@Pavlov wait, what? You rent your daily driver? Is that like leasing with no mileage restrictions? It can't be as cheap as leasing though. I've never heard of someone doing this. Nifty.
@Mac454 Mostly, it is free. We use Hertz so damn much at the company I co-own that we rack up huge Gold Plus and Business reward points - I cash them in for my daily driver. No mileage restrictions, no maintenance, no insurance costs (offered free with our business plan based on our high usage) - the benefits outweigh the negatives and I drive a brand new car or SUV of my choosing every four weeks (President's Circle and those benefits are offered to us yearly and my local HLE lets me pick my car with no questions asked from any vehicle on the lot with no increase in cost over the full size rate based on vehicle type I choose). The MOST I have paid out of pocket for a monthly rental in the last year is $140 with rewards offsetting the remainder.
@dashcloud It is funny to watch how the attendants at a local branch not familiar with us or when I'm on the road and stop in to a counter will change their attitude and actually stand up straighter and adjust their appearance and smile after they pull up our account . . . at least at Hertz my shit doesn't stink.
Branch managers will actually materialize seemingly out of thin air.
@clonetek Hey, Hallsville! I've raced there before, back in the day. Nothing fancy, my old Civic, but had friends with more raceworthy cars, including one with a Sonic Blue ('03 i think) Lightning.
I have a Hummer H3 with a Transformers Autobots Trailer Hitch Cover and the Plate is named after one of the AutoBots, plus the H3 is all blacked out including the rims
@somf69 Are you one of those people who spray paint over their tail lights in order to match the body color? If so, please explain this trend, I really don't get it.
Because I was a rebellious teenager, my first personalized plates were SEXY2U. I had them from age 17 to ~20. Then I had 4SECOYA for a while (he was the best dog) and after that, I was even lamer and put XPLOREN on my Explorer and then IBDODGN on my Durango. I also had DRBYGRL and then DRBYCHK and finally MELIAN (husband's nickname for me for a while) before my husband said I had to be a sensible adult and get the plain cheap plates. Because of that, I can never remember what my tags say now.
The name of my primary character in an old text MUD I played for 18 years. In CA, the plates stay with the owner, so that they have been on at least 4 cars so far
@kshannon1 73 de VE5EIS :) (and I'd argue our technology is far from obsolete... just ask the emergency radio operators that worked the Boston marathon bombing scene [the mobile networks collapsed under the traffic]).
@jsfs@photojim true, true. We aren't bound by traditional infrastructure or the reach of cell towers. We also bring communication skills and a go-anywhere attitude to special events. I enjoy work volunteering with the local ARES group. And having a ham plate is a great conversation starter!
@kshannon1 W8FZY Just got it last year. I'd been introduced in Boy Scouts years ago, just never got around to it until the local club offered a Ham in a Day course.
Wouldn't that require me to go to the DMV and interact with the people there even more than normal, all for basically a bumper sticker with less options?
I'd probably do something related to the car, especially if it was more unique. My current car isn't super unique (but certainly not common either). Fahrvergnügen doesn't fit on a plate, though. Maybe DRIVNJOY? I think that could be interpreted other ways, though. I also thought about coming up with something to make my car model an acronym, but didn't come up with anything especially good in 8 characters.
One co-worker put her Twitter handle on her plate. I wouldn't want to give people such an easy way to lodge a complaint, though.
@jqubed All the Challenger related ones I liked were already taken in ill-annoy when I moved here in 1990, or I'd have a car-specific plate for it also.
Wife (Ford girl) had a 2004 F150 and I removed all emblems and put the plate ( IMACHVY ) on. Have several now w/play on our name. OFFDAY, OFFDAY2, and on our little motor home- OFF2DAY.
I was wondering how I was going to bring this up. A friend bought this for me from an antique store. They thought of me since I always say meh. I doubt you'll find a more appropriate plate for the site. It even covers the lower 48 shipping rules.!
I never had one, I refuse to pay the extra cost for one. But, I've always been back and forth on what I'd use, maybe something related to the car I was driving, or something completely random like CATQUEEN? Or BITEME?
On the mustang convertible we sold, it was CRUZ JOB
When the husband used to go to the desert (without me, thank goodness) his trailer was HMWREKR (since the trailer hauled the toys that took him away from home...it was a joke). The loathed SIL didn't like that (since husband's brother would borrow the trailer). She requested we get rid of it. I told her to KMA.
@jsh139 It's awesome. I love driving it. It's been expensive to maintain. It's not problematic, per sé, but the tires, brakes, rotors, battery... just all huge in size and price. It's had a couple problems and was actually in 2 accidents already, neither of which were even remotely my fault. (rear-ended for some really minor damage, and side-swiped by an idiot who didn't check her blind spot)
@JerseyFrank glad to hear you're enjoying it! That sucks about the accidents. As for maintenance, a car with that much power and weight is gonna go through some tires and brakes for sure. Par for the course ;)
@jsh139 There were a couple other things too, but just typical car bullshit. I can't even remember what they were. The good news is... I haven't been pulled over in it yet. I don't think I could ever go back to an automatic transmission. Too much fun to downshift.
@JerseyFrank I agree. I tried going automatic about two years ago. Dumped that car after a year and went back to manual. All is right in the world now.
Used to have ID10T in Montana. A sherrif pulled me over one night and as he walked up he said, "Well I'm an idiot. I thought it said I D EYE OH T and I couldn't find it in the database." He let me go even though I hadn't put my recently renewed reg and insurance records in the car.
