Talk about whatever you want in this thread
19Ever feel the pressure to talk about the Specific Thing that the thread author started talking about? Want to just rant? Want to just chit-chat with fellow Mehtizens? Do that here.
I’ll start: I’m on the verge of finding a job again after a long semi-unintentional hiatus. I have two companies trying to hire me, and I’m pitting them against each other like Kate Winslet probably did with those two men-children in Titanic.
So! Exciting times!
But you don’t have to talk about that! Instead, use this thread to talk about Wonder Woman, linseed oil, imitation shoelaces, sentient dustclouds or whatever pops into your bustling braincase.
- 35 comments, 139 replies
- Comment
I bought my 3 yo niece a pair of wonder woman gloves to work in the yard for next spring. They were on clearance at tractor supply. They’re quite cute and I’m annoyed that they didn’t have any in adult sizes.
Also my grandmother was an artist so the smell of linseed oil and turpentine always remind me of her.
My dog HATES the Red Robin commercials.
@ybmuG why? What does “yekop” do when he sees the commercial?
@tinamarie1974 he’s fine all the way through it, until they got to the “Reeeeed Robin, Yummmm!” at the end at which point he can be sleeping and he jerks around and barks and growls savagely. Scares guests because he looks so cuddly (and he is) but then sounds so savage.
@ybmuG aaawww poor guy
@tinamarie1974 We think he hates red in particular. Not especially fond of the Jimmy Dean commercials either.
Is it wrong to wish Jay Leno would die and leave me all his cars?
@ThunderChicken is death required? Maybe he can just give you a few of them??
@ThunderChicken @tinamarie1974 What TM1974 said.
I was thinking that the whole wanting someone to die part is prolly bad in a karmic sense, but the [mostly classics] automotive-avarice is shared by many of us.
@PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 Death is certainly required at some point. No one gets out alive. Did I say early death? I’ll own up only to the avarice. Then again, he is only a few years older than I am, and I would want some time to enjoy them. I’m sooo conflicted…
About 20 years ago there was a website I think called, which had a page called “Donald X’s Freaky Tarot,” which I loved. And I printed out a bunch of readings, but I don’t think I got every card (there were no cards, only descriptions), and it’s totally disappeared off of the internet. Excluded from the wayback machine and everything. I’m still mad at myself. Also, I might have lost the print-outs in our massive flood of '17, although I don’t actually think I did (it might have been better if I had, if it meant that something else could have been saved, but I don’t think that’s how the world works). I hope one day to meet Donald X, whoever and wherever he is, and get the full text of his Freaky Tarot.
/youtube “tired” Madeleine Kahn Blazing Saddles
I really miss Taco Bell’s Bacon-Cheeseburger Burrito. Haven’t had it in over 20 years, but I can still taste that heavenly fast food delicacy.
There’s even a Facebook fan page for it:
Bring back the Bacon-Cheeseburger Burrito TACO BELL!!
@hems79 Nobody remembers and nobody believes me, but Taco Bell served fries for a hot minute back in 95 or 96. I’ll never forget because they served them with seasoning packets that were hella delicious. The fries were the best fries I ever had too—ultra crispy on the outside and soft, but tender on the inside.
@Gypsigirl213 the Taco Bells near me have sold Nacho Fries periodically the last two (I think) years and they are so good. Sounds similar to what you describe except the seasoning comes on them in stead of in packets.
@Gypsigirl213 @memini Nacho Fries are awesome!! They also come with a cheese dipping sauce but are only around for a “limited time”…
@Gypsigirl213 @llangley @memini I love the nacho fries but I skip the cheese. I hate that kind of cheese.
I will soon be commencing a project to bring PooltoyWolf to life, as a real actual PVC vinyl inflatable toy! 6 foot 6 inches tall and ready for snuggles. Will YOU buy a blow up Mac?
Congratulations on the job thing.
I am reminded of a story that a friend of mine did. I don’t suggest that one go and do this but it worked for him, at least from what I was told.
He decided that he wanted a new Corvette. We have two competing Chevy dealerships in our area, and one had the black on black one that he wanted in the showroom.
