I enjoy vacuuming, but I have yet to find an actual vacuum cleaner I like. But when I have a good one that checks all the boxes, it’s a satisfying/soothing task. Otherwise it’s argh
i’ve got one of these (shark navigator). my ex-wife has much pricier dyson. i vacuumed the same rug right after she did with hers: the shark got LOTS of dirt the dyson didn’t. great design, too . . .
@hchavers Vacuuming in a house with nothing in it would be a breeze … for me it’s not the vacuuming part but the moving stuff around and maneuvering in tight spaces that makes it a pain.
Have you seen that Marie Kondo no longer has a perfectly tidy house?
As this writer says:
I will admit that when I read the New York Post headline: “Queen of spring-cleaning has given up on being tidy: ‘My home is messy’” over a photo of Marie Kondo, it sparked joy.
It’s… fine? I’d rather vacuum than do laundry or go grocery shopping. I actually have a Shark pretty similar to today’s product, and that powered brush roll makes all the difference on carpet.
We were told that using a Dyson would void the warranty on the carpet. We have gone through a few models. We have the stick one for small tasks. Also have a Miele and the iRobot.
It all started when my husband realized the Dyson was a power tool…
@Salanth wow… been using a Dyson on our carpeting for twenty years now, causes no issues, cannot imagine what kind of carpet manufacturer would tell you not to clean its product…
Mine actually maneuvers around with great delicacy; you wouldn’t think a big old 14-pound cat could be so graceful but he usually threads through things without disturbing them!
@katbyter To be fair, the dogs are a lot bigger; they should have a chihuahua for comparison.
And the dogs DO try, poor things! They look so worried and perplexed!
@katbyter@Kyeh I’ve pretty much only posted Kittisaurus videos, in which challenges are its forte. It’s always fun to see each of the ten cats’ personalities too.
It’s fine. I don’t do it often, but it’s like meditation for me. The whir of the machine blocks out all other sounds and lulls me into numbness. Trying to make eye pleasing patterns in the carpet gives me just enough to concentrate on, without having to think about anything at all. Everything else just disappears.
Wouldn’t mind so much if I could do it without as much noise. ThaT’s one of the reasons I use the iLife model I got here. Set it, leave the room, forget it.
I don’t necessarily hate vacuuming, but I don’t like emptying the dust and dirt out of bagless canisters and having to cut tangled hair from around the rollers on the brush. Such a mess. I end up having to vacuum again right after I vacuum.
but I don’t like emptying the dust and dirt out of bagless canisters
@heartny My vacuum of choice is still a Kenmore canister with bags; the ones I have are over 20 years old.
The only major wear item have been the hoses themselves. Used to be able to pick them up new for about $40 a local Sears, but that’s not an option anymore. I do have a spare in good condition from thrifted vacuum, though.
@narfcake I have a 70 year old Electrolux canister vacuum that still works like a charm. It’s so easy to just throw away the dust bag when done vacuuming. No mess! It’s just a pain to use. Like walking a disobedient dog on a leash.
/giphy love it

/showme person in love with a vacuum
@medz The bot REALLY doesn’t need another fetish!
@ircon96 @medz
That’s gonna leave a mark…
I enjoy vacuuming, but I have yet to find an actual vacuum cleaner I like. But when I have a good one that checks all the boxes, it’s a satisfying/soothing task. Otherwise it’s argh
Ryobi with 9Ah battery FTW.
/showme person who hates a vacuum
@mediocrebot I guess we have to trust this guy hates a vacuum.
@heartny He looks pessoed.
@heartny @ircon96 that’s the look he gives the door to door Kirby salesman.
i’ve got one of these (shark navigator). my ex-wife has much pricier dyson. i vacuumed the same rug right after she did with hers: the shark got LOTS of dirt the dyson didn’t. great design, too . . .
Yes, I hate vacuuming, almost as much as I hate annoying polls, but I do both anyway.
It sucks.
The woman in the picture looks so happy. What a convincing model!
@hchavers Vacuuming in a house with nothing in it would be a breeze … for me it’s not the vacuuming part but the moving stuff around and maneuvering in tight spaces that makes it a pain.
@hchavers @Kyeh Exactly this!
@hchavers @ircon96
Have you seen that Marie Kondo no longer has a perfectly tidy house?
As this writer says:
I will admit that when I read the New York Post headline: “Queen of spring-cleaning has given up on being tidy: ‘My home is messy’” over a photo of Marie Kondo, it sparked joy.
@hchavers @Kyeh Yes, i did hear about that & thought it was very amusing! Having 3 kids tends to bring one down to reality with a thud.
@hchavers @ircon96 @Kyeh Who the fuck is Marie Kondo?
