Drinking Game for the Presidential Debates


Lets have some fun with this.

For those of you leaning left:

  1. Every time VP Biden says “Look” you take a drink.
  2. Every time VP Biden says “C’mon, man” it’s bottoms up.

For those of you leaning right:

  1. Every time President Trump uses the word Beautiful while describing someone or something you take a drink.
  2. Every time President Trump is seen lurking behind VP Biden you must chug your drink. (Multiple camera angles of the same lurk count as one.)

I would suggest you use beer so there might be a chance you’ll be awake for the whole debate. Although it might not be the alcohol that puts you to sleep.

The winner(s) are those still standing able to stand when the debate concludes.

We can discuss changing the drinking rules after the first debate.

Apolitical comments or suggestions are welcome. Personal attacks are not.