FUKU 2: Second Shipments


Welp, I couldn't wait to get the 2nd package meh. It was supposed to go out Monday, but I had it held at FedEx and went and picked it up. I was way too excited to wait.

Hmm, it's about the size of a TV, but it's too padded to be a TV. It has to be some type of comforter or something.

Really? All that excitement for a stupid pillow with the stuffing torn out? But wait, there's more!

What's this? A monitor? An XBox? It must be something really cool. I mean, they went through the trouble of making sure it was really really well protected. It has to be, right?

WRONG! I open it up, WTF. It appears to be some sort of advertisement for a courier service or something. What the heck am I supposed to do with this thing? What is that sticking out of it? A cord?
Lets plug it in! Ooooh, it lights up.

If nothing else, it was a fun ride. As for the item iteself....... meh.