@shahnm you let us down yesterday. Somebody questioned battery flammability, and nothing. It was such perfect set up. <sigh> this the proof that Leibniz was wrong about the relative bestness of this world.
@simplersimon I specialize more in the chilling and cryostorage of batteries. I hardly have time to bother with battery incineration and other such trivialities…
@ninjaemilee I was a bit older, but most of my boy band knowledge is from the late nineties, early noughties, when my little sisters were teens, so another miss.
@ragingredd living up to the username. Always a good plan. Plus, while I can’t personally say about NKoB, my experience with other boy bands suggests you may be right.
My niece was crazy about New Kids on the Block so my husband and I bought shirts similar to this but in neon colors and wore them every time we were with her. Somehow, she still loves us.
My daughters are into boy bands. My oldest likes just about any show that has young [cute] boys. I swear, she is just waiting for one of them to notice her (on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) and sweep her off her feet.
I call them douchebag hair boys, because almost all of them have some really goofy looking style of hair, using hair gel or something.
These can (and should) also be stored in the refrigerator.
@shahnm you let us down yesterday. Somebody questioned battery flammability, and nothing. It was such perfect set up. <sigh> this the proof that Leibniz was wrong about the relative bestness of this world.
@simplersimon I specialize more in the chilling and cryostorage of batteries. I hardly have time to bother with battery incineration and other such trivialities…
/image specialist

@simplersimon Have I been wrongfully maligned? Is this the post you’re referencing?
@shahnm ah, I was on the poll thread. Never even checked the specs. My failing. Apologies.
I know who they are, but I was too young at the time and didn’t really listen to that kind of music when I was a toddler. (I know I’m aging myself)
@ninjaemilee I was a bit older, but most of my boy band knowledge is from the late nineties, early noughties, when my little sisters were teens, so another miss.
New Kids on the Block sucked a lot of dick boy/girl groups makes me sick.
@ragingredd living up to the username. Always a good plan. Plus, while I can’t personally say about NKoB, my experience with other boy bands suggests you may be right.
@simplersimon btw, what @ragingredd posted is an eminem lyric…if you didn’t know…
@earlyre I hear Eminem has sucked his share of dick.
@earlyre I was wondering when somebody was going to catch on to that
My niece was crazy about New Kids on the Block so my husband and I bought shirts similar to this but in neon colors and wore them every time we were with her. Somehow, she still loves us.
My daughters are into boy bands. My oldest likes just about any show that has young [cute] boys. I swear, she is just waiting for one of them to notice her (on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) and sweep her off her feet.
I call them douchebag hair boys, because almost all of them have some really goofy looking style of hair, using hair gel or something.
How about, “I didn’t like them.”
@DrWorm Thank you for that.
I was a Joran fan, but I guess he is gay, so that kills all of my teenage fantasies lol
/image Justin Bieber

@Ignorant 🖓🖓
/giphy Donnie Wahlburger