So he went to a salesman at the other dealer and said, “Here’s $100. When this guy from the other dealer calls you and asks about the deal you’re giving me on a Corvette, go along with whatever he says.”
He then goes to the dealer that has the car he wants and says the other guy is going to give it to him for x amount that he wanted to pay, but if they can beat it he’ll buy this one today.
It worked like a charm.
@djslack Hopefully, it was “the X that he wanted to pay” less $100…
Uncle Vinny- Best of luck, and may you get the one job that fits you best!
I’m also in the process of recovering gainful employment, and while I don’t have 2 different employers competing for me, I hope that one of the 3 sites they might possibly hire me for becomes the place I can stay working at until I can get enough put away to finally retire in the next 5-10 years, and not have to worry overmuch about being able to afford the basics of life or medical bills.
Please wish me luck in return.
Thanks in advance,
@PhysAssist Have you contacted the social security office? You might be able to retire sooner than you think. My mom just retired and she’s only 62. She had no idea she was eligible until she contacted the social security office. She still works part time, but now she gets social security payments, which let her drop from full time to part time in being able to afford life expenses. Just a thought to help you with those expenses.
@PhysAssist best of luck to you! I’m also eager to find a place to nestle in for a good long while. Many years ago I was able to stay at a place for nearly 7 years, and I loved that. It’s rewarding to be able to build some knowledge about a job, make some good friends with coworkers, etc. The stability of building that nest egg for retirement is nice, too. Fingers crossed for us both.
@UncleVinny Thanks, and YES, exactly!
@Gypsigirl213 Hi, and thanks!
It’s not that I’m not old enough to retire, or more properly, it’s not just that, but more that we wouldn’t have enough income to live on coming in if I retired, or was able to find a part-time placement [there aren’t many around in my experience].
In addition, I don’t want to end up in the situation a former [old enough to retire] colleague of mine did- she ended up having to take a job at Walmart in order to get affordable and adequate medical insurance [ACA notwithstanding].
I worked too hard to get out of the menial labor rat race [and I’m too old and tired] to go back to that again.
Finally, as a PA, I really enjoy helping people improve their health and in doing so, their lives, so while I do want to eventually retire and devote [all] my time to being with SWMBO, improving my home and health, and fixing and making things in my home workshop, I [think I] still have a lot to offer, and enjoy doing it.
Thanks for your comment and interest!
Be well and safe…
@PhysAssist you’re a doggone hero for helping people with healthcare stuff. (Just in case people don’t tell you that often enough!)
@Gypsigirl213 @PhysAssist The issue, as far as I am concerned, with taking SS early (or even on time) is what will happen when you are old enough that you can’t work part time? If you need that money now (eg taking SS early or even prior to 70) you will really be doomed later.
And if you rely on medicare for your primary health insurance when you are retired it does not have pre-existing condition protection except at your “usual, initial” sign up period. Let medicare gap drop because you can’t afford and good luck getting it back. You have to pass medical underwriting and they are allowed to charge you more if you do pass. Without that protection and an unlimited out of pocket you won’t be able to afford things like chemo or much else that is outpatient and expensive. Not to mention drug coverage is incredibly poor. And an advantage plan isn’t a good solution as they have incredibly limited networks. Generally worse than ACA care.
When I had chemo, just for the follicular non-hodkgin’s lymphoma, the adjusted cost was a bit over $176,000. 20% of that is a bit over $35,200. There aren’t very many places that will carry you for treatment for that much money. Cripes I got dumped for owing a bit more than half of that. This leads me to believe that holding out until 70, if at all possible, makes the most financial sense for an easier life when you are an ancient, old curmudgeon.
Of course some people have good savings, a pension, etc. so it doesn’t matter - but for many that is not the situation.
@Kidsandliz From the voice of experience.

