Wouldn't you think that Amazon would attack Craiglist to gain an advantage and control both coasts? Then Payment Gateways would be ripe for the taking.
@mfladd Good strategy, but I'd rather see them attack across the gulf and wipe out Microsoft Games. I know it would just be a start, but maybe they could eventually take control of the big, evil Microsoft -- I hate those bastards!
@pitamuffin I understand your thinking (they do suck), but why leave a possible enemy at your flank. They are just a Microsoft colony and are not much of a threat, seeing that Microsoft could not provide them with much support as they are spending all their time trying to make Windows 8 palatable.
Since OP didn't post a photo of it, I'll do that here:

@cengland0 wOOt is also listed directly under Amazon, next to Zappos.
@mfladd I had a much harder time finding that one:

@cengland0 Understandably. Don't ask me why I was looking so closely at this damn map.
Wouldn't you think that Amazon would attack Craiglist to gain an advantage and control both coasts? Then Payment Gateways would be ripe for the taking.
@mfladd - Perhaps Craig is nothing like breakfast octopus?
@mfladd Good strategy, but I'd rather see them attack across the gulf and wipe out Microsoft Games. I know it would just be a start, but maybe they could eventually take control of the big, evil Microsoft -- I hate those bastards!
@pitamuffin I understand your thinking (they do suck), but why leave a possible enemy at your flank. They are just a Microsoft colony and are not much of a threat, seeing that Microsoft could not provide them with much support as they are spending all their time trying to make Windows 8 palatable.
And soon to be included:

And mods, can we possibly get a mock up of a House Meh. flag? Here is Googles:
@mfladd - Maybe @JonT and @Hollboll can draw one in the next Mediocre LabStream.
@KDemo Ha! I think that is a good idea. Get thinking kids!
Looks like a pirate map to me.
@Teripie - Pirates are based in the far Southwest, near the Internet Crime continent.
(Think Argentina).
@mfladd It's a Pastafarian thing. I live in Florida and there's already a tropical depression/storm brewing, well before the hurricane season.
@KDemo But I can tell from a coversation on another thread @terpie just misses the Pirate days of wOOt. We just need to get him/her one.
@Teripie - Ramen. I'm a Frisbeetarian, though. We believe that when you die, your soul goes up to the roof and gets stuck.
@Teripie sorry I was editing that is why your reply came first - it's an ADD thing.
@KDemo Holy crap that's profound!!!
@mfladd I was editing too. To many brilliant minds around here.
@Teripie - George Carlin.
@KDemo Don't become like Tom Cruise. Frisbeetarianism is a cult!
As @dave noted to me this morning, it would be much more enjoyable if "adress" wasn't misspelled so close to the Woot landmass.
@snapster " a dress"?
@snapster- Well, the important thing is that they spelled your (and @Dave's) name right.
None of this matters, the internet world is flat.