Fantasy Football 2022-2023
5Let’s have a league, a FREE fantasy football league. I figure I’d make the call early in order to make @sammydog01’s job easier as commissioner.
Hey @sammydog01, you’re the commissioner!
Anyone interested - @sammydog01 @zinimusprime, @carl669, @gallogj, @ExtraMedium, @yakkoTDI, @christinewas, @brendles, @carl669, @jhinra, @therealjrn, @metaphore, @sillyheathen, @connorbush, @replicacobra, oranyone else.
@sammydog01 insists you include your meh handle in your team name so she may publicly shame you on a weekly basis.
- 24 comments, 9 replies
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Definitely interested!
Count me in!
Is it that time already? LET’S GO!
@sammydog01 yas!!! I’m having serious anxiety about the Saints. It’s going to be either epically amazing or epically disastrous!

Of course I’ll defend my title.
Happy to suck again, someone has to bring the average down!
I’m in
Actual football or American football?
@yakkoTDI C’mon now…“Actual” football is American football, even if their feet are almost never involved with the ball. Do they even play fantasy soccer?!? I can’t even imagine how they’d score a league like that. First person to 8 wins the league?
If it wasn’t already clear, I’m in too.
IF y’all need a patsy (I’ve only joined one league 7-8 years ago–finished last) I’d be in. I kind of enjoyed it, but just didn’t have the knowledge to compete at the level of the league I was in…these guys were pretty hardcore.
Is it possible to maybe go with the standard ESPN settings this year? The settings you use are Meh on it’s best day. There’s not even enough bench spots to to hold an injured (or COVID) player. Standard rosters include one Quarterback (QB), two Running Backs (RB), two Wide Receivers (WR), one Tight End (TE), one Flex (RB/WR/TE), one Defense/Special Teams (D/ST), one Kicker (K) and seven Bench Spots (BE – players on your roster who are not in your active lineup for a given week). Also, PPR standard is standard.
@gallogj I use standard settings with my leagues because I just have to check a box. I’ll set one up that way. If anyone wants to do a second that’s cool too.
Someone has to defend last place again, I suppose I’m in.
I’m in. Don’t mind running it if needed, but I agree on the Meh name matching the team name (at least to start). It makes the setup a lot easier.
@sammydog01 you down for running it?
@zinimusprime Yes, I’ll work on it next week. I’ll run a 12 person standard ESPN league, first invitations go to people who have played before. If you want to also run a league that’s great too, especially if we have more than 12 people who want to join. Joining more leagues means more chances of winning, am I right? (Yes I’m a spoiled brat and don’t want to compete for quarterbacks with more than 11 people.). I’m also up for starting a second league if we need it.
I may even have some crappy prizes this year.
@sammydog01 How many players do we have so far?
@zinimusprime Looks like maybe 12 or so? I bet we get more people when it’s almost football season.
If Meh would sponsor us with an IRK for the winner…I’d even pay attention to my roster on a weekly basis.
Count me in!
Started when we had to download stats and import into a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet!
SIGN UP TIME! I’ve created two 12 person leagues- Meh Irk and Meh Glen. I have a feeling we can fill them both but I can move stuff around if I need to. Both are ESPN standard PPN.
Almost forgot: UNOFFICIAL.
So far I’m seeing 11 people interested (including my daughter). I’ve whispered the link to join to everyone that posted. Please let me know if there’s a problem, and sorry it took me so long. I’ll post later about a draft date.
We still have one spot in the first league, and I’m happy to do a second league if more people want to play.
I’m in
Update: we have 7 people on the first team and room for 5 more. I whispered links to some people who haven’t signed up. Time to pick a draft day- I’ll find a way to make the numbers even at the last minute.
The season begins September 8. How does September 6 at 8 pm est sound? I’m flexible (and generally autodraft anyway).
Since the overwhelming response to my suggested draft date was silence I scheduled it for September 6 at 8 PM EST. I set it late for procrastinators but can change it by a day and the time is flexible.
PS: it would be nice if your team name was related to your Meh user name so we know who to ping with trash talk.

/giphy did I miss something?
Our draft is scheduled for next Tuesday. I’ll be out of wifi range this weekend and will be modifying the size of the league on Friday morning.
We have 7 teams. Room for 5 more right now. If we have an uneven number of teams I can either have bye weeks or run a dummy team which I can transfer if someone comes along later in the season. I’m leaning toward the latter.

Here’s the invitation link- use it or lose it.
I really mean it this time.