That’s yet another reason why [now at just 60 y/o] I’m hoping to find a position in which I can remain for approximately 10+ years [at which time I would also have to recertify again as a PA, which I could do, but would prefer not to have to- all things considered…]
BTW, my father’s nickname for me was curmudgeon [starting at approx ge 5 y/o]…
/giphy curmudgeonly
@PhysAssist Well that timing sounds right provided you have enough stockpiled.
@UncleVinny Aww shucks, thanks for saying that…
But it is my dogone job, even if I do tend to take that part [teaching patients, and researching best practices/evidence-based outcome information] somewhat more personally than do some of my colleagues.
In my worldview, KidandLiz is much more worthy of that title, because she helps others by choice, and without recompense.
I hope she doesn’t mind my posting this here- if so, please forgive me:
/giphy the hero we need

@PhysAssist I am sure if you were in my situation you’d do the same because you have the skills to do so too and clearly you care. Besides I can’t just sit around and do nothing (well do nothing other than apply for jobs). I was really annoyed though that they didn’t list my gofundme as they promised they would. ( ).
The one resource they left off (and out of the video about breast cancer) which was really unfortunate as this state did not expand medicaid (and I tried to get them to add it to the website but they didn’t) was the federal medicaid program for women with breast and/or ovarian cancer and no health insurance (there are also income guidelines). It is a federal law that established the program and is offered in all 50 states (well I suppose in the states that expanded medicaid this is irrelevant unless the state has added work requirements - this has no limits like that) and you apply through, not the regular medicaid office, but through the special state office for that federal medicaid program in your state. I believe men with breast cancer can get it too. That program didn’t help me as I had really crappy heath insurance at the time of both breast cancers.
I also dumb down science (eg research articles, generally about treatment options or markers…) for cancer lists. You’d be really, really good at that and cancer lists desperately need that. I’ll put a simple summary of the key points that are useful and add a link to the article if it isn’t behind a fire wall or to a summary of the article if it is.
It is also clear we don’t teach enough science in high school as the belief in snake oil and its dietary/natural/alternative equivalents (with respect to curing cancer that is) can sometimes be off the charts on these lists, partly due to a strong belief in the big bad pharma conspiracy and/or the chemo is poison and thus no good belief.
On one of the follicular non-hodgkin’s lymphoma lists someone, not so long ago, was touting eating apricot, or maybe it was peach pits (doesn’t matter which one). Said it cured cancer. Umm well I suppose poison could as the cyanide in them prevents cells from taking up oxygen which then kills them - but then it would also be killing brain cells, heart cells, lung cells… I mentioned that and was told this wasn’t true; it only killed cancer cells. Sigh.
The big bad pharma conspiracy can overwhelm common sense and science on those lists too as that is often cited why these “cures” aren’t backed up by science (e.g. pharma won’t do it as they couldn’t sell it thus no profit. Huh???!!!) Umm if it worked pharma would figure out what the active ingredent(s) was/were, purify it, to the extent possible figure out the optimal dose, and look at the risks/benefits.
I once asked someone why they believed the clinical trials about rituxan (a monoclonal antibody used to treat a number of B cell blood cancers (kills B cells) and is part of just about every treatment but then not about CHOP, bendamustine… (the later I also had which nearly killed all my bone marrow and was damaging my liver so it was stopped early- oops - but at least I was in remission for a while anyway). I told that person science is like gravity. It works all the time not just when you want it to. I needed a thermonuclear protection umbrella after that post.
But all joking aside, you’d be really good at that.
@Kidsandliz Thanks!
Just Thanks!
Interesting, and you are correct about pharma monetizing anything they can too, as I just read an article about how they are testing an analog of a coumarin compound found in turmeric because of its apparent anti-cancer activity.
And I’d much rather take that in pill form (or whatever), presuming it actually turns out to be effective and reasonably safe, than gamble on self dosing with the spice. Especially since once purified and the dose is consistent it may well prove to be more effective with fewer side effects (due to removing anything that has nothing to do with the medicinal effect and the dosage of what is give is as optimal as possible) than just taking the spice. Or taking it in a “nutritional supplement” form since repeatedly it has been found that what is actually in these non-regulated supplements often doesn’t match what is on the label and may not even have any of the particular substance in it at all.
What I don’t think many people also realize is just how long it takes to take something from the basic science to a drug on the market (typically around 10 years) and what percent never make it - depending on the study read around 90/100 never even make it to a clinical trial. Of those that do only about 3/10 survive that (thus overall 3/100 ever become an actual drug you can buy). Money from somewhere has to pay for that.
Of course venture capital backed biotech startups are starting to take much of the original risk in developing an individual drug that then pharma buys when it is ready for clinical trial since they have the “machinery” to actually run one (and it is incredibly expensive to do so as I already mentioned). BUT that creates a new, unintended problem which is what is then developed into a drug may not be representative of where the need actually is since companies are relying more on what someone came up with and not necessarily addressing where the need is the greatest. As a result companies still need their own research programs and the federal government still needs to issue grants to (primarily) academia for the science/drug identification in areas of need that then underly many of these drug developments.
Since the law says medicare can’t negotiate drug prices, since most of the rest of the world can, the USA prices are artificially inflated since money from somewhere has to make up the difference. Unfortunately it comes out of the pocket, one way or another, of the USA consumer.
And yes they are making a huge amount of profit and some of it one might well question the ethics of how (for example skyrocketing prices of drugs that are generic and reasonably cheap to make compared to the prices charged or 600% price increases that are not based on expense increases)… but clinical trial failures are also expensive (and not predictable other than in an overall percentages game way) especially the ones that happen very late in the game.
There was fairly recent late state 3 clinical trial failure that cost that company close to a billion dollars in losses (not an uncommon cost for a late stage 3 trial failure). They then had to cover those losses and so they (amongst other things) cut back on the donations they gave to different non-profits. Depending on the non-profit this money is then handed out to lower income patients to help with costs. I, along with a pretty big number of us, abruptly lost $2500 from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society the year before last. This was due, in a large part, because of that particular company’s losses that year.
oops typo: stage 3 not state 3.
I think i have figured out what type of dog i want. A keeshond however they are rare to be able to adopt as adukts and i want to adopt a dog not a puppy. Ideal would be a 8 to 10 year old dog
@CaptAmehrican Look at you can search by breed, sex, age, and area. I found both of my dogs on there and was able to find the exact adult purebreds that I was looking for. There’s always a rescue available—promise!
@CaptAmehrican @Gypsigirl213 pure gorgeousness! Best of luck.
/image keeshond

@CaptAmehrican @Gypsigirl213 @UncleVinny
Keeshonds are pretty wonderful.
Owning one involves tons of coat care tho.
/image imitation shoelaces

@RiotDemon lord only knows! I was hoping we could get down to sorting that whole issue out. Who would need imitation shoelaces?! What would they taste like? Who’re they trying to fool?! Are they more than imitation…are they imaginary?!
@RiotDemon @UncleVinny
Not if you’re being rational about it.
@mike808 I’m transcending this whole discussion by asymptotically approaching an infinitesimal amount of rationality. You might wonder, “Is this real?!” and I’d be all, “this is hyperreal.”
@UncleVinny Quite the stand-up conic, you are.
@mike808 @UncleVinny
Pssst…you misspelled ‘colonic’
/image sentient dustclouds

