We did the Trick or Treating thing. Kids got a lot of candy, but not too much.
There is a “haunted house” in our neighborhood. They literally construct walls in their garage and have fog machines, strobe lights, people in scary costumes, animatronics, and someone with a chainsaw.
We went through it (though not my oldest son).
There was a point to what I was rambling on about, but I lost it. I think I will stop now.
@compunaut I made them from plumbing pipes, wire cables to make them move, an old sheet, and a bunch of that “creepy cloth”.
One day I’d like to make a pair that looked like feathers, but I definitely didn’t have time this year. This is the same pair I’ve used for a few years, I just keep adding to the fabric a little. They definitely look creepier in the dark.
@compunaut@RiotDemon I think my favorite new Halloween decorating tradition is the creepy cloth/spooky fabric. It’s simultaneously so dumb and so useful and the words “creepy cloth” make me giggle just about every time I see them. [I’m giggling right now.]
@mossygreen haha, it is useful! Such a simple thing to make stuff spooky. At my friend’s Halloween party last year they went well across tables and lampshades.
@medz I had no trick or treaters this year (this year live in a neighborhood where it is not safe to be out in the dark) but last year kids were thrilled with fidget spinners. Only 2 didn’t want one.
@sammydog01 We got mostly younger kids. Older kids did seem less enthused, but not rude. A couple of older kids wanted to pick which color/designs they got, so they must care enough to get the “best” one. One kid said, “this house always gives fidget spinners” as he was walking away. So 2 years in a row = “always” to a kid.
I live on a college campus (housing adjacent to campus) and there was a report of a female on campus with a gun. After we were told to shelter in place for a few hours, things got back to normal, somewhat. Not a single trick or treater came by. I am not sure if I would have opened the door this year though, the person with the gun was not caught and I was freaked out. I did leave candy outside though, no one took any.
Started raining about dusk, heavy rain, wind and lightening by 6:30 pm.
So had NO TRICK-OR-TREATERS; maybe next year they will still like fidget spinners! (I imagine ALL the batteries will be dead in the LED ones by then.)
100% of trick-or-treaters picked fidget spinners over candy. All one of them that came by.
Is trick-or-treating not really a thing anymore now with trunk-or-treat and all the weekend events before halloween?
Ended up driving to Waukegan to buy tickets to see Craig Ferguson at the Genesse Theater on Saturday. Got great seats! Then I bought some random Halloween clearance at three different thrift stores. Later, I discovered a tv station is doing a Vincent Price marathon, so I watched The Masque of the Red Death and Madhouse, and am now going to bed instead of watching all of Scream and Scream Again. Thanks for asking!
Had a blast hanging with friends and neighbors. Gave out 51 good light-up fidget spinners, 40 of those kids got a bonus bad one. Then four bags of candy and I’m ashamed to say I ran out for the first time ever.
We didn’t have nearly as many trick-or-treaters as last year for some reason. I had decided to hand out jelly rings and light sticks, and went kind of chintzy on the early kids (the youngest ones, natch’) then tried to double up on the later ones (the teenagers, natch’). Still wound up with lots of leftovers for NEXT year… But walked the dog around the neighborhood afterwards and scored some Snickers and Kit-Kats! Yas!!!
Despite it drizzling most of the night, we had a pretty good showing.
I love watching the kids puzzle over picking a fidget spinner or a full size Hershey’s bar. I’d say it went from 90% fidget spinners last year to 75% this year, but some of that was clearly from kids who still had last year’s one.
And we still did get quite a few of the “mama, fiiiiidget spiiiiiner!!!” running down the driveway moments.
Miss @PuppyCat went as a unicorn with her cousin. They were adorable and she was fawned over, which makes her happier than candy.
We gave out 160 fidget spinners. 1 kid politely declined. Most were happy.
1 girl who came by last year mentioned that she was bummed hers didn’t light up last time, so she hunted through the bucket for one that did light up this time.
Oh also, unexpectedly, the most popular fidget spinner choice was the Canada flag one. Kids were hunting through trying to find one after seeing their friend get one.
@msklzannie Lady went with me to Mom’s first nursing home to help them prepare Halloween snack bags for the trick or treaters within their neighborhood.
She wore her new skeleton costume, which she did not like. I tried to take pictures, but have absolutely no talent in getting my new phone to cooperate. If I can figure it out, I’ll post a picture of her pouting in her costume. And I can guarantee that she will be pouting.
@RiotDemon I’m playing with it. So far, it wants to do one thing and I want it to do another. I guess I can always go back to the camera on my flip phone.
We did the Trick or Treating thing. Kids got a lot of candy, but not too much.
There is a “haunted house” in our neighborhood. They literally construct walls in their garage and have fog machines, strobe lights, people in scary costumes, animatronics, and someone with a chainsaw.
We went through it (though not my oldest son).
There was a point to what I was rambling on about, but I lost it. I think I will stop now.
Congratulations to the new goat! You!
Thank you!
/giphy Thank you all

I was sassy.
@RiotDemon Are those succubus wings?
@compunaut I’m the Angel of Death. AKA the Grim Reaper.
@RiotDemon Yes, yes… but the wings!
@compunaut I’m not sure the question. They’re just regular wings.
@RiotDemon Those are not regular wings.

