Goat Day #5: I call the big one Bitey


So, I was trimming some long grass against my fence earlier today, and I remembered I had a trap set up to catch some problem pests. I’ve deployed this trap a few times before to catch rabbits that invaded my yard, and had no issues.

Not that it’s super uncommon to see them, but I was surprised when I saw a possum in my cage. This thing was not very happy. He was very aggressive hissing and biting anything that came close to the cage.

I was able to release him nearby, but not too close that he’d come back. Looks like it’s missing some teeth, and there is a few bloody face patches (maybe from trying to escape). Animal control won’t pick them up unless they are sick.

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One other time I saw snakes getting it on in my inlaws basement, near the toilet. They also tried to bite me when I captured them to relocate them.

Do you have any unwanted pest/intruder stories?

/giphy I call the big one bitey