. Not all though. Those left actually say something.
Woah! A bunch of stuff I didn’t want, but this time all together!
I would have bought if it still included pepper spray.
Fidget spinners need to stay in 2017… better throw them away and never sell them again after this!
Epic writeup!
OK. Everyone stop praising the crappy combos!!! It’s gone too far! Kudos to Meh for pushing the lazy too far. Seriously, a deal every day? EVERY SINGLE DAY?! That’s hard. Dumb combos are better than repeats I guess.
VMP for life. I will find this foolishness forever. I’m already too deep in a net loss.
A cornucopia of MEHness…sans candy corn.
Meh, you’re doing this wrong.
Knock $10 off the price, hide the contents in a special foreign looking bag, and call it a fancy Japanese name. You’d be sold out by now, and all of the unlucky buyers would be delightfully disappointed. That’s the way you Meh.

/image special foreign looking bag
/image fancy Japanese name
/image meh crap for $5.
@narfcake That last one pretty clearly looks like some Woot crap for $5
@lljk Yeah. I think the interwebs is suffering from a crap confusion condition.
@lljk It is. For a while, the BOCs were meh and the Fuku/Fuko here were Woot! These days, it’s kinda gone the other way.
Without a doubt
/8ball Did the internet forget something in the refrigerator?
/8ball Was it the batteries it stores there?
@narfcake I recognize that photo. That’s the BOC that I received and took a photo of. That’s the tile on my floor so I’m pretty sure that one was mine.
That BOC was the reason I don’t buy them anymore. At least with the fuko, I usually get one item of interest that is worth more than $5 and a nice bag too.
@cengland0 The last two BOCs I got were great. In one was a $180 set of queen size sheets.
@pooflady I’m wondering where someone would have to shop to buy queen sheets for $180 a set. Beverly Hills? United Arab Emirates?
@cengland0 100% Egyptian cotton. https://www.macys.com/shop/bed-bath/bed-sheets/Fabric,Textiles_bed_size/Egyptian Cotton,Queen?id=9915
Sorry, I don’t know how to do a link.
@pooflady Wow, that’s just unbelievable. I haven’t even heard of the brand AQ Textiles before. Someone would be crazy to pay that much for sheets. And I thought $80 Ralph Lauren sheets were expensive.
@cengland0 I splurged a year ago and paid $120 for king size. It’s the 100% Egyptian cotton that’s so expensive. I absolutely love them.
@pooflady I cannot feel or see a difference between my most expensive sheets and my cheapest sheets. The organic cotton ones I bought from meh stay very wrinkled all the time so that is a bit noticeable but they are not visible when the light is off when I’m sleeping and when the comforter is covering them. I do pay more for quality but not pay more for brand names and not much more for convenience (I will buy online to save instead of buying from brick and mortar if prices vary significantly.)
@cengland0 To be honest, I have no idea what the brand name of my sheets are. I only used Macy’s as an example. I’m pretty sure I got them online and there were reviews. Maybe I’ve been buying really crappy sheets, because I can tell the difference.
Man, this site’s been living up to its name lately!

I’ll be lovin’ you (forever), meh.
Here is a fun and safe toy I think you should sell, suitable for kids of all ages:
/youtube xm42m
@awk Two for Tuesday?
@sammydog01 Or maybe Flammable Friday?
@awk Um … jesuschristonastickwheredoIget mine?
@awk NEVER cross the streams!!!
@awk Now there’s a fun father-daughter activity! Why didn’t I think of that?
@TheFLP http://store.xm42.com/XM42-M-Flamethrower-p/xm42-m-black.htm low low price of $899.99
@alextse That would be… bad.
@unksol “Deep engraved shark face” … they’re not exactly promoting it for practical use.
But I’ve always wanted one for clearing snow.

And I just learned some odd facts about race horses in the pictures. Thanks @skemmehs!
@sammydog01 actually please send all weird internet links to me for the image zone because I can only find so many a week
Happy happy joy joy!
What memories thou hast brought back, oh great pepper spray-less meh.