@RiotDemon mmmmm, seems pretty quiet out there. I like quiet.
Personally, if I want to talk about something random, I might just make a topic.
There’s no harm in making a bunch of topics.
looks at number of topics created
@RiotDemon yeah! you’re a pro at making topics, out-topicking me by a 3:1 ratio.
@RiotDemon @UncleVinny this thread reminded me of something but rather than embed it here, I’ll venture into double-digit topic territory…
@llangley Way to go!
@RiotDemon I always make topics with the same name though, which somewhat limits my options. Am I the only one who does that, or do others have similarly odd rules?
@Durago I think you are the only one.
When @Ignorant censored the fuck out of a topic a few days ago I felt a strong impulse to post fucking topics over-and-over until they filled the fucking front page feed.
But I resisted that fucking childish impulse.
/You’re fucking welcome.
@therealjrn meh
@therealjrn Do you mean forkers?
@Durago Ha ha! Yes, that’s what I meant. lol
I am sitting here wondering why I am ready to do battle today for no good reason. Seriously send me to war, pretty sure I would win. OMG!!!
I am thinking lunch time meditation may be necessary
/giphy couples yoga

Oh my had to cycle through a few pics…@ignorant would NOT have been happy with the first few that popped up.
@tinamarie1974 PMS?
@Gypsigirl213 no, no. Too old
But your response is interesting. Why is that always the “knee jerk” reaction whenever a woman is “in a mood”? For men it is assumed they are having a bad day. Something wrong with that…
Maybe I care about it more than I should
@Gypsigirl213 @tinamarie1974
Maybe stop being “in a mood” so often and being “in the mood” more often?
@Gypsigirl213 @tinamarie1974 You know, I accepted that PMS is a real thing in my early 20’s, when I realized that I was getting actively pissed off by stuff that was only passively pissing me off the rest of the month. Like, justifiably mad, but it wasn’t worth fighting over the rest of the month, apparently. I don’t know if it’s nature or nurture, but women are expected to “go along to get along,” and when they don’t it’s seen as an aberration more than with men. I think we’re also all less surprised when men act like jerks?
On the other hand, I did totally tear up in the car yesterday morning because the radio station played “Love Will Keep Us Together” and I was thinking about how happy they must have been in the studio recording it, sure it was going to be a worldwide hit. Which felt like an odd thing to be almost crying about, until I thought, oh, I’m premenstrual.
@Gypsigirl213 @mossygreen it is a real thing and I always believed we should own our hormones and realize when they are making us somewhat irrational. It is not fair to unleash the beast, as I call it, on others.
In fact, I use to keep my office door closed when it was a particularly difficult day. My employees knew what it meant and would usually steer clear lol. But that was a long time ago…
That said, I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Phuf
@Gypsigirl213 @mike808 yeah, I am always in the mood here lately, but I am tired of dating my vibrator. Maybe that is the issue…
/giphy deep thoughts

@Gypsigirl213 @tinamarie1974
You don’t. (care more than you should)
Females are taught from birth to endlessly care for and acomódate others.
And to express emotions. All except for one specific emotion.
And that emotion would be anger.
Even notice hope much more typically many men show some degree of entitlement, or irritation at a situation, and might be potentially judgmental about stuff than a female in that situation might?
Meanwhile the female may be busy smoothing things over or getting humans to come to working terms with each other.
Of course, individuals are all over the map on this.
Still. The commonplace balance needs to adjust a bit here.
@f00l well said!
@tinamarie1974 For purely research purposes, I searched that, and except for the giphys taken from “Couples Retreat”, which were shall-we-say humorously risque, I saw none that were even slightly objectionable.

Just sayin’
/giphy couples yoga retreat
@PhysAssist really? The first one that came up for me was a naked couple having sex!
@f00l @Gypsigirl213 and for what it is worth I think I figured it out. Restarted keto yesterday. I think it is the carb withdrawal!
Re my remarks
Apologies for all the spelling errors. Was in a hurry and using a swipe KB and not proofreading because little time.
And … am using the swipe feature on the iOS KB, which is newish and is not yet as accurate as GBoard.
Only … GBoard makes my IOS device get a little laggy. And on the privacy issues, Apple wins over Google.
So the swipe Apple IOS KB and I just have to learn to get along.
@f00l omg no apologies please. I am constantly typing on my phone and have spelling errors. I always hope folks realize I am intelligent, but too busy to notice lol
@tinamarie1974 Rlly- there was nothing even close to what you described…

