Do these look black ?
0Do these look black to you ?
Me either.
Order 3 pods based on your ad which led me to believe they would be .
They are pink.
No cs ph to call
how convenient
What’s next ?
How will you make this right ?
Btw … not a good way to earn trust of consumers
- 52 comments, 140 replies
- Comment
I’m a cynical consumer…
Now more than ever thanks to you
Still haven’t got buns bought from you.
Are you guys unable or just unwilling to be accessible?
Hey there, @Fritoe19. Please shoot us a message via An order number will also help, along with any photos.
@ExtraMedium Haha-- mind boggling that your first reply to this dumpster fire was 3 minutes after the initial message
@caffeineguy Seriously, the most I could possibly do to prevent this all from happening and it wasn’t enough. That said, this thread went from sad, to nightmare, to incredibly entertaining over the course of about 12 hours, so I’m kinda glad I was ignored.
Aukey bluetooth ear pods
@Fritoe19 Right. But can you take this to to continue it? That’s where the CS people are watching. This is just the hangout for the hangers-on.
Wouldn’t a phone number be easier ?
I’ve returned text msgs… and sent and email … with no response
Also did not get an order confirmation or any paperwork in the pkg.
Did however get immediate charge on my card.
Priorities ?
Guess I now know
@Fritoe19 Okay, it looks like you placed your order under a different username, or as a guest with no username, or this was a gift from somebody else. I say this because the username on these comments shows no record of orders - and that’s all I can see, the information I can access is extremely limited. Meh has always been internet-focused, so they do their CS via the web at They’ll help, but it’s going to go a lot faster there than trying to get us to relay it via the channels.
@Fritoe19 meh does not use text messages. They ONLY use email so not sure whom you contacted if you have been texting but it wasn’t meh. If you didn’t use any of the contact ways given here you didn’t contact support.
Order confirmations are found when you sign in and under your account. There you will see orders. That is where you find the record of what you had ordered, what you paid, your order number, etc.
ALSO on your order page for this order there is a place you can click which will also contact support about a problem with this order.
If you don’t use any of these methods mentioned here then you haven’t reached customer support to fix your problem.
@Fritoe19 @Kidsandliz

I’m just going to say that Meh has the greatest CS team ever! Every time I’ve had to reach out to them not only have they gotten back to me in record time but they’ve ALWAYS fixed the problem! AND, they’re super friendly! Good luck Fritoe19!
First of all , I ordered these… FOR gifts
Secondly , I would love to post the photos here , but having a hard time doing do
Thirdly… a follow up confirmation via email, a contact phone# or transaction paperwork in the package would have been nice… but I get it… you want limited contact… that’s great for you , but not so great for the buyer … who happens oto be me
@Fritoe19 Contact support. Those folks are who deals with problems. This is just a forum where people hang out and “talk” and 99.9% of us don’t work for meh. The people who can solve you problem are at the customer support. You can email as posted above or go to the top of the page and under ? What is meh click there and contact support that way too.
Be glad to upload the shipping label photo
If you have that capability
“They do their CS via the web… “
So they is not you ?
Wow… I just watched a video of the “founder” ? Is that fake ?
@Fritoe19 No it isn’t fake but the forums are not for order support. We are just other customers posting. If you want help with your order then either email meh (that was given up higher) or follow the directions given by me above. You can complain all you want here but we can’t help you as we don’t work for meh. To get help you have to contact meh by one of those two ways. I have always found they help when I contact them.
Please, click on, or type it in manually, and use the form there to report the problem. You can even pick “I have blind rage and am seeing red” as your issue if that helps. (I’m not kidding about that.)
Getting ridiculous
All I want to do is get the right freakin color that I
@Fritoe19 Okay, follow the instructions in the next comment down. That’s your best bet.
@Fritoe19 Then you need to contact the people who fix the problems. That would not be us. Screaming at us about it may make you feel better but it won’t solve your problem. We don’t work for meh. This is a customer forum. Not an employee forum. That would be customer support. So IF you want the problem fixed then contact them to get it fixed. If you don’t want it fixed then keep complaining here that you want it fixed because no matter how much you complain fellow customers can’t fix it for you. Only the company can and you have been told multiple times on here how to contact them.
