It’s that time of year when Blue Bell’s Southern Blackberry Cobbler ice cream is available. Yum!
What is your favorite flavor?
/image Southern Blackberry Cobbler ice cream
@Kyeh@tinamarie1974 It’s ok. Tastes like cinnamon vanilla with sprinkles. A lot like “Birthday Cake” flavor, but with Mardi Gras coloring. Too sweet for me too. IMHO, ice cream today has too much sugar/sweetness that it totally drowns the creaminess.
@mike808@tinamarie1974 That sounds amazing. There’s a gelato place in Escondido, CA that has a sour cream and brown sugar flavor which is just about my favorite thing in the world.
That sounds delicious! I’ve never even heard of those cream &/or sour cream cheese ice creams before. I’m sure they’d be my favorite if I ever tried them. Cheesecake and sweet cream is the closest I’ve come.
Cherry Garcia. As for non-branded flavors, strawberry is a refreshing fruit flavor, esp for the summer, & cookies 'n cream for anytime. The funny thing is, i don’t even like Oreos, except in ice cream. That’s the magic alchemy of the stuff, i guess.
I wish I could find blue bell ice cream in south east michigan. I’d drive with a cooler and stock up my freezer. I really want to try the blackberry cobbler.
I really like Jenny’s ice cream. It’s expensive for a pint but sure is good. My favorite is brambleberry crisp.
@Star2236 Those sound delicious! I’m partial to tangy fruit/berry flavors in ice cream when not in the mood for chocolatey or cake/pie-type sweet stuff. I’m in the same Blue Bell-less boat up here in NH, unfortunately.
@Star2236 I looked it up, that sounds very refreshing! No scoop shops near me, but they list Whole Foods as a retailer, so there’s that. Their website says $12 a pint, though… Ouch! And here i thought Ben & Jerry’s was getting pricey lately!
In the summer Whole Foods runs a special (I’m not sure what month) but for 2 weeks it’s half off ice cream, so that’s when I stock up. It’s only $10 a pint by me but still pricy but I’m an ice cream whore.
Yarnells (an Arkansas brand) has one called lemon ice box pie that’s delicious. My personal favorite is a specific Rocky road from my childhood that I can no longer get. It was milk chocolate ice cream, ribbons of marshmallow cream running thru it, and chocolate covered roasted, salted pecan pieces. It was my grandfather’s favorite too. I’ve found some similar versions that will do when I have a craving. My dad’s favorite was homemade vanilla.
I love sherbet too. Hiland has one called twisted cactus with cactus pear and it’s sooooo good.
One of my favorites is Talenti’s Key Lime Pie ice cream, but they call it a seasonal flavor and I haven’t seen it for 2 or 3 years. Just recently I found Target’s house brand
(“Favorite Day”) and they have a Key Lime Pie that’s very similar, so that makes me happy. I wish Talenti would bring theirs back, though.
Talenti is delicious, it’s our premium ice cream go to, any of their flavors are delicious, last week we had caramel vanilla with either waffle cone or pretzel pieces mixed in. To die for…
@Lynnerizer I like their regular flavors but not the “Layers” kind they’ve come out with. Those just have too much hard crunchy stuff in them - cold hard chocolate chips don’t do anything for me!
Oh wow, I really like the layered ones, white chocolate is my favorite. It’s ALWAYS eaten straight from the container, luvy and I take turns killing it, I mean passing it back and forth. For me, it’s a whole kind of eating experience. The chocolate layered ribbons are NEVER crunched on or chewed, they’re ALWAYS sucked until melted away. …being thoroughly enjoyed of course! Like I said, it’s a whole experience. Lol
@Kyeh I just picked up some of that Key Lime from Target. They had a Chocolate Pecan Pie flavor that also caught my eye. The brand is “Favorite Day”. I might post a review after I wake from my coma.
@mike808 What do you think? Chocolate Pecan Pie sounds pretty delicious. Funny, I was going to revive this thread to talk about some new-to-me Tillamook flavors I found.
@Kyeh The Target Key Lime is pretty good. The lime really shines and there’s little bits of surprising crust and others of key lime bursts. Definitely getting more on the next Target run.
@mike808 I did try it - it’s the closest thing I’ve found to the Talenti flavor that never seems to be in season, so I’m really glad Target has taken over what seems to be almost exactly the same recipe!