/giphy couples yoga
In point of fact, the first thing that came up this time was a Louis CK gif…
The second was one of 2 males from a comedy movie- the guy on top was in a speedo, and the one below was not happy…
But if you’re going to be alone in your office and didn’t want prurient content, why ever did you search couples yoga, instead of either plain yoga or even just meditation?
@PhysAssist well I am glad you had better luck than me! As far as why, IDK. I was thinking something funny from Couples Retreat would come up. I was in a terrible mood and thought it would be funny and make me laugh.
I don’t care that I saw it, I was more concerned that someone else on-line would see it and be offended.
@tinamarie1974 The giphy above was my #3 and too cute to reload…
I also wanted to know why you [just a little kinda maybe?] jumped on the “PMS ?” response from Gypsigirl?
I’m presuming the gender of this mehster matches [her] screen name- although you would know more than I about that.
I could see you reacting if I went there [as I carefully didn’t], but in my prior experience, women don’t usually jump on other women for going there…
Even if, as you say, that boat has already done sailed…
@PhysAssist your giphy was super cute.
In answer to your questions:
As far as @gypsygirl123, I don’t think I jumped her. I simply stated my frustration with folks immediately jumping on the PMS bandwagon.
As far as not being upset because a woman asked, actually not true, it is worse. In general women deal with this stereotype every day. One would assume another woman would be more sensitive to the topic and would handle it a bit more diplomatically. And as fyi if I did have PMS I sure as hell would not have posted that I was having a rager and was not sure why…I would have said nothing. Pretty sure no one needs or wants to know my cycle
As a woman if we are aggressive at work we are seen as a bitch, if we are crabby we must have PMS. For men the assumption is that they must be having a bad day. It is a total double standard.
It simply frustrates me when people, especially women, feed into the stereotype. We should be better than that by now. And if we are not, maybe someone needs to point out the insensitivity so we can learn. That is all.
@tinamarie1974 He was certainly a good doggo…
I didn’t really think you did either, hence the multiple qualifications to that phrase, I was just interested in your take on it, and as you so often do, you delivered the background I “needed”.
Thank you for answering!
I have observed all of the attitudes and responses you mention, and while I try my best to avoid making any assumptions or judgements [anyone], I know that I’m not 100%, but I also know many others [male and female] who are not even necessarily even aware of their attitudes and/or inappropriate behavior.
@PhysAssist thank you!
To be honest, my assumption was that your question was coming from a good place. Right or wrong I have made observations on everyone I interact with in this forum (and obviously IRL) . I have always found you to be level headed and fair in your posts and responses. So, for what it is worth I wanted to ensure I provided you a factual, unemotional, complete assessment.
@tinamarie1974 I only mentioned PMS because you said you were in that war mood. I haven’t had a period since my mid 20s when I had a complete hysterectomy, but I remember when PMS hit I felt at war with the world. Just basing my comment to you on my own personal experience. Not a knee-jerk reaction.
@mossygreen @tinamarie1974 Yes, that’s exactly why I mentioned PMS. I remember that same feeling when it came on-that ready to battle the world feeling-that she described.
@Gypsigirl213 well IMO likely not something you should offer up. Women know when they are having PMS and do not need it as a first observation. It is kind of like when you see a heavy woman. You don’t ask her how far along she is or if she knows the sex of the baby unless you KNOW for certain she is pregnant.
@PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 Again, I wasn’t feeding a stereotype. You said you didn’t know why you woke up ready to do battle with the world. I remember from my own experiences that I used to feel that way and not know why when I had PMS. It was thoughtful suggestion, not based on stereotype, it was based on personal experience.
@tinamarie1974 Yes that is your opinion because there is nothing wrong with what I said whatsoever. You said you didn’t know why about the mood, I offered a possible cause. So, you can judge me, but:
@Gypsigirl213 nor do you about me. I actually asked several women at work to read my post and your reply. I knew I was sensitive and wanted their feedback to see if I was being unfair. 100% of them were shocked. They all believed your reply was extremely rude.
All I can say is consider your statement before you make it. It is not important how you react to what you say, rather how others will react to what you say.
Put another way, do not treat people how YOU want to be treated, treat them the way they NEED to be treated.
Lastly, and this is difficult for everyone. Take feedback in the manner in which it was delivered. I was not rude or condescending. I simply attempted to provide a different point of view that you many not have considered. That said, your response to me was less than nice.
I can only control myself and how I treat people. So on that note I am closing the door on this conversation. Thank you.
@tinamarie1974 I cannot predict how people will interpret what I say. It is the intention that counts. As how you take it is your choice and in your power, not mine. If you felt it was wrong, that’s your choice as my intention was to say ‘maybe it’s that time of month and you don’t realize it’. Shoe on the other foot and I wouldn’t be offended and if I had been and then the other person explained their intention, I wouldn’t keep on telling them that their wrong for saying something with good intentions. And I frankly don’t care what people in your sphere think about I what I said as that’s their choice as well. I will not and censor myself and everything I say based on how others may or may not take it or I’d never speak again. I can only say what I mean from my own perspective as I don’t know what your rules are about what I can and can’t say at any given time. Maybe write up a list of rules for everyone about what you think is appropriate or inappropriate for them to say and carry it around and give it to people before you speak with them if you’re that sensitive about what others say to you.
I said nothing wrong. You took it wrong. I can’t control that. I explained my intention, which was good, and that’s all I can do. I will not allow you or anyone else to tell me what I should or should not say as those are your rules about what you want or don’t want to hear. I’m not your employee. Don’t try to manage me.
I thought it was wrong when you said that women are called the fairer sex because of they’re delicate features compared to men, but I didn’t tell you that you shouldn’t have said it. I ignored it because I knew you were ignorant about how language works to propagate the divides between the sexes that enforce gender roles which maintains the oppression of women in society. But I didn’t correct you or lash out or try to manage you because it wasn’t your intention to offend me with that comment despite it offending me as a female.
@Gypsigirl213 Holy Fuck. And I thought I got crabby. lol
Hoo boy.
And here I’ve been worried that someone would bring up TDS and blow the whole forum sky high…
Wouldn’t have guessed I had the wrong 3 letter syndrome.
@DennisG2014 what is TDS? Do I want to know?