I could never justify the added expense to myself... but, as used to be big into Transformers, and the at the time currently running Beastwars, I've always Wanted to get (which my one buddy still calls me)
My Brother In Law, who has a small Potato Farm, Has TATER71(Born in 71) I worked out other "Tater" themed plates for my Sister, Nephew and Nice when they get old enough, but they just got me an angry glare from my sister..
@jqubed Just anything he wrote is fun. To me, TCOMC is the best one, but I once read the entire Musketeers series and liked it, even tho historically my family would have been on the other side at La Rochelle.
"BALLS" - No lie. I saw this on a soccer-mom style van near Allentown, PA around 2003. Took a photo of it on a disposable camera while driving because no one would believe me. Of course I have no idea where it's at now. It was balls.
I used to have GIMGR8. Now I rent my primary driver by the month from Hertz. The other vehicles all now have standard issue plates.
@Pavlov wait, what? You rent your daily driver? Is that like leasing with no mileage restrictions? It can't be as cheap as leasing though. I've never heard of someone doing this. Nifty.
@Mac454 Mostly, it is free. We use Hertz so damn much at the company I co-own that we rack up huge Gold Plus and Business reward points - I cash them in for my daily driver. No mileage restrictions, no maintenance, no insurance costs (offered free with our business plan based on our high usage) - the benefits outweigh the negatives and I drive a brand new car or SUV of my choosing every four weeks (President's Circle and those benefits are offered to us yearly and my local HLE lets me pick my car with no questions asked from any vehicle on the lot with no increase in cost over the full size rate based on vehicle type I choose). The MOST I have paid out of pocket for a monthly rental in the last year is $140 with rewards offsetting the remainder.
@Pavlov So all the Hertz offices treat you like royalty when you step into the office?
@dashcloud It is funny to watch how the attendants at a local branch not familiar with us or when I'm on the road and stop in to a counter will change their attitude and actually stand up straighter and adjust their appearance and smile after they pull up our account . . . at least at Hertz my shit doesn't stink.
Branch managers will actually materialize seemingly out of thin air.
@musmagic Awesome. I just started playing this in 2015 and love it. Not competitive at all. I just play to get out and take a nice walk with my son.
@JerseyFrank I've been addicted for 17 years!
Not really personalized, but it's a navy veteran plate. Does that count?
MIDCAT (wife's nickname)
May change to H8CPCHA...
@thismyusername I wish I could star this 100 times.
actively having a miserable time in the forum
I kinda want one that says BROKEN. ('cause I am. Broken.)
@clonetek Hey, Hallsville! I've raced there before, back in the day. Nothing fancy, my old Civic, but had friends with more raceworthy cars, including one with a Sonic Blue ('03 i think) Lightning.
Nice plate.
NOYDB (None of your damn business)
I have a Hummer H3 with a Transformers Autobots Trailer Hitch Cover and the Plate is named after one of the AutoBots, plus the H3 is all blacked out including the rims
@somf69 Are you one of those people who spray paint over their tail lights in order to match the body color? If so, please explain this trend, I really don't get it.
@cercopithecoid Nope, no spray paint. I got the plate for my kids a few ago and decided to keep it when they got a little older
Because I was a rebellious teenager, my first personalized plates were SEXY2U. I had them from age 17 to ~20. Then I had 4SECOYA for a while (he was the best dog) and after that, I was even lamer and put XPLOREN on my Explorer and then IBDODGN on my Durango. I also had DRBYGRL and then DRBYCHK and finally MELIAN (husband's nickname for me for a while) before my husband said I had to be a sensible adult and get the plain cheap plates. Because of that, I can never remember what my tags say now.
The name of my primary character in an old text MUD I played for 18 years.
In CA, the plates stay with the owner, so that they have been on at least 4 cars so far
My roommate wanted me to get 1000101 on the car I drove in college, because it had a 69 peace sign on the back glass.
@spitfire6006006 Great minds and all...
KDØKDT. I am an amateur (ham) radio operator. Yes, I know cell phones have made the technology obsolete. The hobby is still fun!
@kshannon1 73 de VE5EIS :) (and I'd argue our technology is far from obsolete... just ask the emergency radio operators that worked the Boston marathon bombing scene [the mobile networks collapsed under the traffic]).
@kshannon1 AF5DF here (and on my plates), and I don't use any obsolete technology. 73!
@jsfs @photojim true, true. We aren't bound by traditional infrastructure or the reach of cell towers. We also bring communication skills and a go-anywhere attitude to special events. I enjoy work volunteering with the local ARES group. And having a ham plate is a great conversation starter!
@kshannon1 W8FZY Just got it last year. I'd been introduced in Boy Scouts years ago, just never got around to it until the local club offered a Ham in a Day course.
@fuzzmanmatt Congrats and welcome! The local club in Des Moines has sold out their last two technician classes too.
Wouldn't that require me to go to the DMV and interact with the people there even more than normal, all for basically a bumper sticker with less options?
Also, get off my lawn!
@nogoodwithnames Nope, you can do it online, at least in Ohio. I suppose it depends on the state
@spitfire6006006 Texas, as well.
@nogoodwithnames no but it is like paying an annual fee for the equivalent of a bumper sticker with less options.
DbleJ 93
My first and last initials are J, hence the Double J nickname and I was born in 93... Nothing especially interesting.
My mother had HELP ALL as her plate and I never saw her help anyone, although she did ask for a lot of help.
On the way to worth the other day I saw a Chrysler 300 with the plate "GODS300". But it looked like a regular guy driving.
Yes, and it's because all the good Animaniacs ones were taken already.
Silly me forgot to say what it is:

SHRDLU (but I've never, ever done it, because I prefer anonymity, and personalized plates would sure end it)
CHK UR6 (lots of CHP on my commute)
I'd probably do something related to the car, especially if it was more unique. My current car isn't super unique (but certainly not common either). Fahrvergnügen doesn't fit on a plate, though. Maybe DRIVNJOY? I think that could be interpreted other ways, though. I also thought about coming up with something to make my car model an acronym, but didn't come up with anything especially good in 8 characters.
One co-worker put her Twitter handle on her plate. I wouldn't want to give people such an easy way to lodge a complaint, though.
@jqubed All the Challenger related ones I liked were already taken in ill-annoy when I moved here in 1990, or I'd have a car-specific plate for it also.
i want Papa43PhD
I saw this accurate plate recently:

@jqubed death tarp, the tarp that strikes in the night to take the unaware, forever.
@rhrgrt still not the worst movie pitch I've heard.
(was my first ever username, back in the late 1970s)
Wife (Ford girl) had a 2004 F150 and I removed all emblems and put the plate ( IMACHVY ) on. Have several now w/play on our name. OFFDAY, OFFDAY2, and on our little motor home- OFF2DAY.
I was wondering how I was going to bring this up. A friend bought this for me from an antique store. They thought of me since I always say meh. I doubt you'll find a more appropriate plate for the site. It even covers the lower 48 shipping rules.!
Never. Or not yet, anyway.
No, not NEVER, or NOTYET. Dont like to attract attention to the vehicle so mo vanity plates.
Tho if SCHADENFREUDE would fit on a plate...
But no.
@f00l SHDNFRD?
Unfortunately - or fortunately - no one would ever get it. But some curious asshole might follow me till i stopped, just to ask.
I don't have one but after failing out of med school, I was seriously considering getting one that said FAILURE.
Got it when I bought a former State Police Interceptor Mustang 5.0. Kept it. And now it's on my MazdaSpeed3.
It's a nod to SNL...
Not Custom Custom, but FF plates.
See you at Dairy Queen
Anything that tags DQ is good.
SG1-9. Figure that out. Just don't end the sentence with a preposition or I'll have to break out the b-word.
I end all my sentences with prepositions, sort of.
I never had one, I refuse to pay the extra cost for one. But, I've always been back and forth on what I'd use, maybe something related to the car I was driving, or something completely random like CATQUEEN? Or BITEME?
I'm not creative enough to come up with anything clever, but I can usually figure them out. LB SAND, for instance.
I wouldn't, but I could.
On the mustang convertible we sold, it was CRUZ JOB
When the husband used to go to the desert (without me, thank goodness) his trailer was HMWREKR (since the trailer hauled the toys that took him away from home...it was a joke). The loathed SIL didn't like that (since husband's brother would borrow the trailer). She requested we get rid of it. I told her to KMA.
I have JESTER1 on my project car.
i wanted to do LISC*PLT
I had two.
One was on my 1983 Dodge Aries K car that I had bought for $600. So, I got: 6CNotes. Thought it was clever at the time.
Years later I got really into the bands Nine Inch Nails and Tool. So, I got: NIN-TOOL
I grew out of the vanity plate phase and have none now.
GEN 11 on a Chrysler land yacht from the 1970s. Then New Hampshire stopped charging $5 extra for vanity plates and made it into a revenue-earner.
I've got a custom plate...