@Kyeh I really like this Favorite Day ice cream. I discovered there is a “Bourbon Caramel Pecan Pie” flavor. Cleaned out the Key Lime flavor and got more cold brew mocha and chocolate pecan pie.
Bonus points for listing the calories if you eat the whole fucking thing in one go. Just so you know what you’re getting into before you start and it goes sideways…
@mike808 Yeah, Target done good!
I’m going to try the Bourbon Caramel Pecan Pie, that sounds delicious. I was a little disappointed with the Amaretto Cherry Chocolate, though. Good thing you’re not here, we’d be competing to buy out the Key Lime Pie.
@cattylaq Moose Tracks and several other flavors are actually owned by Denali Flavors Inc., and they license the flavors and sell the ingredients to many companies.
Kroger has a dark chocolate and black raspberry flavor that I like, but because I seldom go into a Kroger when I’m in a mood for ice cream, I almost never have any of it.
@Tadlem43 I just bought this, haven’t tried it yet:
I got it partly because you’ve said great things about white chocolate ice cream! I’ll let you know when I’ve tasted it.
@Kyeh OOhhh… Yes, please let me know. I love Tillamook!
I love most anything white chocolate. Years ago when Sears had their little confectioner’s stands in their stores, I got hooked on white chocolate. I just love it!
@Kyeh Did you try the ice cream yet? Tillamook is on sale here, too. I might try this, but I’m hesitant about the raspberry. Not my favorite, but if it’s mixed right, I might like it.
@Tadlem43 Yes! Sorry, I meant to tell you - I like it, but I do like raspberry. It’s not a lot of raspberry, more like thin ribbons swirled in. It’s quite sweet, but I think it’s very nice.
@Tadlem43 Good luck! I tried to view all their flavors on the website, but I can’t get past a dumb thing that pops up asking if I want to join something or other - grrr. Seems stupid!
Here’s one I don’t recommend; I grabbed it on impulse not realizing that it’s meant to capture the taste and texture of strawberry Poptarts. It’s super sweet and I don’t like the various textures much, but it has some surprisingly good reviews online.
@cinoclav I’m looking for that one because I read that it’s almost the same as Haagen-Dazs Caramel Cone, which I like (and I like Colbert as well ) but trust me, this strawberry monstrosity is nothing like that.
@Kyeh They don’t sound anything alike, but I do like strawberry pop-tarts, so… Americone Dream should be easy enough to find. It’s definitely a popular flavor.
@cinoclav@Kidsandliz I found Americone Dream; I like it but reluctantly have to admit I prefer the Haagen Dazs Caramel Cone. I like B&J’s business ethos, and hate the sneaky way HD made their cartons hold 2 oz. less than a pint! But I find their flavors kind of more refined; B&J’s seems heavy-handed somehow. I like their Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Cherry Garcia but not too many others.
@cinoclav@Kyeh There is the incredible shrinking everything these days with packaging that hasn’t shrunk to try to fool you. Today I discovered Walmart’s baked in store Italian bread is no longer 1 pound. It is now 14 oz and the loaf is shorter, narrower and not as tall. Sucks as I use that bread for sandwiches.
@cinoclav@Kidsandliz That kind of thing makes me so mad! The limited ingredient prescription food I used to get my previous cat went from 6 oz. to 5.5 oz. And they did it by indenting the can, which made it harder to get the food out. Like we wouldn’t notice.
@Kyeh Yeah, that strawberry pop tart concoction sounds way too sweet! Speaking of strawberry, ever since i saw the “Cool Brittania” flavor in Ben & Jerry’s flavor graveyard, I’ve had a craving for it, even though i never knew it existed until recently! This is the Wimbledon-inspired epitaph:
Cool Britannia
Vanilla ice cream with strawberries and fudge covered shortbread.
A flavour so smashing -
& yet it fouled out:
Strawberries & shortbread -
a love match devout
But sadly it missed
all the fame it deserved,
A bit too much English
put into the serve.
I remember reading that 8 hot dogs is because 8 x 2oz hot dogs is 1lb (16 oz), and that 10 hot dog buns is because 10 buns is 8 oz.
So they’re both packaged by weight and neither industry will give an ounce (or two) to accomodate the other industry for the benefit of consumers (and likely increased sales/profit of both)
Ain’t “Fuck you, I’ve got mine, and Fuck your little regulation, too” free market laissez faire capitalism just the best system around?
