Driver’s Ed - technically, past of the PE program, but we got to sit in these “simulators” that were always broken, none of the lights or switches worked, and they showed a film in front of us that was unaffected by anything you did, so you felt rather helpless as the ball bounced out into the street with the kid and dog right behind it while the neighbor backed out of his driveway and the garbage truck was blocking most of the street …
/giphy drivers education
to clarify, we had driver’s ed in 8th grade, for some reason, even though most of us were only 12 or 13, (possibly to prep if we decided to go into auto theft at an early age, I guess) so we had a lot of fun. This was before “middle school” came into being, so grade school was K-8 and high school was 9 -12.
Anything that did not involve handwriting! I had and currently have some of the worst handwriting around. It was quite the point of contention all throughout school and it caused much guilt, shame and occasionally, grades below what my intelligence deserved. Hell, when I was in the 5th grade(or grade 5 for all you Canadians)they even made up a new style of writing called D’Nealian. Check it out:’Nealian . At the time, I thought for sure it was just a tactic to get me to fail the 5th grade(it almost worked) Flash forward to present day where I embrace my handwriting and own it %100 and if someone doesn’t like it they can take a hike!
Math and science for the poll. But really, my favorite class was a 7th-grade Shop class. Hammers and chisels and saws, oh my! I got to cut things up and pound on them, so what’s not to love?
@rockblossom Heck yeah! I remember running the drill press through several text books and one time a girl was using a power hand drill and her hair got caught in it and it ripped a piece of her scalp off.(I’m pretty sure our shop teacher was an alcoholic)
Grade school? Any time we got to do any type of art. Drawing, water colors, finger painting, etc…
middle school, drafting.
high school, electronics, programming.
These days, it’d probably be some form of math or science, I reckon. I bet history would be interesting too, now that I’ve escaped the dead, stupid, apology-laden, dramatic oversimplifications that they gave us in high school. Philosophy, I had wanted to get into for a while…
@OldCatLady me too, me too!
Going home!
Give me the news.
@mike808 you are a comedic genius. I’ve been giggling for 5 minutes.
Film Appreciation.
Exam Key:
Q: Would you like to watch a film?
A: I’d appreciate that.
Driver’s Ed - technically, past of the PE program, but we got to sit in these “simulators” that were always broken, none of the lights or switches worked, and they showed a film in front of us that was unaffected by anything you did, so you felt rather helpless as the ball bounced out into the street with the kid and dog right behind it while the neighbor backed out of his driveway and the garbage truck was blocking most of the street …

/giphy drivers education
to clarify, we had driver’s ed in 8th grade, for some reason, even though most of us were only 12 or 13, (possibly to prep if we decided to go into auto theft at an early age, I guess) so we had a lot of fun. This was before “middle school” came into being, so grade school was K-8 and high school was 9 -12.
Girls, and the subject did not change in college, or even today.
@hchavers No kidding?! When did you graduate?
Anything that did not involve handwriting! I had and currently have some of the worst handwriting around. It was quite the point of contention all throughout school and it caused much guilt, shame and occasionally, grades below what my intelligence deserved. Hell, when I was in the 5th grade(or grade 5 for all you Canadians)they even made up a new style of writing called D’Nealian. Check it out:’Nealian . At the time, I thought for sure it was just a tactic to get me to fail the 5th grade(it almost worked) Flash forward to present day where I embrace my handwriting and own it %100 and if someone doesn’t like it they can take a hike!
The end of the day bell.
History, and I still love it!!
@tinamarie1974 me too!
Whoa! Look at all the fellow math and science nerds who answered the poll!
@macromeh Math!! Fucking A!!
art, definitely. i also liked spelling and handwriting and math. i know it’s terrible but i always hated history and still do.
Math and science for the poll. But really, my favorite class was a 7th-grade Shop class. Hammers and chisels and saws, oh my! I got to cut things up and pound on them, so what’s not to love?
@rockblossom Heck yeah! I remember running the drill press through several text books and one time a girl was using a power hand drill and her hair got caught in it and it ripped a piece of her scalp off.(I’m pretty sure our shop teacher was an alcoholic)
Grade school? Any time we got to do any type of art. Drawing, water colors, finger painting, etc…
middle school, drafting.
high school, electronics, programming.
I don’t remember.
These days, it’d probably be some form of math or science, I reckon. I bet history would be interesting too, now that I’ve escaped the dead, stupid, apology-laden, dramatic oversimplifications that they gave us in high school. Philosophy, I had wanted to get into for a while…
Anyone else start reading that and begin singing to themselves?
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries…
@cinoclav um…not me…
/youtube don’t know much about history
@cinoclav Missed that! Seems so obvious now…
@therealjrn That song immediately makes me think about Animal House.
@llangley Yup
I never learned the song, but I did step frame through the beginning once to see all the images …
@stolicat Ha! That’s a whole other big bang I’m interested in.