You can also:
What a joke
I took a chance on meh
Got burned…
Lesson learned
Are you an idiot, or do you just play one on the interwebs?You don’t seem to be getting the picture several people have gone out of their way to paint for you.
Your life must be hard.
Owner says nothing of course
@Fritoe19 Did you think someone would be sitting by their computer waiting for your email? Give it a couple of days.

/giphy patience
They got my money in seconds
You be patient
I’ll be expecting good customer service or at least marginal
Right now I’m getting less than zero
@Fritoe19 So I’ll ask one more time. Did you buy them at or cause you’ve been ranting under the sidedeal ad. And if so you need to visit customer service over at sidedeal.
@sammydog01 same company
You should know
Ha ha
Dog pile me
I’ve ordered 4 from the Meh site
If you think meh and side deal are not connected… can’t help you
All I want is what I ordered
Tire of the bs .
Fix it or you list me.
Unlike some of you… this is not my hobby on a long afternoon of doing nothing
Just want it fixed or my money back
Real simple
@Fritoe19 WE can’t fix it. WE are trying to tell you how to get it fixed. WE are fellow customers. YOU need to CONTACT the COMPANY if you want it fixed. Usually it takes them 1-2 days to respond. Having a fit about it here won’t make it happen any faster. My directions tell you how to do it on meh (see above). You said you bought it via meh. So follow those directions and then wait 2 days. You may not like it, but NONE OF US can change it because WE DON’T work here.
@Fritoe19 PS there are other people who have posted directions about how to contact support too. There are multiple, different ways you can do that.
@Fritoe19 I don’t even see these being offered at and you’re posting on a offering. Go ahead, prove me wrong and link the sale. Even if the sites are related the ordering is most likely separate.
@Kidsandliz then you have way too much time on your hands
@Kidsandliz yeah right
Angry cause I care… what’s your excuse
@Fritoe19 All people - that would be us customers - are doing is trying to help you connect with the people who can help you solve your problem so you get what you ordered or get refunded. Telling them to basically fuck off makes a pretty poor statement about you. I’m out. Either follow what we told you to do and get you problems solved or don’t and you won’t. I don’t care either way. Behaving like an adult is not your strong suit.
Have fun promoting this guy in his pajamas selling you drop ship crap with no transparency or accountability
@Fritoe19 I will, thanks very much.
@sammydog01 your company or your bud’s I suppose… he too busy making vids
Side deal is a support marketing ploy of meh.
It is how they contacted me
Tell the owner of castmate etc… I said hi
@snapster- @Fritoe19 says hi.
@sammydog01 @snapster hi … you just lost another customer and destroyed my trust in your co
/giphy eating popcorn

Good luck being part of a “community” that is not honored and is held at arm’s length.
“Don’t buy things from someone who won’t answer your questions”
Is that you eating the popcorn ?
Wow … really ?
@Fritoe19 it is! This is quite interesting. You have been given no less than three seperate ways to contact CS, but refuse to do so and continue to complain to other customers.
If I complained to you about my cable provider could you fix the problem or would I beed ro contact the cable company’s CS? Because you are asking other customers to rectify your concern
At this point I’m here for the show
Good luck
@Fritoe19 @tinamarie1974 Me too! I thought this was going to be a Laurel/Yanny thing… This is fucking hilarious! Great way to start the day.

P.S. If I buy a bag of Fritos but Doritos are inside…I guess @Fritoe19 could help me with that? Or should I look for their forum and ask other customers?
P.P.S. “Does This Look Black?” should be changed to “Can I Be A Bigger Idiot?”. Just saying.
P.P.P.S. Hopefully you can figure this out and have a better day 🫡
@fritoe19 I believe you should’ve received a reply by now. If you don’t see it in your inbox, please check any spam folders in your email client.
@Ignorant They should double your pay.
Thanks for putting this out there @sammydog01, I just received word that they are tripling my pay!!!
@Ignorant You deserve every penny of it.
@Ignorant @sammydog01 Penny?!? Whoa. Slow down here! We haven’t even made either past the ₩ from the speaker dock era.
1 KRW per year is still a good rate, right?
@Ignorant @narfcake @sammydog01 Better than the 27 Venezuelan Bolivars they allow as a per diem to cover the expenses of mods making an invited visit to the Mercatalyst parking lot and top-loading outdoor storage locker.
@Ignorant @sammydog01 @werehatrack True.