Most hot dogs here are packed in eights regardless of weight, with the prominent exception of Hebrew National, which is seven. Most buns are also packed in eights here. Some “fancy” hot dogs are packed in other counts, but if you want to get the same count of dogs and buns, it’s easy enough.
@cinoclav King Soopers (local Kroger’s affiliate) has Tillamook ice cream on sale for a crazy good price right now, so I tried this:
It’s pretty good - it has chocolate ice cream as well as vanilla but otherwise quite similar to Americone Dream.
@chienfou@cinoclav@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@Star2236 I lived in Tillamook for a while as a child. I remember going on a tour in 3rd grade - it was the Tillamook Cheese Factory then, no ice cream. Back then, we could walk right up to the vats (under teacher supervision) where the cheese was being made. Smelled awful! Simpler times, the 60’s…
@chienfou@cinoclav@Kidsandliz@macromeh@Star2236 Oh, interesting! I got to visit a Wonderbread Bakery as a kid; I don’t remember a while lot about it except for the free Twinkie at the end. That factory smelled wonderful, though!
@chienfou@cinoclav@Kyeh@macromeh@Star2236 I went to the Hershey’s chocolate factory back when you could walk through the actual factory and get given chocolate bars at the end. It was a great trip. Also the Snider’s potato chip factory (not nearly so nice).
@chienfou@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@macromeh@Star2236 I had been through the old Hershey’s factory a few times too. Helps that I live in Pennsylvania. There used to be a Nabisco factory near where I lived for a while. It always smelled amazing driving past there.
Dove use to have a flavor called Toffee Caramel Moment and I just know there had to be something addictive in it because I loved it. It is probably good they don’t make it anymore because I was addicted to it!
overall… mint chocolate chip.
my Ben & Jerry’s go to is Half baked.
and if i can Find it (seasonally) Pumpkin.
Esp From Graeters.
but I do use Vanilla as a benchmark with “new brands”
@Kyeh It looks like it, but doesn’t taste like it. A multicolor swirl (not really the right word) of bright Playdough colors. It’s been a while since I had it, I can’t recall a particular taste, but very sweet, and the different colors did not have different flavors.
It’s popular with kids. I’ve seen a similar mix called Superman.
@Kyeh No, just the coloring. It’s one of their steady flavors, but they also have seasonals and short runs. The Ogden, UT shop is on the front of the factory, so it may have flavors that don’t make it into distribution.
@blaineg@Kyeh What? They have Spumoni? I can’t find that anywhere on the east coast, even in season. I miss Spumoni (good Spumoni anyway).
I may need to make a pilgrimage.
@blaineg@Kyeh Color me silly, but I’d imagine an online ice cream business wouldn’t be very practical. Unless they’re right next to dry ice and styrofoam cooler factories.
That said, I could imagine myself ordering spumoni online just for the novelty of it.
There used to be a Starbucks-branded ice cream called Java Chip. Strong coffee ice cream with dark chocolate bits. Not chips, but little flat slivers. Somehow the shape mattered. There’s other coffee/chocolate flavors, but nothing quite perfect.
I love chocolate ice cream the most. But some time ago I visited a friend of mine in Poland and ate there ice cream called “Malaga”. It’s with raisins, and it was so tasty.
Good choice. Still not better than Creole Cream Cheese.
@mike808 what does that taste like?
@tinamarie1974 Like cream cheese / cheesecake but with a little more tang. Like buttermilk is to heavy cream.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974
mike, not this one?
(I’ve never even seen it in the stores.)
@mike808 well that sounds delicious!
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 It’s ok. Tastes like cinnamon vanilla with sprinkles. A lot like “Birthday Cake” flavor, but with Mardi Gras coloring. Too sweet for me too. IMHO, ice cream today has too much sugar/sweetness that it totally drowns the creaminess.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 That sounds amazing. There’s a gelato place in Escondido, CA that has a sour cream and brown sugar flavor which is just about my favorite thing in the world.
@mike808 @mossygreen @tinamarie1974
That sounds delicious! I’ve never even heard of those cream &/or sour cream cheese ice creams before. I’m sure they’d be my favorite if I ever tried them. Cheesecake and sweet cream is the closest I’ve come.
@mike808 Who makes that Creole Cream Cheese?
Gricery stores will carry New Orleans Ice Cream Company’s brand.
Rouse’s carries it occasionally. Rouse’s is a grocery chain in New Orleans and across the gulf coast.