Um… forget I mentioned it!
@DennisG2014 @tinamarie1974
Ooo… Ooo, let me!
TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TDS Technical Data Sheet
TDS Tax Deducted at Source
TDS The Dark Side
TDS The Daily Show
TDS Teens in the Driver Seat (safety program)
TDS Tedious (internet slang)
TDS Tenancy Deposit Scheme (UK)
TDS Tokyo Disney Sea (amusement park)
TDS The Dispute Service (est. 2003; tenant disputes; UK)
TDS Tabular Data Stream
TDS Technical Diagnostic Services (Fort Worth, TX)
TDS Technology Development Strategy (US DoD Joint Capabilities Integration Development System)
TDS Tripod Data Systems
TDS Total Debt Service (Ratio)
TDS Top Drive System (petroleum industry)
TDS Time Data Security (various locations)
TDS Turbo Debugger Symbol
TDS Tagged Delimited String
TDS Turbo Diesel Super
TDS Technical Data Server
TDS Transactional Data Solutions
TDS Tivoli Directory Server
TDS Tivoli Decision Support
TDS Thermal Desorption System (scientific equipment)
TDS The Downward Spiral (Nine Inch Nails album)
TDS Telephone & Data Systems, Inc.
TDS Total Dissolved Salts
TDS The Daydream Sound
TDS Transfer Disclosure Statement (Real Estate)
TDS Trojan Defence Suite (software)
TDS Temporary Data Storage
TDS Tag Data Standard
TDS Texas Disposal Systems
TDS Thief: Deadly Shadows (video game)
TDS Time-Domain Spectroscopy
TDS Trial Defense Service
TDS Transdermal System
TDS Tie Down System (device)
TDS Travel Distribution Services
TDS Total Diet Survey (US FDA)
TDS Tactical Data System
TDS The Drawing Studio (Arizona)
TDS Technical Development Services (various organizations)
TDS Top-Down Solutions (car parts)
TDS Teatro Del Sole (Italian: Theatre Of The Sun)
TDS Technical Documentation System (software)
TDS The Distribution Solution (UK)
TDS Telephone Directory Service (Australia)
TDS Time Delay Spectrometry
TDS Tomsoft Diary System (software)
TDS Torque Data System (software)
TDS Time Date Stamp
TDS Time, Distance and Shielding (radiation exposure)
TDS Top-Down Shooter (gaming)
TDS Tetris DS (game)
TDS Temasek Design School (Singapore)
TDS Tuchenhagen Dairy Systems (various locations)
TDS Target Development System
TDS Toyota Driving School (Japan)
TDS Transcript Delivery System
TDS Time Division Switching
TDS Toronto Daily Star (Canada)
TDS Transputer Development System
TDS Talley Defense Systems
TDS Transactions on Database Systems
TDS Thermal Desorption Spectrometry
TDS The Democratic Strategist
TDS Thiamine Disulfide
TDS Tokyo Designers Space (Japan)
TDS Training and Development Solutions
TDS Tonga Defense Services
TDS Terrestrial Digital Service
TDS Turmdeckelschnecken
TDS Tactical Defense Systems
TDS Time Distribution System
TDS Target Designation System
TDS Thompson Dorfman Sweatman
TDS Total Drug Spend (Medicare)
TDS Toutes Des Salopes (gaming clan)
TDS Trace-Driven Simulation
TDS Time Delay Switch
TDS Transit Delay Selection
TDS Test Development Series
TDS Total Distribution System
TDS Tactical Display System
TDS Ter Die Sumendum (to be taken 3 times a day; prescription marking)
TDS Tubular Data Stream
TDS Teraherz Time Domain Spectroscopy
TDS Tool and Die Systems (TDS Automation, Inc.)
TDS Training Development Study
TDS Temporary Duty Station
TDS Tactical Data Station
TDS Tridion Dialogserver
TDS Telephone and Data Service
TDS Temperature, Depth, Salinity
TDS Telemetry Data Store
TDS Telecommunications & Data Systems
TDS Tagged Delimited String Format (IBM Websphere MQSeries SW)
TDS ThrowDown Sports (forum)
TDS Training Decision System
TDS Technology Development Section
TDS Time Delay Setting (electromechanical product feature)
TDS Tactical Digital System
TDS Trillium Digital Systems, Inc. (an Intel company)
TDS Terminal Display System
TDS TRADOC Documentation System
TDS Terrestrial Data Service (WorldCom)
TDS Temperature-Determined Sex
TDS Training Device System
TDS Team Death Strike (gaming)
TDS Tactical Development Study
TDS Training Development Service
TDS Training Development Section
TDS Test Description Sheet
TDS Transfer and Display Software
TDS Transient Diffusion-Sublimination
TDS Time Demand Satisfied (real-time scheduling)
TDS Technical Documentation Set
TDS Tape Duplication System
TDS Technology Direction Statement (Sprint)
TDS Traffic Data Studies System (Sprint)
TDS Temporal Data System
TDS Travel Design Studio (travel agent; Bergamo, Italy)
TDS Test and Diagnostic Service
TDS Total Distance Separation
TDS Technique Développement Services (French: Technical Development Services; France)
@DennisG2014 @tinamarie1974
try this link.
You are welcome!
Well shucks, ma’am- I do try to keep calm and press on, but you know, I’m never quite sure how that is perceived.
Thank you finally for explaining!
I’m very sorry that the kerfluffle ensued, but sometimes people are on their last nerve, hangry, or just plain mad as hell and can’t take it any more, but [only IMHO] it seemed like a serious overreaction to just up and bail on the whole Mehss, unless there was some prior interactions I’ m not privy to [and don’t care to be frankly].
Deep cleansing breath, hold, repeat ad lib.
@Mehrocco_Mole yes! on your #1 definition of TDS… BUT… drum roll please… you left one out: Total Dumb Shit.
@Kidsandliz Sorry, I didn’t mean to leave out the Democrats.