On a different paw, this isn’t the time to post the old solution, right?

@Ignorant @narfcake @sammydog01 Nah. Those made lousy earbuds.
@Ignorant @narfcake @sammydog01 @werehatrack omg, this person would have popped a gasket if someone sent them a marker!!!
@Ignorant @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack If by someone, you actually meant …
@Ignorant @narfcake @sammydog01 @werehatrack I didnt remember that it was you!!! Poor thing
@Ignorant @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 @werehatrack It wasn’t me; I had nothing to do with it. I just saved the pics because they were hilarious.
(August 20, 2014 was a “well played” day.)
Yes… And recieved a reply after a high level of texts and emails.
Should only take one phone call.
Companies like this don’t want to be bothered by people. They don’t want to talk to us.
They aren’t business people or customer service people.
The owner should have called me personally if nothing else. They are playing a game , and folks like me are on the short end. If they have a customer like me who is not happy… they or at least someone they trust should contact them directly, get it fixed and keep the buyers who paid money to support you. That’s business.
Otherwise, you have to get another line of work or explain it all to the shareholders. Either way , you blew it.
@Fritoe19 I think meh probably won’t miss you as a customer based on your behavior.
@Fritoe19 How did you text them? I haven’t seen a phone number for them, but even if I did I certainly wouldn’t expect a business phone to receive text messages.
Or were you counting these forum messages (to fellow customers) as texts to Mediocre?
My behavior ?
I could not get a direct response or any information on who to contact tegarding a messed up order ?
I was given conflicting and confusing information on who to contact ?
I was not given a confirmation by email, or in the packaging that gave me direct contact information on who to get in touch with if there was a problem ?
I was not given tracking information for my package ? No eta or receipt?
I was introduced to a “community” of social media people? who comment in the negative about my personal business and act weird if I don’t act like them ?
I have no recourse but to post in that “community” to get my money back ?
I’m shocked that so many people tolerate this obvious manipulation into their buying and decision making practices.
I just want to buy a few things, not join a “community” who judges me and stands behind a non-transparent monolithic petty dictatorship, peddling clearance table junk.
I’m sure they won’t miss customers like me that hold them accountable. They want customers who blindly follow their community while funneling their hard earned money to the hub of the hive.
Good luck with that and good riddance
I felt lucky to receive the package at all , even tho it was screwed up.
Still waiting on one more shipment with similarly no confirmation, eta or documentation. Will be a “former customer” after that.
Feel better ?
@Fritoe19 the meh faq explains how to contact customer support, expected reply time, as well as explaining that there is no phone number. Meh isn’t hiding anything and aren’t trying to make anything difficult.
I’m glad you’ve received a reply from support, be sure to respond to it with any info requested so they can get the issue resolved for you.
Never said there was anything inherently intentional… just had some meh “community” folks calling me names or condescending ( why ? ) because they said “ was it meh… was it side deal ? “
Not my job to know the difference when the company masthead lists them together along with two other company names.
Communication is their responsibility, not the customer’s imo.
They did a terrible job of making it easy for me to solve a simple problem.
They sent me the wrong item. They are responsible. They did not send me a tracking number, confirmation number or a receipt… by text, email, or mail… for that they are responsible, not the customer.
They made a deliberate decision to make it difficult to contact them by saying I needed to contact another company and having no phone number.
Outsourcing those duties to someone else is a cop-out imo
They are the ones who marketed to me, not the other way around.
The “owner” ? plays bingo with the “community” but can not make him or his staff available for legitimate concerns and issues ?
Can not or will not provide a phone number for quick resolution of a customer problem ?
I could go on… but I’m sure you and other “community members” and especially the head of this very odd business with a very odd business model will be glad when I go away… but I think folks should think twice about purchasing from a “company” that they can not contact quickly, especially when that company takes immediate payment from my card, but makes it very difficult to contact them and even warns them it may be a couple of days before they bother to give a response.
Must be nice to have a “business” where ownership or staff has little or no responsibility for customer satisfaction or courtesy.
“Buyer beware” ( google it)
Good luck with that
You can find all that information, order number, tracking information, your receipt, etc. if you log into your account and then in side deal it will show up right there or in meh click on orders.
Yes, I’ve thought more than twice about it. And I have needed to contact customer support before, and they were very responsive each time. But they were working a regular job — they had real work to do, so they couldn’t wait upon me the instant I sent them a message. It took a couple hours, because it’s real life (not a video game).