@hchavers @ircon96 @Kyeh She sits on a throne of lies!
@blaineg @hchavers @ircon96 @Kyeh
Comfy, comfy lies…
@hchavers @ircon96 @sicc574 google her - can’t believe you haven’t heard of her
Vacuuming kills my back.
It’s… fine? I’d rather vacuum than do laundry or go grocery shopping. I actually have a Shark pretty similar to today’s product, and that powered brush roll makes all the difference on carpet.
We were told that using a Dyson would void the warranty on the carpet. We have gone through a few models. We have the stick one for small tasks. Also have a Miele and the iRobot.
It all started when my husband realized the Dyson was a power tool…
@Salanth wow… been using a Dyson on our carpeting for twenty years now, causes no issues, cannot imagine what kind of carpet manufacturer would tell you not to clean its product…
@bayportbob Any other vacuum was fine. I think maybe the older models with heavy duty brushes were a problem.
No, but I DO hate dusting!
@Tadlem43 Someone should develop teeny little robot vacuums that you can set on shelves and other surfaces to do the dusting!
@Kyeh @Tadlem43 cats get on shelves and knock things over. Probably same result.
@katbyter @Tadlem43
Mine actually maneuvers around with great delicacy; you wouldn’t think a big old 14-pound cat could be so graceful but he usually threads through things without disturbing them!
@katbyter @Kyeh @Tadlem43 Instructions unclear.

@katbyter @Kyeh @narfcake LOL That’s hysterical!
@katbyter @narfcake @Tadlem43
Love it! Won’t do wet-mopping, though.
@Kyeh have you seen those videos where they set up obstacles in the hallway and the cat nimbles through?
@katbyter YES! @narfcake has posted those in the past. “Nimbles through” - that’s perfect!
@katbyter To be fair, the dogs are a lot bigger; they should have a chihuahua for comparison.
And the dogs DO try, poor things! They look so worried and perplexed!
@katbyter @Kyeh I’ve pretty much only posted Kittisaurus videos, in which challenges are its forte. It’s always fun to see each of the ten cats’ personalities too.
The most recent video:
She posts regularly on her vlog channel:
@katbyter @Kyeh @narfcake No toilet paper shortage in Japan or where ever she is.
@katbyter @Kidsandliz @Kyeh She’s in South Korea.
Some older videos involving toilet paper:
I don’t mind it at all… But then again I don’t do it either.
own a couple of Dyson battery units and they work great and quickly for me.
Glory Be!
@bayportbob @Kyeh Even dries hair and filters room air! Whee-e-e!
It’s fine. I don’t do it often, but it’s like meditation for me. The whir of the machine blocks out all other sounds and lulls me into numbness. Trying to make eye pleasing patterns in the carpet gives me just enough to concentrate on, without having to think about anything at all. Everything else just disappears.
Wouldn’t mind so much if I could do it without as much noise. ThaT’s one of the reasons I use the iLife model I got here. Set it, leave the room, forget it.
@chienfou Perhaps if you picked another time to practice your yodeling?
yeah, maybe…
I hate the picking up before vacuuming. The vacuuming itself is fine.
Don’t think I ever saw such a even vote! I don’t mind it.
I don’t mind it at all. The robot does it three times a week.
@blaineg I tried this one on the guys at work, with no context.
Broke all of their minds! All of them dug waaaay to deep, they were even trying to find meaning in the watermark.
What really surprised me is that only one of them had heard the phrase before. Kids these days.
I’ll bet they never forget it now.
I don’t mind it on the hard wood the carpet I don’t like.
I don’t necessarily hate vacuuming, but I don’t like emptying the dust and dirt out of bagless canisters and having to cut tangled hair from around the rollers on the brush. Such a mess. I end up having to vacuum again right after I vacuum.
@heartny This is why after having a bagless vacuum I went back to one with a bag! Cleaning that pleated filter was so unpleasant too.
@heartny My vacuum of choice is still a Kenmore canister with bags; the ones I have are over 20 years old.
The only major wear item have been the hoses themselves. Used to be able to pick them up new for about $40 a local Sears, but that’s not an option anymore. I do have a spare in good condition from thrifted vacuum, though.
@narfcake I have a 70 year old Electrolux canister vacuum that still works like a charm. It’s so easy to just throw away the dust bag when done vacuuming. No mess! It’s just a pain to use. Like walking a disobedient dog on a leash.
@heartny @narfcake
What a perfect description!
I have a bagged Kenmore canister too; it’s heavy and hard to maneuver but I won’t give it up.
@narfcake I had a cat who got deaf when he was quite old and I could vacuum his fur while he lounged on the couch - he actually seemed to enjoy it!