@mike808 That sounds SO good. Thanks for the info.
I’ve been wanting to try this and finally found it; it’s my current favorite.
I love almost anything almond or amaretto.
@Kyeh Have you tried Frangelica? It’s like drinking a Snickers bar. Almond + Chocolate. Mmmmm.
@mike808 I have! It’s delicious. Hazelnut, rather than almond, but that’s another great flavor - kind of like drinkable nutella.
@Kyeh My bad. I was thinking about Frangelica + Godiva (Cocolate liqueur) as a Snickers shot.
@mike808 I’ll have to try that.
Vanilla. (with chocolate syrup of course.)
Vanilla. Best when it is a high fat premium brand.
Mayfield Creamery Homemade Vanilla is my current go to brand. I like most of their other flavors as well but this is my favourite.
Cherry Garcia. As for non-branded flavors, strawberry is a refreshing fruit flavor, esp for the summer, & cookies 'n cream for anytime. The funny thing is, i don’t even like Oreos, except in ice cream. That’s the magic alchemy of the stuff, i guess.
My local custard stand favorite is Silky’s Crunch Nut. Vanilla, drizzled chocolate, chopped peanuts, and a waffle cone – blended up in concrete form.
I wish I could find blue bell ice cream in south east michigan. I’d drive with a cooler and stock up my freezer. I really want to try the blackberry cobbler.
I really like Jenny’s ice cream. It’s expensive for a pint but sure is good. My favorite is brambleberry crisp.
@Star2236 Those sound delicious! I’m partial to tangy fruit/berry flavors in ice cream when not in the mood for chocolatey or cake/pie-type sweet stuff. I’m in the same Blue Bell-less boat up here in NH, unfortunately.
If you have Jenny’s when you live try the froze. The e with ‘ above it. I can’t make my phone do it.
@Star2236 I looked it up, that sounds very refreshing! No scoop shops near me, but they list Whole Foods as a retailer, so there’s that. Their website says $12 a pint, though… Ouch! And here i thought Ben & Jerry’s was getting pricey lately!
In the summer Whole Foods runs a special (I’m not sure what month) but for 2 weeks it’s half off ice cream, so that’s when I stock up. It’s only $10 a pint by me but still pricy but I’m an ice cream whore.
@Star2236 I hear ya, they’ve got us connoisseurs over a barrel…or should i say, a churn?
“More”… As in “can I have some more ice cream?”
I love ice cream! In fact I was a Bresler’s 33 flavors franchisee for a while.
Yarnells (an Arkansas brand) has one called lemon ice box pie that’s delicious. My personal favorite is a specific Rocky road from my childhood that I can no longer get. It was milk chocolate ice cream, ribbons of marshmallow cream running thru it, and chocolate covered roasted, salted pecan pieces. It was my grandfather’s favorite too. I’ve found some similar versions that will do when I have a craving. My dad’s favorite was homemade vanilla.
I love sherbet too. Hiland has one called twisted cactus with cactus pear and it’s sooooo good.
@ivannabc Safeway has a house brand sorbet that comes in prickly pear flavor, and I agree that that’s a wonderful flavor.
@ivannabc @Kyeh
One of my favorites is Talenti’s Key Lime Pie ice cream, but they call it a seasonal flavor and I haven’t seen it for 2 or 3 years. Just recently I found Target’s house brand
(“Favorite Day”) and they have a Key Lime Pie that’s very similar, so that makes me happy. I wish Talenti would bring theirs back, though.
@Kyeh So, maybe its “Leap Year” season?
Talenti is delicious, it’s our premium ice cream go to, any of their flavors are delicious, last week we had caramel vanilla with either waffle cone or pretzel pieces mixed in. To die for…
@Lynnerizer I like their regular flavors but not the “Layers” kind they’ve come out with. Those just have too much hard crunchy stuff in them - cold hard chocolate chips don’t do anything for me!
Oh wow, I really like the layered ones, white chocolate is my favorite. It’s ALWAYS eaten straight from the container, luvy and I take turns killing it, I mean passing it back and forth. For me, it’s a whole kind of eating experience. The chocolate layered ribbons are NEVER crunched on or chewed, they’re ALWAYS sucked until melted away. …being thoroughly enjoyed of course! Like I said, it’s a whole experience. Lol
@Kyeh I just picked up some of that Key Lime from Target. They had a Chocolate Pecan Pie flavor that also caught my eye. The brand is “Favorite Day”. I might post a review after I wake from my coma.
