Fuck It Friday (aka game time)

bluedyn went on a bit of a rant said

Since I demurred at the last game @JonT posted to entertain us during work hours (even though I played it [on my phone]), I figure it’s my turn to start a different type of game. Also, it’s a leave-early Friday before a three-day weekend, so productivity is over.

Here’s my game. We share lists of our 5 favorite whatevers, in no particular order. We get bored with a list subject, we start another one.

We get to discover more things, and we get to learn a little more about each other, which is well timed because of all the new forum traffic.

First list: 5 favorite live concerts

  • The Orwells, Bonnaroo ’14 (Fuck Miller Lite! Fuck Miller Lite!)
  • Depeche Mode, ACL ’13 weekend 1 (finally got to see Martin Gore sing “Shake the Disease” live and I was right up at the barricade)
  • Ghostland Observatory, ACL ’09 (I was muddy up to my thighs and stuck behind a bunch of bros talking thru a shit Dave Matthews Band set. As I was leaving, the lasers drew me to the other stage and I band I’d never heard of. Turned out they’re awesome. Made hanging out in the mud totally worth it.)
  • Marilyn Manson, many years ago (can’t remember the show, do remember there were picketers outside, which made me so proud to be there)
  • Muse 2nd Law tour (was so excellent when I saw them in Dallas, that I insisted my NYC friend see them and flew up to make her go, so I could go again too)

No need to be as chatty as I detailed as I just was, unless you want to.