(Oooo… yes he did just say that!)
/giphy did I say that?
YES! Strong political beliefs here I come!
@MrMark oh dear, what’ve I unleashed
@MrMark Well?
I somehow managed to get one of my dog’s hairs stuck in the button of my big toe like a splinter. The base of the hair penetrated my toe and hurt when I walked on it.
When I pulled on it, my skin visible lifted up before it finally came loose. Now, I don’t know about your big toe, but mine has some pretty rough, thick skin on the bottom. How is this even possible?
@medz this happens to me more than I like. So annoying! I hate when it’s at work and I have to take my shoe and sock off. My dog sheds like crazy! No matter how much brushing or vacuuming a stray hair will find it’s way. Granted, I’ve owned my dog for 12 years and it’s maybe happened 15 times so I guess it could be worse.
@medz @RiotDemon wow, what kind of dog do you have that has such aggressive fur-parts?!
@medz @UncleVinny this beautiful mutt:
@medz @RiotDemon @UncleVinny aaawww such a pretty fur baby
@RiotDemon @UncleVinny Some sort of lab mix.
@medz @RiotDemon aieeeee! I’m in love!
@RiotDemon He looks like a near match for our Sully…
??How can I upload a picture of Sully here??
[I have them on my cell and on my Google Drive…]
@PhysAssist turn your phone sideways or put the browser in desktop mode for the menu to pop up.
You have to do this before clicking reply.
@medz I had a hair stylist once tell me that she always had to wear closed-toe shoes while cutting hair. Something about the loose hair being able to work its way into the sole of the bare foot and become embedded. Ewwww…
My cat’s breath smells like cat food.
@DennisG2014 feed your cat more chocolate pudding, maybe? Oh wait…once you feed them something, it becomes “cat food” by definition. But at least it would smell nicer.
@DennisG2014 Well, it has to be said: “Duh-oh”.
Our cat’s does too, and our dogs’ breaths smell like dog food or the mint chewies we give them…
@DennisG2014 @UncleVinny Except chocolate kills cats.
@Kidsandliz Duh-oh!
Oh and @unclevinny good luck in the job front! I hope you end up wherever you are happy and you negotiate the highest possible salary!
@tinamarie1974 mille grazie! I think the highest possible salary would freak me out a little. Like… I would have all the money in the world, and nobody would care about money anymore
@UncleVinny but wouldn’t that be a wonderful problem to have.
@tinamarie1974 I’m willing to take chance! Kinda like the lottery. They say it ruins a lot of lives…but I want to try it anyway, because I’d be smart about how to enjoy all that $$$, unlike the dummies who spend it on stupid stuff.
@tinamarie1974 @UncleVinny Yeah, I always think that maybe GOD should test ME by making my lottery dreams come true, so that I can prove that I can do way better than all dem losers what pissed all they money away…
@tinamarie1974 @UncleVinny BTW, after spending just the right amount wisely on wine, women, and song, what would you waste the rest on?
@PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 Oh jeepers, I have this huge plan.
Of course…I basically do all these things now. (Which is a good pattern to use when thinking about the lottery…“how can I do some part of this stuff without spending all that $$$?”) But I’d just like to turbocharge it.
How about y’all? Got big lottery plans?
@PhysAssist @UncleVinny that sounds like an awesome plan. For me similar but different
All of the above in no particular order
@tinamarie1974 tip-top-O-roonie, neighborina!
You mean like stuff they sell on meh?
@Kidsandliz precisely! I just come here for the forums
@tinamarie1974 @UncleVinny Those are exactly the kind of wasteful excesses I was asking about- and why would I need to plan anything when you’all got it all figured out for me.
Agreeing with TinaMarie- I’d quit my job, and then volunteer on medical missions to underserved countries and populations- in Haiti, Guatemala, Appalachia, e.g., etc…
@Kidsandliz @UncleVinny
and I bet you “buy Playboy magazine for the articles…”
@chienfou My user profile betrays me… it reveals that I’ve purchased a lummox’s handful of items on Meh, and more than a few have been subpar. The forums, though…never have I regretted a moment within these shimmering walls!
Hey @tinamarie1974 that mascara I bought during the last woot-off for $3.50 is actually pretty good! Especially for the price! I was happily surprised.
@moonhat hhuummm. What brand was it, pretty please?? Maybe I will check it out!!!
@tinamarie1974 I’m not sure if it’s still there in Woot but it’s this:
@moonhat thanks! I was placing an order on Amazon and decided to buy a tube. Excited to give it a try!
@moonhat @tinamarie1974