/image halloween fairy wings
@RiotDemon These are regular wings ^^^^
@compunaut I made them from plumbing pipes, wire cables to make them move, an old sheet, and a bunch of that “creepy cloth”.
One day I’d like to make a pair that looked like feathers, but I definitely didn’t have time this year. This is the same pair I’ve used for a few years, I just keep adding to the fabric a little. They definitely look creepier in the dark.
@compunaut @RiotDemon I think my favorite new Halloween decorating tradition is the creepy cloth/spooky fabric. It’s simultaneously so dumb and so useful and the words “creepy cloth” make me giggle just about every time I see them. [I’m giggling right now.]
@mossygreen haha, it is useful! Such a simple thing to make stuff spooky. At my friend’s Halloween party last year they went well across tables and lampshades.
Seems as good a thread to post this as any. Apparently, the fidget spinner fad isn’t completely dead.
@medz happy kids!
Oh wow. That was so cool. Thank you for sharing.
@medz Great vid! Nice job.
@medz I had a bunch of older kids that rolled their eyes and said are you kidding me? And then took a spinner. I gave them candy too.
@medz I had no trick or treaters this year (this year live in a neighborhood where it is not safe to be out in the dark) but last year kids were thrilled with fidget spinners. Only 2 didn’t want one.
@sammydog01 We got mostly younger kids. Older kids did seem less enthused, but not rude. A couple of older kids wanted to pick which color/designs they got, so they must care enough to get the “best” one. One kid said, “this house always gives fidget spinners” as he was walking away. So 2 years in a row = “always” to a kid.
@medz I had a dozen monster rubber duckies- some of the little kids wanted those. But they liked the flashing lights. Me too.
I live on a college campus (housing adjacent to campus) and there was a report of a female on campus with a gun. After we were told to shelter in place for a few hours, things got back to normal, somewhat. Not a single trick or treater came by. I am not sure if I would have opened the door this year though, the person with the gun was not caught and I was freaked out. I did leave candy outside though, no one took any.
Started raining about dusk, heavy rain, wind and lightening by 6:30 pm.
So had NO TRICK-OR-TREATERS; maybe next year they will still like fidget spinners! (I imagine ALL the batteries will be dead in the LED ones by then.)
@phendrick That is so sad.
100% of trick-or-treaters picked fidget spinners over candy. All one of them that came by.
Is trick-or-treating not really a thing anymore now with trunk-or-treat and all the weekend events before halloween?
@metaphore Hundreds of kiddies in my neighborhood. So, ya, still a thing.
@metaphore @ruouttaurmind Everyone I’ve spoken to either had hundreds of kids or less than 10. Halloween is officially Hit or Miss.

Ended up driving to Waukegan to buy tickets to see Craig Ferguson at the Genesse Theater on Saturday. Got great seats! Then I bought some random Halloween clearance at three different thrift stores. Later, I discovered a tv station is doing a Vincent Price marathon, so I watched The Masque of the Red Death and Madhouse, and am now going to bed instead of watching all of Scream and Scream Again. Thanks for asking!
Had a blast hanging with friends and neighbors. Gave out 51 good light-up fidget spinners, 40 of those kids got a bonus bad one. Then four bags of candy and I’m ashamed to say I ran out for the first time ever.
We didn’t have nearly as many trick-or-treaters as last year for some reason. I had decided to hand out jelly rings and light sticks, and went kind of chintzy on the early kids (the youngest ones, natch’) then tried to double up on the later ones (the teenagers, natch’). Still wound up with lots of leftovers for NEXT year… But walked the dog around the neighborhood afterwards and scored some Snickers and Kit-Kats! Yas!!!
I went shopping. My kids are around 40 and out of state.
I’ll be taking down the decorations I put up yesterday afternoon. Who am I kidding, that’s what Black Friday is for.
@sammydog01 I took down the outside Halloween decorations and put up the Christmas ones since it was unusually warm today.
@marcee Stunning.
@marcee wow! I love it!
@marcee Did you make those masks or buy them? Either way, all of these costumes are incredible!
@NiteMareFuel Bought them. They’re fairly rare, but I found the “set” on ebay and couldn’t resist.
Despite it drizzling most of the night, we had a pretty good showing.
I love watching the kids puzzle over picking a fidget spinner or a full size Hershey’s bar. I’d say it went from 90% fidget spinners last year to 75% this year, but some of that was clearly from kids who still had last year’s one.
And we still did get quite a few of the “mama, fiiiiidget spiiiiiner!!!” running down the driveway moments.
Miss @PuppyCat went as a unicorn with her cousin. They were adorable and she was fawned over, which makes her happier than candy.
We gave out 160 fidget spinners. 1 kid politely declined. Most were happy.
1 girl who came by last year mentioned that she was bummed hers didn’t light up last time, so she hunted through the bucket for one that did light up this time.
Oh also, unexpectedly, the most popular fidget spinner choice was the Canada flag one. Kids were hunting through trying to find one after seeing their friend get one.
@dave That way, they can tell their friends they got it from their “girlfriend who lives in Canada”. (you wouldn’t know her)
It was a cold, lonely night. Only two kids came to my door. Maybe next year will be different, but I doubt it.
@Barney aww
@Barney Was Lady not invited to any Halloween parties this year?
@msklzannie Lady went with me to Mom’s first nursing home to help them prepare Halloween snack bags for the trick or treaters within their neighborhood.
She wore her new skeleton costume, which she did not like. I tried to take pictures, but have absolutely no talent in getting my new phone to cooperate. If I can figure it out, I’ll post a picture of her pouting in her costume. And I can guarantee that she will be pouting.
@Barney are you able to start the camera? The button should be at the bottom of your screen by default.
We need more pictures of Lady.
@RiotDemon I’m playing with it. So far, it wants to do one thing and I want it to do another. I guess I can always go back to the camera on my flip phone.