But I’m even more shocked that anyone is surprised that a store processes payments immediately. Is it considered normal to expect a mail-order product to arrive before being charged for it? I thought sit-down restaurants were the weird outliers in that respect. (fast food restaurants, on the other hand, will gladly take your money before delivering your food—as will Amazon, eBay, and every other online store I’ve ever seen)
As entertaining as this was the word fucktard comes to mind.
More entertaining is someone who joins a “community” that defends companies that screw up and avoid their customers
Perhaps you work there
Boy, I sure hope @Fritoe19 didn’t purchase a $99 IRK the other day and is expecting to receive at least that much in return!! Then again, that would be hilarious to see his response!!
/giphy laughter

Trolling is a art.
@zhicks1987 I truly wish this was a troll. It’s so much funnier on the customer support end though. I’m going to ask the boss if I can share screenshots when we get this sorted out because it’s fun for the whole family.
@ExtraMedium @zhicks1987 The second meh goat of the month emailed Support 18 times in a single day asking what was his own address.
@ExtraMedium @zhicks1987 I think it was mentioned that there’s still an order out there that hasn’t arrived. If perchance it hasn’t shipped yet, will the box be filled with some extra Trackrs to help locate it in transit?
/showme trolling
@zhicks1987 ^That^ is trolling art.
@xobzoo @zhicks1987 Are those fingers coming out of the bottom of the fish?
@heartny @xobzoo @zhicks1987 Maybe THAT’s where fish fingers come from.
There is an very odd level of support from a small handful of ”community” apologists for this company, while a customer, more like them than they realize, feels he is not in the right place.
Perhaps some of the “community” are friends or family members of employees of people employed by this company…either that or they just enjoy dissing people that they don’t even know for no reason.
Like so many apologists and trolls , they find it humorous that others feel the way they do , and can actively think for themselves.
So I will repeat , I have made efforts contact the company in multiple ways.
I replied to a text repeatedly sent to me , emailed a support oerson( who told me they did not work “for” meh.?!? . etc… )
I expressed my consternation that a company like this does not have a phone number for people to contact them. Why ? What is the justification for that ?
If you want to do business and purchase from companies who take your money , but offer you very little in besides the cheap, leftover junk that is available through many other outlets
( most of whom offer a customer service departments and phone numbers) then go for it. That’s your prerogative.
The reason that I am writing this is to respond to those who diss people who have a legitimate concern and are not here for the bingo , the snarky comments or the gifs and sarcasm.
While all online stores require payment up front… and it is instantaneous… I’m just glad I became aware that this company… unlike any I have ever dealt with does not send a tracking number for my purchases… or a receipt via email for the funds they collected… etc…
I really should have taken the marketing at it’s word … and company that tells the truth… that they are selling crap … and are amazed that anyone wants it.
So … to this “community”… rather than kind words and encouragement…I mostly got disparaging personal comments. For that , you are responsible. You are also responsible for your own choices.
You can choose to do business with a company that asks for your contact information, but holds back on their’s … ( and one which does not pro-actively provide shipment information etc…) that’s up to you.
I , however, will not do business with such a company.
@Fritoe19 You wanna know who MY friends are on this site (and it’s offshoots)?
Some of the more snarky customers on the discussion board, as well as some of the genuinely nice, polite people (@kidzandliz for example). I also consider the Cust Service folks to be friends, since they are easily available ( when they can get to it), and they don’t fuck around with resolving your problem. They fix it. Nicely, and with humor.
Good deity, I loved the black Sharpie!
Never had an issue that wasn’t resolved to my full satisfaction.
Seems like someone needs some candy corn …
@Fritoe19 Hello. Please allow me to break down what I know.
To be clear, I am an employee of Mercatalyst Retail LLC (parent company of Meh, SideDeal, MorningSave, Casemates, and a few side projects) and I do represent customer support. This is easy to verify by the small Erlenmeyer flask symbol next to my name here on the forum. That is reserved for staff members. You can also use that information to note that you’ve not responded to any employees (or their family members?) in your communications.