@moonhat @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 If you were a drag queen, I would have thought more this

@moonhat @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 Hey - where’d that go?
@moonhat @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG

@moonhat @sammydog01 @ybmuG haha. I decided not to be snarky and deleted it.
But I LOVE that drag queen option!!! Drag queens are more fun anyway!.
Fun fact, a “queen” taught me about waxing, wigs and make-up.
my queen. He is like my big sister!!
@moonhat @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974

@moonhat I have finally opened that tube of mascara and it is great! Thank you for the recommendation
@tinamarie1974 nice! I’m still liking it too
So tells me #therealjrn is trending.
So I have that going for me.
@therealjrn funny, they told me I was trending. What gives, Mediocritee?
I have what i hope is my final licensing exam in now less than a month… I’ve been having a hard time getting myself to actually focus and study when I have some free time… it’ll be amazing to finish… but I’m sooooo afraid of failing yet again… free time is starting to disappear the closer we get to the holidays and the office xmas party is the Saturday before my test…i need motivation/kick in the ass/encouragement…and my phone to go to time out…ugh
@amehzinggrace positive vibes and good luck coming your way
@amehzinggrace here’s to it being truly the LAST ONE!
@amehzinggrace Good luck!!!
This thread needs more pictures of keeshonds.
@CaptAmehrican oh my gosh I just want to give him a hug!!!
Or how about

/giphy Scotty puppies
@ybmuG puppy breath of any breed is amazing!
@ybmuG Any time I see vids/gifs of puppies doing that (yeah, there are a few), I always wonder if they’d rotate the other way if they were in the opposite hemisphere.
/giphy keeshond

Sometimes I wonder if Joel Grey and Herb Alpert got their nose jobs from the same doctor. I don’t think there’s any way to research this.
Sometimes bird poop tastes like candy.
@joe43wv ooh, the purple ones and not the white ones, right?
purple loves @barney.
@djslack no, white for the win. Although the purple ones remind me of paint chips so it’s a no lose situation.
@Barney loves purple.
If businesses pass along taxes to consumers in the form of higher prices, can consumers from geopolitically different locations claim “taxation without representation” and take legal actions?
/giphy Boston wine party

@eonfifty Depends. Can I pass my increased taxes from companies shirking theirs onto my employer in the form of higher wages?
Just do business with a less shitty corporate “citizen” that instead pays its taxes out of the exhorbitantly inequitable executive pay it never seems to have difficulty in funding.
Ask your employer.
Will do to the best of my ability.
A bundle of bullshit wrapped in a ribbon of truth best describes many things.

/image alot
I am over three years into fighting with workers comp and state teacher retirement systems. I can’t work, but I do not get workers comp. I am not getting good medical care, and I can’t sue my employer, who has let me go because they can not meet my work restrictions that are a result of my work injury which wouldn’t have happened had they properly placed the student who punched me in the proper setting before destroying my life instead of after. I’m frustrated, I’m sick of doctors appointments with a guy who just shrugs at what we can do.
Thanks, I needed to vent. It was just the tip of the iceberg, but I do feel a bit better.
@ChompyGator That sounds horrible!
@Kidsandliz thanks. It’s definitely not something I would wish on my worst enemy.
Whoever lost their iPhone 11 pro max outside the bar last night, please stop calling my new phone.
My local morning news tells me the Jenks, Oklahoma Christmas parade is tomorrow morning.
Bah Humbug.
@therealjrn ew.
Yeah, why not hold the annual Christmas parade during the actual Christmas season?
Say, July 5th?
The Memorial Stone
Joe passed away. His will provided $30,000 for an elaborate funeral.
As the last guests departed the affair, his wife, Helen, turned to her oldest friend.
“Well, I’m sure Joe would be pleased,” she said.
“I’m sure you’re right,” replied Jody, who lowered her voice and leaned in close.
“How much did this really cost?”
“All of it,” said Helen. “Thirty thousand.”
“No!” Jody exclaimed. “I mean, it was very nice, but $30,000?”
Helen answered. “The funeral was $6,500. I donated $500 to the church. The wake, food and drinks were another $500. The rest went for the memorial stone.”
Jody computed quickly. “$22,500 for a memorial stone? My God, how big is it?!”
“Two and a half carats.”