@mike808 What do you think? Chocolate Pecan Pie sounds pretty delicious. Funny, I was going to revive this thread to talk about some new-to-me Tillamook flavors I found.
@Kyeh The Target Key Lime is pretty good. The lime really shines and there’s little bits of surprising crust and others of key lime bursts. Definitely getting more on the next Target run.
Try it
@mike808 I did try it - it’s the closest thing I’ve found to the Talenti flavor that never seems to be in season, so I’m really glad Target has taken over what seems to be almost exactly the same recipe!
@Kyeh The other flavors are quite good too. The mocha coffee is solid, with bits of chocolate covered espresso bean bits.
The Blueberry cheescake was just so-so. Good blueberry flavor, but it outshines the cheescake, IMO.
Saving the Chocolate Pecan Pie for last.
@Kyeh I really like this Favorite Day ice cream. I discovered there is a “Bourbon Caramel Pecan Pie” flavor. Cleaned out the Key Lime flavor and got more cold brew mocha and chocolate pecan pie.
Bonus points for listing the calories if you eat the whole fucking thing in one go. Just so you know what you’re getting into before you start and it goes sideways…
@mike808 Yeah, Target done good!
I’m going to try the Bourbon Caramel Pecan Pie, that sounds delicious. I was a little disappointed with the Amaretto Cherry Chocolate, though. Good thing you’re not here, we’d be competing to buy out the Key Lime Pie.
/image moose tracks private selection ice cream
@cattylaq I like this one:
@cattylaq Yes private selection is decent ice cream. I was initially surprised as I originally though it was a house brand.
@cattylaq I agree I LOVE Moose Tracks!
@Kidsandliz Private Selection is a house brand at Kroger and their sister chains.
@werehatrack Well then they did well!
@cattylaq Moose Tracks and several other flavors are actually owned by Denali Flavors Inc., and they license the flavors and sell the ingredients to many companies.
Kroger has a dark chocolate and black raspberry flavor that I like, but because I seldom go into a Kroger when I’m in a mood for ice cream, I almost never have any of it.
What, we’re supposed to have a favorite flavor?
That’s like trying to pick your favorite kid (or grandkid).
@mehcuda67 So true! Luckily, there’s a flavor for every mood! (Kids, on the other hand… )
@mehcuda67 It turns out when you’re asked that question, you’re supposed to choose one of your own kids.
Baskin Robbins Pistachio Almond Fudge…
Black walnut ice cream.
@Jackinga That’s seasonal (from Prarie Farms brand) and addictive. It’s in grocery stores now in the STL area (e.g. Schnucks).
I’m more Southern, so butter pecan is more familiar to me than (butter) black walnut.
@Jackinga We have that at Braum’s year round in Texas. I bought some for my grandma last week in fact.
Before they shut everything down, Blue Bell had White Chocolate Almond. I’m not much of an ice cream person, but I LOVED that!!
@Tadlem43 Me too!!!
@Tadlem43 I just bought this, haven’t tried it yet:
I got it partly because you’ve said great things about white chocolate ice cream! I’ll let you know when I’ve tasted it.
@Kyeh OOhhh… Yes, please let me know. I love Tillamook!
I love most anything white chocolate. Years ago when Sears had their little confectioner’s stands in their stores, I got hooked on white chocolate. I just love it!
@Kyeh Did you try the ice cream yet? Tillamook is on sale here, too. I might try this, but I’m hesitant about the raspberry. Not my favorite, but if it’s mixed right, I might like it.
@Tadlem43 Yes! Sorry, I meant to tell you - I like it, but I do like raspberry. It’s not a lot of raspberry, more like thin ribbons swirled in. It’s quite sweet, but I think it’s very nice.
@Kyeh Ah… that’s looks good. I can handle that! Thanks for the update. I’ll see if they have it in my store!
@Tadlem43 Good luck! I tried to view all their flavors on the website, but I can’t get past a dumb thing that pops up asking if I want to join something or other - grrr. Seems stupid!
Edit: Oh, it finally let me close it.
Here’s one I don’t recommend; I grabbed it on impulse not realizing that it’s meant to capture the taste and texture of strawberry Poptarts. It’s super sweet and I don’t like the various textures much, but it has some surprisingly good reviews online.