As with my very first response on this page, I still recommend you reach out to us via the support portal and you can do so on either Meh Support or SideDeal Support. I know you’ve emailed a few times and our team has attempted to reach out to you, but you seem locked into the idea that every email from Meh is from staff. This is not the case. Anyone who types “@Frite19” into their message will generate an email to your inbox because that’s a setting you have applied to your account.
No, we do not have a phone number for you to call. All of our customer support members work from their homes and I’m sure you can understand why we don’t need them getting calls to their homes. We have a number of email addresses accessible, but much prefer customers to use the support pages to have a clear record of communication all in one place. Also, the majority of our staff works pretty normal weekdays and business hours based on Texas time and we tend to respond to customer support requests in the order they are received. That is to say, no one was available to respond when you initially reached out, but we are trying. I’m not on that schedule, which is why you’re hearing from me.
As a member of the customer support team, I feel it is worth pointing out that replying to the forum emails you receive does not add a reply to this forum but those do go to customer support so I know that you’ve not been reaching out to our team as much as responding to other customers who frequent this forum, and again, the don’t work for us or have any relationship with us other than being shoppers like yourself. That’s not to say we don’t love them like family, but we’ve not met them so their defense of our business is based on their own choices, not money or familial loyalty.
As for the whole reason you reached out in the first place, the information that may help us to help you with your problems is this: Our response when you visit Meh Support will only be visible from the Meh Support page and the same is true for SideDeal Support. You cannot see those responses from a site other than the one used to reach out to us. If you’re not seeing those responses where you expect, please try the other location.
Also, note that we do not have any record of the order you’re referencing. You’ve not provided an order number, an email address associated with that purchase (I’m certain it’s not the one attached to this account), the billing address used, the total spent, or the timeframe for the purchase. The tracking label from the package may contain most of the needed details, but I’ve not seen that either.
If you have that information, please reply directly to our customer support team with as much of it as you possibly can.
Please do not put that information on the forum. If you do, our team will edit it out, but anything posted here is available to everyone on the internet. Again, this is not our customer support page, I’m just trying to provide you with the most clear response I can in order to help you with the purchase.
For all others in this thread, please don’t @ Fritoe19 anymore to help us reduce frustration and confusion. I know you’ll behave the way you behave, but that’s my request. You’re still welcome to enjoy the show.
Your do not @ plea seems to have been missed …
@chienfou @ExtraMedium Probably TL;DR issues.
@chienfou @werehatrack He literally @'d himself as well. Can’t be helped.
@ExtraMedium you deserve a bonus for that very nice and informative message
@ExtraMedium not family? I don’t know how promiscuous IRK and Glen are. Irk could have a lot of illegitimate children on here. I have suspicions a few on here are half siblings and don’t realize it.
the part of this whole debacle that gets me, is repeated insistence that the site’s owner should of course reach out to them. " The owner should have called me personally if nothing else."
if they have a problem with an amazon order do they expect a personal phone call from Jeff Bezos to straighten it out?
@earlyre The more I look into this, the more likely it becomes that the product wasn’t ordered from us at all. Some of their attempts to email “us” included a misspelling of another daily deal website’s support email. Before you ask, no it wasn’t that daily deal site. And no, not that other one either. I’d never even heard of them before this started.
I’m still workshopping the best analogy for this thread, but here’s where I’m at: It’s a person going to Walmart and standing in the parking lot yelling at other customers about their horrible customer support, and lack of response from the Waltons, over a product they bought at the dollar store. And then accusing everyone with a confused look of being paid shills or brainwashed.
And yet I’m still happy to help if possible.
Knowing that every comment has generated an email that Frito has been reading AND been replying to, has added the cherry on top of this turd sundae that is Fritos supposed order (if in fact that is his real name?!?)
@bned Well, the whole performance was kind of corny, and they sure had a chip on their shoulder…
@earlyre @ExtraMedium Trying to nudge the user in the right direction seemed like using curling brooms to try to redirect a burning Zamboni down rhe lane instead of across…
@earlyre @ExtraMedium @werehatrack now THAT is some stellar imagery!
That is the most long-winded, forehead vein-popping way that I have ever seen to ask for an IRK full of empty PS5 boxes and trash.
Ummm me thinks @Fritoe19 may have a valid point here.
It seems the founder of that daily deal is also same guy who founded meh
According to info readily available online TDD has so definite issues with cs, tracking numbers etc… jus sayin
Welcome to the forums Frit…I mean @tolledu
@tolledu I can confirm, 100%, that the founder of Meh is not at all the founder of That Daily Deal.