/giphy "renstimpy happy dance"
@bbf Tried to get giphy to display the ren and stimpy happy dance that shows up first when I search for it on giphy.com… but my embedded giphy skills have failed me big time. http://gph.to/2BhnjvO
Used to occassionaly find some good stuff here… over a year since I have seen anything meh junk… glad I bailed on the club $5 a month saved me $90 and not kickin’ meh-self…
It’s not good stuff, it’s the right stuff.
@ravenryder Has the $90 in 18 mths made a significant difference in your financial standing of did you blow it on three coffees at Starbucks?
@jmbunkin I think if you look for coupons, you could get four coffees at Starbucks for $90.
The government shutdown was more climatic than the meh offering tonight!
I had so much fun handing out toys to kids at my vacuum store (the fidget spinners and those LAB exploding buildings) I just had to buy this bundle to have more stuff on hand…

/giphy dreamy-eminent-chameleon
I just wanted couple heavy spinners
Already got multiple kendamas
I spun my first spinner this week, and the same day saw my first Nintendo Switch. What a day!
Anyway, any number crunchers here that have analyzed Amazon Prime yearly and VMP, as far as percentages saved?
Meh, thanks for letting me post this. You’ve always been open to discussion.
@wew number cruncher here.
Amazon Prime is rational.
VMP is irrational.
@RedOak Prime is not rational for everyone. I don’t buy that much but when I do, I can bundle all my items in one purchase to exceed $25 and get free shipping anyway.
Prime video sucks because even when you do have Prime, all the good videos still require you to pay for them.
@cengland0 The point was, for most folks, it is easier to “rationalize” a Prime membership than a VMP membership.
$99 vs. $60. A ton more content/value for the money. Especially post-first 18 months of Meh/Mediocre.
Bundling burns the best prices on Amazon. We have key items camelcamelcameled (not a perfect price tracker tho) and many items in “save for later” (shows you price changes for those items everytime you look at your cart). We regularly get items for as little as half price because we don’t have to wait to bundle. We’d lose the low price by waiting to bundle.
If you don’t buy a lot on Amazon you might be surprised by how volatile their pricing is on a lot of items. It is clear Amazon must have a brutal automatic pricing-inventory management algorithm.
If you think about the millions of items Amazon has to keep in inventory, they have no choice but to ruthlessly dump excess inventory that is in excess of their internal turn rate requirement. With so much stuff, their warehouses would quickly overload if they did not do so.
I keep VMP for irrational reasons and suspect many do the same. Haven’t bought anything since those silly LED spinners in October (?).
@RedOak More people searching/seeing an item? High demand = increase the price. It’s brutal alright, but not always for the consumer’s benefit.
Also Woot’s flash deals are automatically culled by Amazon. Considering some of the “deals”, it still needs work.
Isn’t that the way it should be? But clearly it has limits. And there is competition. If Amazon is the highest price too often, they lose business. Especially if they get a reputation for it.
And you’re not mentioning another Amazon pricing feature - very quickly matching other site sale prices. Amazingly efficiently so.
I’m not a complete fan of Amazon - especially their sloppy product info management… and offshore support. But what they do well is pretty impressive.
We use a range of e-comm sites depending on what we’re sourcing.
@RedOak The problem is that you can get free shipping for most items on Amazon without Prime. You cannot get free shipping without VMP on Meh. That makes you pay for an extra convenience of getting something immediately which is rarely a need for me.
With Meh, all you have to do is buy 12 items a year to make it worthwhile. If you buy more than that, then you saved money. You cannot bundle items to save shipping costs on Meh. Sometimes, I will buy two of the same item and have one shipped to a friend as a gift because I can do that with VMP. That’s two orders that would cost a non VMP $10 to do the same thing. I also get a 10% discount on Morningsave.
If Prime gave me a 10% discount, it would be a no-brainer and I would immediately get Prime. But they don’t so I don’t currently have Prime. I have purchased Prime in the past when it is on sale. The last time it was $68 for a year but that expired a couple months ago and I’ll have to wait for a similar price before I buy again.
We loved electric dreams, and doctor who is free too.
@Pantheist The Night Manager is over there too. I watch a lot of Amazon Prime because they let me download videos.
@Pantheist I don’t know anything about Electric Dreams but I do watch all the Doctor Who episodes for free over BBC America — without Prime.
If people are buying Prime for video, I think they would be much better off with Netflix.
@cengland0 It would appear everyone has different use cases. If Meh’s deals don’t sweeten up, I’ll likely let VMP expire after this $30 year. ($60 less $30 legacy VMP coupons for Casemates Kickstarter.)
Netflix at HD runs $132 per year and carries no Amazon benefits (Prime isn’t only fast shipping and streaming video).
@sammydog01 @Pantheist I might be exposing an interest in SciFi, History, and Armageddon series, but I’ve found the following Prime no charge series enjoyable (some perhaps available on other streams, but we don’t pay for other streams and cut the Cable TV cord over a decade ago) …
Vikings, Bosch, Salvation, Mr. Robot, Rome, The Man in the High Castle, The Night Manager, Goliath, Defiance, Falling Skies, The Last Tycoon, Strike Back… + a fair number of movies.
What the hell did I just do?