@Kyeh That sounds like one that I would like. Americone Dream is one of my favorites.
@cinoclav I’m looking for that one because I read that it’s almost the same as Haagen-Dazs Caramel Cone, which I like (and I like Colbert as well ) but trust me, this strawberry monstrosity is nothing like that.
@Kyeh They don’t sound anything alike, but I do like strawberry pop-tarts, so… Americone Dream should be easy enough to find. It’s definitely a popular flavor.
@cinoclav @Kyeh Haven’t seen that one around here. Looks like it would be good.
@cinoclav @Kyeh I also like their New York Super Chunk Fudge although I only very rarely buy it.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz I found Americone Dream; I like it but reluctantly have to admit I prefer the Haagen Dazs Caramel Cone. I like B&J’s business ethos, and hate the sneaky way HD made their cartons hold 2 oz. less than a pint! But I find their flavors kind of more refined; B&J’s seems heavy-handed somehow. I like their Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Cherry Garcia but not too many others.
@cinoclav @Kyeh There is the incredible shrinking everything these days with packaging that hasn’t shrunk to try to fool you. Today I discovered Walmart’s baked in store Italian bread is no longer 1 pound. It is now 14 oz and the loaf is shorter, narrower and not as tall. Sucks as I use that bread for sandwiches.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz That kind of thing makes me so mad! The limited ingredient prescription food I used to get my previous cat went from 6 oz. to 5.5 oz. And they did it by indenting the can, which made it harder to get the food out. Like we wouldn’t notice.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh Like the 12oz “pound” of coffee? It used to be 14oz, but that was still selling, so why not cheat a little more?
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @mike808
Exactly. Eggzactly? I’m surprised that a carton of eggs isn’t 10 these days.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh
Well, a dozen hot dogs is now 8 and a dozen hot dog buns is now 10.
@Kyeh Yeah, that strawberry pop tart concoction sounds way too sweet! Speaking of strawberry, ever since i saw the “Cool Brittania” flavor in Ben & Jerry’s flavor graveyard, I’ve had a craving for it, even though i never knew it existed until recently! This is the Wimbledon-inspired epitaph:
Cool Britannia
Vanilla ice cream with strawberries and fudge covered shortbread.
A flavour so smashing -
& yet it fouled out:
Strawberries & shortbread -
a love match devout
But sadly it missed
all the fame it deserved,
A bit too much English
put into the serve.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @mike808
I thought the hotdogs and buns were always that weird quantity - I don’t remember them being an actual dozen … ?
@cinoclav @Kyeh @mike808 Yeah I thought so too - stupid not to have 8 hot dogs and 8 buns (or whatever).
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh
I remember reading that 8 hot dogs is because 8 x 2oz hot dogs is 1lb (16 oz), and that 10 hot dog buns is because 10 buns is 8 oz.
So they’re both packaged by weight and neither industry will give an ounce (or two) to accomodate the other industry for the benefit of consumers (and likely increased sales/profit of both)
Ain’t “Fuck you, I’ve got mine, and Fuck your little regulation, too” free market laissez faire capitalism just the best system around?
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mike808
Most hot dogs here are packed in eights regardless of weight, with the prominent exception of Hebrew National, which is seven. Most buns are also packed in eights here. Some “fancy” hot dogs are packed in other counts, but if you want to get the same count of dogs and buns, it’s easy enough.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @werehatrack
Just use the leftover hotdogs for this lovely dish.
@cinoclav @Kyeh @mike808 @werehatrack NO!! Just NO!!!
@cinoclav King Soopers (local Kroger’s affiliate) has Tillamook ice cream on sale for a crazy good price right now, so I tried this:
It’s pretty good - it has chocolate ice cream as well as vanilla but otherwise quite similar to Americone Dream.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh
I’m gonna have to look for the HD waffle cone bc I’ve been eating the American dream cone for years.
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Star2236
Try this Tillamook too, if they have it where you are - I think it compares pretty well to those others!
@cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Star2236
and if you ever get a chance… visit the Tillamook Creamery in Oregon…
@chienfou @cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Star2236 I lived in Tillamook for a while as a child. I remember going on a tour in 3rd grade - it was the Tillamook Cheese Factory then, no ice cream. Back then, we could walk right up to the vats (under teacher supervision) where the cheese was being made. Smelled awful! Simpler times, the 60’s…
@chienfou @cinoclav @Kidsandliz @macromeh @Star2236 Oh, interesting! I got to visit a Wonderbread Bakery as a kid; I don’t remember a while lot about it except for the free Twinkie at the end. That factory smelled wonderful, though!