@tolledu and I can confirm, 100% if the order was actually placed through Meh (or one of its sister sites) an email confirmation and shipping info would’ve been sent.
@ChadP @tolledu I’d never heard of it before, but perhaps this is relevant. “That Daily Deal has a rating of 1.46 stars from 100 reviews”
And the saga continues…
Bringing back memories of “TwistedLisa”
@Ignorant Grabbed a bag of popcorn the first month I was here.
@Ignorant @sammydog01 Wow — I wasn’t around here back then, but you got me curious. So I looked it up… and just spent a couple hours reading all that.
I still don’t understand humans.
Still not sure I want to be part of the species.
But most of all, I’m just glad I’m not personally, emotionally involved in either of those stories (
). It’s a lot healthier for me to be watching from the outside.@Ignorant @sammydog01 The best plot twist would be if they’re actually both the same person…
@sammydog01 @xobzoo haha every 9 years she comes back to haunt the meh forum
So @ignorant I’m guessing you have the receipts for that statement ? Or do you ?
Nope tracks were hidden too well!
Not sure what we’ll get, but this one’s for @werehatrack
/showme curling brooms trying to redirect a burning Zamboni
… has to be to line in comment
@chienfou oops, thanks. Too many rules on this crappy site!

/showme curling brooms trying to redirect a burning Zamboni
@mediocrebot can this be the theme for the next 'thon? The Burning Zambonathon! It could be a winter theme with tons of earbuds and sharpies interspersed… and fritos… angry fritos
@mediocrebot @ybmuG and everything is pink?
@mediocrebot @pepper114 YES! Though pictures show black
@mediocrebot @ybmuG
Angry Fritos
@mediocrebot @pepper114 @ybmuG Anything not-pink would presumably ship with enough bottles of Martha Stewart pink paint to cover them at least once.
Well @Fritoe19, you wanted to hear from the Owner of the company, but you’ve REALLY IRKED the Head Honcho of the Company instead!! He asked me to forward this video that he personally made for you to express his opinion about your rant! Without further ado, here is the CEO (Chief of Expert Opinions):
Totally forgot about this from 3 years ago at the local community college.
One funny bit - it wasn’t an actual Zamboni brand and the company officially complained about their name being used.
@ybmuG oh shit
@tinamarie1974 i can’t believe how the guy just keeps driving and puts it out with a fire extinguisher
@ybmuG Save of the game right there!
@ybmuG m akes ya wonder if this wasn’t their first rodeo
@tinamarie1974 apparently it was hydraulic fluid that leaked and caught fire. I can’t believe it’s something they train for, but who knows…
@ybmuG What’s the generic name for a Zamboni? And for that matter, what’s the generic name for a Dumpster?
@lisagd Ice resurfacer, and I don’t think there is
@spitfire6006006 Community!!
@ircon96 @spitfire6006006 That would be all of us working together towards a common goal. Right?
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @spitfire6006006 Six seasons and a movie!
So far I only know about two of the seasons (TwistedLisa & Fritoe19). I’m sure there are other seasons from before my time; are we up to 6 yet?
(I wonder what the movie will be. A hostile takeover by Zuckerberg, trying to buy his own octopus breakfast?)
I’ve also heard about the illegal toothbrushes. Not sure if that was a season or just an episode.
@xobzoo Quip, aka Schrodinger’s Toothbrush, was a soap opera mashup with a comedy, from what I read in the eventual omnibus edition. Fritoe is a TikTok meme by comparison.
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo there was also the woman that only washed her hair in vinegar or never washed her hair or something like that. Never cut her hair, didn’t have split ends. Details are foggy
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo @tinamarie1974
That’s intriguing…!
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo oh it was crazy, she got super mad at me, blew up and deleted her account after I very humbly said if her claim was true I hoped she would go to “big shampoo” to share her formula and make millions.
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo @tinamarie1974 I remember someone else who got mad at you and flounced but I can’t remember why!!! It was really trivial though.
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo that might be what you are thinking of? It was very dramatic
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @spitfire6006006 @tinamarie1974 @xobzoo Maybe … I don’t remember the vinegar part, though!