/image muscular-lightening-idea
Toys for Grandkids I guess.
ug. The pic won’t edit…
@daveinwarsh I think that pic belongs in the New Kids thread…
@daveinwarsh yeah they changed that it is now stuck on whatever comes up first. However if you slightly change the title you get a different pic, sometimes even adding a “.” does it.
@daveinwarsh Why would you want to edit that picture?
@daveinwarsh the /image command always shows the first match result. The /giphy command will pull a random result when you edit/refresh.
That’s at Neyland Stadium! Go Vols!!!
@sammydog01 Because I hate showing a picture of myself in public???
Heheheh. You guys must be drowning in fidget spinners. Stop selling them and save them for the next Fuku. Then just send all the rest - like an entire semi full of them - to some poor sap. Ummmm…not to me, though…cause…I already bought some! Yeah, that’s it; I already bought some. Whew.
Oh god why did I buy this
Christmas is only 11 months away. Have you finished your toy shopping yet?
@hchavers I already bought everything on the list except for the car kits. The kids were unimpressed.

/giphy unimpressed
That means coming up there will be a deal with just pepper spray. Maybe a 2fer?
Worth $15 just to give this stuff away. My goal is to have more fidget spinners than Meh and I’m getting close.
@jmbunkin I just gave 80 away and feel free. Now for the speakers…
You got the wrong stuff, meh-be.
Have you heard of the New Kids On The Block? They were a boy band that enjoyed success in the early 1990s. Their “hits” include Step by Step and Hanging Tough. They sure were pretty. We miss them very much.
/giphy photogenic Martian pencil

I used my Casemate coupon, so only $5 plus free shipping. I give them away youth in various residential homes.
What is anyone going to do with 20 fidget spinners? You can’t give them to kids theyd just give you a dirty look
@unksol You should check out the original thread- they were a huge hit on Halloween.
@unksol You could try to get all 20 of them to spin at the same time without taking them out of their boxes !
@sammydog01 in the same way giving a kid an apple at Halloween is a huge hit??
@unksol just rent a van with tinted/no windows to assist in the giveaway. Perhaps bring your new puppies.
@unksol Donate them to a teacher! They are treasure box gold!
My kid’s birthday is coming up and these would be perfect for favors. Even with shipping, works out to less than a dollar a favor. But, I can’t, in good faith, buy a package with MORE fidgets when I’m still trying to off load the fidget spinners from Halloween. AND, the birthday party we went to, the guests went home with them. Sigh…the economics of the fidget.
Huh… it’s in Quebec…
Couldn’t resist picking one up as a gag, sent straight to my brother-in-law without explanation.
When did Fukos become $15??
None of these toys vibrate so funds will not be allocated at this time. However a CR will be voted on provided that a BT speaker is given full consideration tomorrow.
Are these toys individually packaged in retail packaging, or just loose?
@gaijin4life retail packaging
I’m a teacher. Spinners are gold! This is an awesome deal. If you don’t know what to do with the other 19 spinners that you don’t need – donate them to a local school or kids club!
I don’t understand the fidget spinner hate. Every kid I’ve given a fidget spinner to (and I bought the 50 pack) has been DELIGHTED. Both of my kids’ teachers were happy that my kids gave them to all their classmates. Fidget spinners are great! If you don’t want yours, give 'em to me - I’ll find a kid (or an adult) to appreciate them.
Model number … happy happy toy toy!!

Mine came… All fidget spinners white. #disappointed
@pennstatephil mine were all black.
@isz @pennstatephil I see the beginnings of a beautiful friendship here. #spinnerfriends
Do these spinners meet the current Toy Safety Standard
ATSM F 963 ?
@cld1022 Does it say so on the box?
I’ve only held one fidget spinner before, so I’m no expert, but the LED one I opened doesn’t seem to spin as well as I expected.
I haven’t opened anything else. The car thing is probably going to Goodwill or something. Maybe my black x-wing fighters or whatever they are, too.
I’ll probably give the fidget spinners away next halloween, if I remember and can find them.
So why did I buy it? Why not?