@ircon96@katbyter I almost always cycle through to find one that’s at least somewhat relevant. Once in a blue moon the first one is right on.
(I think that Wordle one is cute, though!)
@katbyter@Kyeh Yeah, cringeworthy, irrelevant or just plain lame, sometimes i think /giphy is an alternate version of C-A-P-T-C-H-A, testing us to see whether we’re human or we’re robots that can tolerate the random it spews at us!
Yes I had a 4qt (or 4.5) artisan tilt head for 10+ years. I upgraded last year to a 5qt professional bowl lift. My daughter got my old one. I make bread with it mostly.
If you are looking for one they seem to go on sale before Thanksgiving. So my new one was less than $250 delivered when right now on their site its on sale for $350 (before tax).
We have one, modest power but an American made Hobart built unit, and used to use it a lot but with the selection of keto diets and the resultant dearth of making bread, cakes, cookies, etc, not so much any more.
@werehatrack It would but when we make ‘ground’ meat, we use the Cuisinart food processor on par-frozen (to make it firmer) meat; the coarser grind makes fantastic pub burgers and works well in tacos/burritos, etc.
@duodec the old Hobart built ones will never die, unlike the newer ones with plastic gears. Congratulations on owning a tank that will last long enough for baked carb diets to come back into fashion. I’m a little jealous.
I’ve had access to one for nearly my entire life, and I’ve owned at least three. (I’ve never worn one out, but one left with an ex, and one was replaced with a bigger unit.)
I have a lime green one that I bought at a yard sale for $4, looked at the bottom inside and it was made in 1972. I love using it, makes great mashed potatoes. I thought about selling it and saw I could get over 200 for it, but I can’t do it. I think these attachments would fit too, so thinking about buying a set.
Back in the 80’s, I loved my Sunbeam Mixmaster. My family gave me a Kitchenaid stand mixer which I used and hated for 25 years. I found an old Sunbeam Mixmaster at a flea market for $3 which works great and has made me very happy for years now!
My mom has a Sunbeam mixer from the 50’s or 60’s that was her mother’s. I will inherit it but I’d like it soon, before she passes, so the local family members don’t pilfer the place before I get there.
Another Sunbeam Mixmaster here. Even has the blender attachment. It doesn’t come out of the cupboard much and I can’t justify the counter space that would facilitate its more regular use. That’s what I keep reminding myself when I am regularly tempted to buy a KitchenAid.
I’ve got a beautiful dark red 4.5 quart artisan tilt head. I make cookies a lot more now then I did before I got it. And an amazing French silk pie. And communion bread for church. And whipped cream for any occasion (most recently…other than pie…for church community group breakfast when I blew one of the kid’s minds by suggesting that he could put whipped cream on a doughnut. He thought it was the most amazing thing ever. And I rose a few more steps on the ranks of “cool adult” in the eyes of all the youth at church. It’s not hard. You just have to feed them when they’re young and feed them and listen to them when they get older.).
I have a Cuisinart brand KitchenAid mixer. And I barely use it.
@awk This. I got mine in an IRK!
/giphy bitter envy

@PooltoyWolf As usual, /giphy sucks. It took me about 10 tries to get this & it was by far the best one!
@ircon96 I thought I was the only one who filtered giphy. Sometimes the things it comes up wth are cringeworthy!
@ircon96 @katbyter I almost always cycle through to find one that’s at least somewhat relevant. Once in a blue moon the first one is right on.

(I think that Wordle one is cute, though!)
@katbyter @Kyeh Yeah, cringeworthy, irrelevant or just plain lame, sometimes i think /giphy is an alternate version of C-A-P-T-C-H-A, testing us to see whether we’re human or we’re robots that can tolerate the random
it spews at us! 
Yes I had a 4qt (or 4.5) artisan tilt head for 10+ years. I upgraded last year to a 5qt professional bowl lift. My daughter got my old one. I make bread with it mostly.
If you are looking for one they seem to go on sale before Thanksgiving. So my new one was less than $250 delivered when right now on their site its on sale for $350 (before tax).
We have one, modest power but an American made Hobart built unit, and used to use it a lot but with the selection of keto diets and the resultant dearth of making bread, cakes, cookies, etc, not so much any more.
I miss it.
@duodec The meat grinder would remain useful, of course…
@werehatrack It would but when we make ‘ground’ meat, we use the Cuisinart food processor on par-frozen (to make it firmer) meat; the coarser grind makes fantastic pub burgers and works well in tacos/burritos, etc.
@duodec the old Hobart built ones will never die, unlike the newer ones with plastic gears. Congratulations on owning a tank that will last long enough for baked carb diets to come back into fashion. I’m a little jealous.
I’ve had access to one for nearly my entire life, and I’ve owned at least three. (I’ve never worn one out, but one left with an ex, and one was replaced with a bigger unit.)
I want one, but it would not stir my desire to cook nor blend in with my kitchen storage.
@hchavers They are quite customizable for appearance. I’d bet you could find appropriate camo.

@duodec @hchavers Shame, R2D2 just won’t work that well on a black one.
@blaineg @hchavers There was a black R2 type unit but yeah, the colors of the decal would need to be different.
Have a vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster but never use it any more.

/image vintage Sunbeam Mixmaster
I have a cuisinart one and use it a lot during the holiday season for cookies and such.
I have a lime green one that I bought at a yard sale for $4, looked at the bottom inside and it was made in 1972. I love using it, makes great mashed potatoes. I thought about selling it and saw I could get over 200 for it, but I can’t do it. I think these attachments would fit too, so thinking about buying a set.
@somf69 Have you tried doing mashed potatoes with Idaho and sweet potatoes?
@somf69 $4?! (Trying hard not to be a hater!
Back in the 80’s, I loved my Sunbeam Mixmaster. My family gave me a Kitchenaid stand mixer which I used and hated for 25 years. I found an old Sunbeam Mixmaster at a flea market for $3 which works great and has made me very happy for years now!
@callow I have both, and each has its points. But I find that I use the KitchenAid more often than the Mixmaster.
My mom has a Sunbeam mixer from the 50’s or 60’s that was her mother’s. I will inherit it but I’d like it soon, before she passes, so the local family members don’t pilfer the place before I get there.
Another Sunbeam Mixmaster here. Even has the blender attachment. It doesn’t come out of the cupboard much and I can’t justify the counter space that would facilitate its more regular use. That’s what I keep reminding myself when I am regularly tempted to buy a KitchenAid.
I have one, love it and also don’t use it much. That wasn’t an option.
@bpsmyth Same here!
@bpsmyth @Kyeh Open another account so you can click two?
@bpsmyth same. I love mine and when I use it, it works like a dream. But I don’t get to use it as often as I’d like.
I’ve got a beautiful dark red 4.5 quart artisan tilt head. I make cookies a lot more now then I did before I got it. And an amazing French silk pie. And communion bread for church. And whipped cream for any occasion (most recently…other than pie…for church community group breakfast when I blew one of the kid’s minds by suggesting that he could put whipped cream on a doughnut. He thought it was the most amazing thing ever. And I rose a few more steps on the ranks of “cool adult” in the eyes of all the youth at church. It’s not hard. You just have to feed them when they’re young and feed them and listen to them when they get older.).
I have one thanks to Meh as of four years ago:
I bought it for our 5th anniversary (at my wife’s insistence).
It’s probably why we’ve been married 36 years… her cookies are still the best!