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo well again, Im not 100% on the details. It was a few years ago
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @spitfire6006006 @tinamarie1974 @xobzoo Okay, I’m embarrassed to say I got curious enough to search it and wallow around in that rabbit hole for a while. And she did certainly have a thing about ACV as a hair conditioner, but it was the PMS discussion that made her flounce. I remember reading that thread at the time!
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo oh I dont remmeber the pms discussion
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo
@tinamarie1974 Starts here …
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @spitfire6006006 @xobzoo completely forgot about that, but it was an interesting re-read. Whispers were also very entertaining

/showme big dumpster fire
I think the 'bot still isn’t clear about a lot of this.
@werehatrack I would agree.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack Well, it’s a dumpster near a fire, that’s gotta be worth partial credit at least…? (
Shhh…still trying to suck up to our future overlords.)
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @werehatrack To be fair, I’m human and I’m not clear about a lot of this. But in my defense, I could photoshop a better dumpster fire. Lord knows I’ve witnessed my fair share of them.
@ExtraMedium @ircon96 @werehatrack
You’ve added this thread and the other one the other day that got shut down to your count. Right?
@ExtraMedium @ircon96 @Kidsandliz @werehatrack a lot of us could Photoshop a better dumpster fire. I suspect none of us could do it nearly as quickly as AI though.
You can get an AI to create a dozen and pick the best one faster than it would take to Photoshop a realistic dumpster fire.
Speed is the real value there.
@ExtraMedium @ircon96 @Kidsandliz @OnionSoup @werehatrack
AI is a damned cheat - just stealing from past images or info and blending them into refurbished amalgamations. Useful but insidiously harmful in the long run, IMO.
@ExtraMedium @ircon96 @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @werehatrack yes… and the sources that AI is learned from never gets the credit.
What worries me is that as AI becomes more prominent there will be less “net new” added to human culture. We’re just going to be recombining past ideas in new ways more than we already do. AI is unable to create anything truly new.
@ExtraMedium @ircon96 @Kidsandliz @OnionSoup @werehatrack
I completely agree!
Well, i must say, just reading this thread has been exhausting! @Ignorant, you might have to swap handles with this winner… you like Fritos, don’t you?

@Ignorant @ircon96
You sure you don’t mean “Whiner”?
Or maybe even, “Wiener”?
If we’re going to go through twistedlisa déjà vu, could we bring back the tough kitties?

@Kyeh I don’t think anyone would do that, do you?
@werehatrack No?

@Kyeh Clearly not.
@Kyeh As a decidedly dog person, i have to say this is too good not to share

Then this one, which was right next to it, seemed elsewise appropriate…

I saw that one too and I love it.
(Well, both of them.)
@Kyeh If I had a cat, he’d be this guy.
I asked AI to write a poem about someone named Fritoe who got pink ear buds instead of black earbuds from Meh who couldn’t figure out how to get to Customer support despite everyone telling him…
This is what it generated:
In a world of online shopping delight,
Lived a soul named Fritoe, a tale tonight,
He sought black earbuds, a musical thread,
From a place known as Meh, where many have tread.
He clicked and he typed, his order placed fast,
Anticipation brewed, the die had been cast.
But when the package arrived, what did he see?
Pink earbuds, not black, as they ought to be.
Fritoe’s brows furrowed, his patience did fray,
He grumbled and whined in dismay.
“I ordered black, not this girlish hue!
Meh, what have you done? This won’t do!”
He searched for support, his anger held tight,
Through the website’s labyrinth, he fought with all might.
Customer service was just a click away,
Yet Fritoe couldn’t find it, come what may.
Others chimed in, tried to be his guide,
“Look for the help button!” they cried.
But Fritoe was lost in a digital haze,
Unable to navigate the confusing maze.
Frustration grew, his temper ablaze,
He pounded his keyboard in a keyboard craze.
“Where’s my black earbuds?” he shouted in despair,
While others tried to help, he just didn’t care.
In a world so connected, yet feeling so alone,
Fritoe’s woes echoed through the digital zone.
Pink earbuds in hand, he raged and he fumed,
His search for support forever doomed.
So remember, dear Fritoe, in the digital land,
Patience and help are always at hand.
Don’t let frustration be your only song,
For in the end, you’re never truly alone.
@OnionSoup almost felt like a Dr Seuss tale -
One bud two bud, pink bud blue bud
This was not the right hue, bud!