This is on my Pontiac G8 GXP M6
@JerseyFrank How is that car doing? Get used to the speed yet?
@jsh139 It's awesome. I love driving it. It's been expensive to maintain. It's not problematic, per sé, but the tires, brakes, rotors, battery... just all huge in size and price. It's had a couple problems and was actually in 2 accidents already, neither of which were even remotely my fault. (rear-ended for some really minor damage, and side-swiped by an idiot who didn't check her blind spot)
@JerseyFrank glad to hear you're enjoying it! That sucks about the accidents. As for maintenance, a car with that much power and weight is gonna go through some tires and brakes for sure. Par for the course ;)
@jsh139 There were a couple other things too, but just typical car bullshit. I can't even remember what they were. The good news is... I haven't been pulled over in it yet. I don't think I could ever go back to an automatic transmission. Too much fun to downshift.
@JerseyFrank I agree. I tried going automatic about two years ago. Dumped that car after a year and went back to manual. All is right in the world now.
I'd probably just get my first name on a plate. Boring, but I've considered it.
Here's mine!

I am about to buy a new car should I check to see if meh or askirk are available? Will Mem pay for it from their advertising budget?
This was a pretty good one:

(It existed until the DMV made the owner change it).
@dashcloud the bloody looking hand prints make that even better.
@dashcloud bureaucrats stink.
@dashcloud That's all kinds of awesome.
Not mine, from the heady days of Vanilla WOW

Used to have ID10T in Montana.
A sherrif pulled me over one night and as he walked up he said, "Well I'm an idiot. I thought it said I D EYE OH T and I couldn't find it in the database." He let me go even though I hadn't put my recently renewed reg and insurance records in the car.
Need I say more?
@lilystang So your username relates to your car?
@jqubed Always been a stang girl :-)
Yeah, not a lot of originality there.
I had a Dead head friend with ABUCKET.
Which you might appreciate if you knew about the Dead song "Going to Hell in a Bucket"
BKNTYM on a 68 Mustang
996 on a 1999 Porsche Carrera
I could never justify the added expense to myself...
but, as used to be big into Transformers, and the at the time currently running Beastwars, I've always Wanted to get
(which my one buddy still calls me)
My Brother In Law, who has a small Potato Farm, Has TATER71(Born in 71)

I worked out other "Tater" themed plates for my Sister, Nephew and Nice when they get old enough, but they just got me an angry glare from my sister..
@earlyre His first name wouldn't happen to be Dick, would it? Or Richard and you can start calling him Dick?
@jqubed unfortunately no.. Jason.
Only person I know who had one was my uncle:
He is a HUGE Three Musketeers fan
@simplersimon I liked The Count of Monte Cristo better myself.
Just anything he wrote is fun. To me, TCOMC is the best one, but I once read the entire Musketeers series and liked it, even tho historically my family would have been on the other side at La Rochelle.
Repost from the Penny Arcade forums:
Someone in WA saw a EH2ZED plate, presumably a former Canadian.
I said if they moved to Louisiana, would they get EH2FEH?
Hungry now, you set me up.
These are unfortunate:


@djslack This is why we abbreviate NC State University NCSU.
Ok. i win.
"BALLS" - No lie. I saw this on a soccer-mom style van near Allentown, PA around 2003. Took a photo of it on a disposable camera while driving because no one would believe me. Of course I have no idea where it's at now.
It was balls.
Corndog because every time i saw them I'd think of the song from 12 oz mouse and start laughing
Saw a PT Cruiser once that was dark brown and light brown. Plate said - DBL STUF
FUZZMAN Don't have the plate active anymore, but it's still hanging in the garage.
It's too long.