@chienfou @cinoclav @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh
I remember our school going to the landfill, smelled like shit.
@chienfou @cinoclav @Kidsandliz @macromeh @Star2236
Wow, what a great field trip.
@chienfou @cinoclav @Kyeh @macromeh @Star2236 I went to the Hershey’s chocolate factory back when you could walk through the actual factory and get given chocolate bars at the end. It was a great trip. Also the Snider’s potato chip factory (not nearly so nice).
@chienfou @cinoclav @Kidsandliz @macromeh @Star2236
Hershey’s, nice!
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @Star2236 I had been through the old Hershey’s factory a few times too. Helps that I live in Pennsylvania. There used to be a Nabisco factory near where I lived for a while. It always smelled amazing driving past there.
Coffee ice cream.
Caramel Pecan Praline
Dulce De Leche
But my all time favorite that I can’t find anymore…
Tutti Frutti
Salted, Malted, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, from Salt&Straw
Kimball Farms Grapenut ice cream!!!
@Vrysen Does it break teeth like real Grape Nuts?
@blaineg nope. They get a bit soft from the ice cream, but not so soft they are gross.
Dove use to have a flavor called Toffee Caramel Moment and I just know there had to be something addictive in it because I loved it. It is probably good they don’t make it anymore because I was addicted to it!
Haagen-Dazs Sticky Toffee Pudding. They discontinued it and I’m still greiving over a decade later.
@kjady That sounds so good!!!
overall… mint chocolate chip.
my Ben & Jerry’s go to is Half baked.
and if i can Find it (seasonally) Pumpkin.
Esp From Graeters.
but I do use Vanilla as a benchmark with “new brands”
Took long enough for somebody to say mint chocolate chip
black licorice
Used to sell that at Bresler’s. Never found much of a market though!
Just about anything here:
Root beer, black licorice, and orange sherbet are favorites.
A triple waffle cone at Farr’s is a whole meal.
@blaineg Wait, make that Orange Creamsicle.
@blaineg Play dough?
@Kyeh It looks like it, but doesn’t taste like it. A multicolor swirl (not really the right word) of bright Playdough colors. It’s been a while since I had it, I can’t recall a particular taste, but very sweet, and the different colors did not have different flavors.
It’s popular with kids. I’ve seen a similar mix called Superman.
@blaineg Oh, okay. I was wondering if it smells like the clay, which would be kind of gross.
@Kyeh No, just the coloring. It’s one of their steady flavors, but they also have seasonals and short runs. The Ogden, UT shop is on the front of the factory, so it may have flavors that don’t make it into distribution.
Behold, Playdough ice cream!
The store & factory. It’s been around since before my Dad was a little kid, and lived about 1/4 mile away from it.
Farr’s is also sold in stores in the West.
It sure does look like Play-doh.
I don’t think I’d want that flavor, but I envy you having that place so close by!
@blaineg @Kyeh What? They have Spumoni? I can’t find that anywhere on the east coast, even in season. I miss Spumoni (good Spumoni anyway).
I may need to make a pilgrimage.
@blaineg @mehcuda67 Oh, right -
I haven’t seen that for ages!
@Kyeh @mehcuda67 Ogden’s about 40 miles north of Salt Lake, if you’re ever in the area.
I thought they used to do some online sales, but their website is doing some remodeling.
@blaineg @Kyeh Color me silly, but I’d imagine an online ice cream business wouldn’t be very practical. Unless they’re right next to dry ice and styrofoam cooler factories.
That said, I could imagine myself ordering spumoni online just for the novelty of it.
But yeah, UT could make it to my bucket list!
There used to be a Starbucks-branded ice cream called Java Chip. Strong coffee ice cream with dark chocolate bits. Not chips, but little flat slivers. Somehow the shape mattered. There’s other coffee/chocolate flavors, but nothing quite perfect.
@kostia The Target “Favorite Day” brand has a Mocha Coffee flavor that’s pretty darned tasty.
“Weird Al” Yankovic - I Love Rocky Road
I love chocolate ice cream the most. But some time ago I visited a friend of mine in Poland and ate there ice cream called “Malaga”. It’s with raisins, and it was so tasty.