@OnionSoup @ybmuG

Both of those ditties were great! 
And because we didn’t have AI when TwistedLisa was around…this is AI’s take on the TwistedLisa saga
In the realm of online tales, a character emerged,
TwistedLisa, her story soon to be urged.
She ordered from Meh, a swift shipping game,
But fate had a twist, bearing her name.
A package dispatched, a quick turnaround,
Meh worked swiftly, no delays were found.
Yet Lisa, impatient, had already moved on,
Her anger brewed fierce, like a midnight dawn.
“I told them an address,” she cried with disdain,
But the package had left, like a runaway train.
Obsessed with her status, a lawyer she’d boast,
In each online post, she’d raise her own toast.
Creating sock puppets, a digital spree,
Spamming the website, her defense, you see.
Her anger, like wildfire, burned far and wide,
All for a shipment, her patience cast aside.
But in the vast web where voices can clash,
TwistedLisa’s actions turned into a hash.
Though a lawyer, she’d lost her case online,
With every sock puppet, she towed the line.
In the end, a lesson for Lisa to heed,
Impatience and anger, a dangerous breed.
In the world of e-commerce, swift as it may seem,
Kindness and patience remain the golden gleam.
@OnionSoup AI had good rhyme and story but the meter seemed off.
@OnionSoup Agreed. My first thought was “this didn’t flow quite as well as the first one.”
(I also noticed that the first poem mis-rhymed on the very last couplet, but its rhythm was better in general.)
Still, I find it amazing how well-crafted they both were. (I presume a certain amount of that was due to the effort put in to creating the right prompts.)
@xobzoo The prompts were detailed (and not perfect grammar) but GPT figured a lot out on its own. the exact prompts were:
Write a poem about someone called Fritoe ordering black ear buds from Meh and getting pink ear buds instead. In the poem Fritoe whines he got the wrong product, customer service and other customers try to tell him how to get in touch with support but he can’t figure it out anyway and just gets mad."
Now write a poem about TwistedLisa. TwistedLisa was mad that Meh shipped a package to an address she told them to ship to, but she had already left that location by the time it shipped, despite Meh being very quick to ship, shipping the very next business day. TwistedLisa got mad and created lots of sock puppet accounts to spam Mehs website in her defense. She also seemed obsessed pointing out she was a lawyer."
@OnionSoup @xobzoo I would like to make one tiny correction:
Fritoe thought they bought from meh when in reality they purchased from a completely different company.
@Ignorant @OnionSoup @xobzoo
Oooo! Do we get to know which one?
@Ignorant @Kyeh @OnionSoup @xobzoo It is revealed as ThatDailyDeal dot com somewhere in all of that mess.
@Kyeh @werehatrack yep their alt account revealed it here
Possibly other places as well
@OnionSoup @werehatrack @xobzoo
@Ignorant Thanks. I wanted to know what it actually was; that name was mentioned but not confirmed.
@Ignorant @Kyeh @OnionSoup @werehatrack @xobzoo agree, and given the lack of confidance in “fritos” info thus far I wanted confirmation from an employee who had access to the most sensitive data (orders, email addresses, etc, etc)
And to think I almost missed out on this most epic tale of Frito woe by assuming it was just some random woman asking about fashion advice based on the image and title.
I have entirely run out of popcorn while reading this thread and have been more than patient waiting for my order of banananana cookies to arrive so I can continue this experience. Meh HQ is only a few hours away and I demand that Snapster personally drive over to deliver my cookies by breakfast tomorrow and god help him if they’re not just the right shade of yellow!
@kuoh Only if you ordered them from Walmart.
I am sad that I had a busy week and had to find this after the fun. I would have liked to have contributed and earn towards my quarterly shill bonus! Much credit to @ExtraMedium for the Walmart parking lot analogy, I was thinking the same thing before I got to that part.
I can’t believe I missed this until now.
@blaineg Me too.
Naw, pretty sure it’s not trolling.
Thought for the day: If everyone you deal with is an asshole, most likely you’re the asshole.
Well this was certainly an entertaining thread, and a great illustration of how no matter how hard you try, you just can’t reason with mental illness. I hope this guy gets his meds, though I suspect he probably ordered them from and is currently ranting in the parking lot of a Walgreen’s while texting Costco and waiting for a phone call from the owner of CVS.