@sammydog01 It started as one of ThinkGeek’s annual April Fool’s “products”, and part way through the day they put up a message that said: Ok, ok, stop bugging us to make it real. We’re contacting LucasFilm about the rights to make it.
And they did.
I’m a bit over 6’ tall, and it fits me about like the guy in the first photo.
Since ThinkGeek is dead & gone, I’m guessing the ones currently available are Chinese knockoffs, so they may smell like real TaunTauns.
Product: Happy Nappers Sleepsack (20" x 54")
Model: 7041, 7043, 7045, 7046
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$49.99 for other characters at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, May 1 - Thursday, May 4
I think I’d rather gouge out my eyes than allow one of these in my home.
@kjady Well thanks to your county’s judicial system, children can’t be within 2,500 ft of you, so should be safe.
@mcanavino lol, It has nothing to do with the fact it’s a childrens product. I just have a vendetta against their jingle.
if these were like 10 dollars i’d buy them all
eta: nevermind i completely misunderstood what these were, i thought they were neck pillows
“Happy Nappers Sleepy Sack” sounds like some kind of dystopian euphemism
@awk Kids go in, Soylent Green comes out.
@mcanavino The happy character’s eyes will open fully and glow red while the processing chamber is active.
@awk enjoy the light show and this soothing music while you are processed.
@awk @mcanavino
And I’m not at all sure that I’d wanna sleep with any of 'em.
@gertiestn Try looking at them again after a few drinks.
@gertiestn @Trinityscrew

I’d imagine kids would like these although I am not sure how much use they’d get.
Nappy (quite a multi-layered word):
and wasn’t concerned with “racist”
@phendrick And it’s “hall”, not “wall” !!
I stayed up for this? I need some sleep.
Thanks, but I’d rather sleep inside a freshly slaughtered Tauntaun
I thought they smelled bad on the outside!
@FightingMongoos Are those… balloon animal entrails?
@FightingMongoos @stinks Those are high quality special effects from Industrial Light and Magic not some silly balloon animals.
One of my cherished possessions.
@blaineg Note the zipper pull.
Oh, I just noticed that image fails to show the lining.
@blaineg I was going to say if this was a couple of feet longer I would buy one. And it’s really a thing! I hope the smell isn’t realistic.
@sammydog01 It started as one of ThinkGeek’s annual April Fool’s “products”, and part way through the day they put up a message that said: Ok, ok, stop bugging us to make it real. We’re contacting LucasFilm about the rights to make it.
And they did.
I’m a bit over 6’ tall, and it fits me about like the guy in the first photo.
Since ThinkGeek is dead & gone, I’m guessing the ones currently available are Chinese knockoffs, so they may smell like real TaunTauns.
@blaineg @sammydog01 You really think they smell that good?
@blaineg @sammydog01 @yakkoTDI

/image thought they smelled bad on the outside
What is the purple creature?
@edsa I’m pretty sure it’s a sloth, especially since it has 3 toes per foot.
Hey, Glen - you’re a fine one to talk!