Help, I need somebody


Help, not just anybody.

If you hang out here very much, you’ve read that my mother is in a nursing home because she had a stroke. She’s now been there about 10 months. I take Mom’s dog, Lady, to visit about three times a week. Mom is always so happy to see her “number one daughter” and Lady is always so excited to see her.

However, lately, Mom is becoming more and more agitated when Lady and I leave. She will often refuse to eat, and believe me, Mom has already lost 40 pounds and cannot afford to lose any more. Let’s not talk about her throwing things at the staff and yelling at them to, “LEAVE!” her room.

A friend of mine suggested that I try to find a plush dog that looks like Lady and then maybe Mom will feel like (maybe?) Lady is staying with her and not always leaving. One of the nurses said that they will sometimes give patients a baby doll to “take care of” and it seems to help them.

The picture I posted looks very much like Lady, except Lady has an all black face. I haven’t found any plush dogs that look like Lady, except for a Dalmatian puppy that might work. But I want to make the face black, add a couple of large black splotches, and a lot more black freckles.

Alright all you crafters and smarties, help me out. What should I use to color this dog? I definitely need something that will not rub off.