Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

mikibell went on a bit of a rant said

I know somewhere I posted that I was interviewing with a VP. The meeting went wonderfully. We shook hands on him hiring me as an IT auditor. That was almost 2 months ago and they have informed my VP of their intentions to hire me, but it has gone no farther.

Today, another VP gave me a call and asked if I would be interested in becoming a Manager of Accounting with a focus in SOX/Compliance control of the new system we implemented recently.

Both jobs are similar to my current pay: the auditor, they had to raise the grading of the job to meet my current salary; the Manager is a titled position. Both jobs will require me to learn new skills: the auditor will be of a variety of technologies; the manager, the ins/outs of accounting and Sox compliance for financial products.

I made it clear that I had already shook hands on the original job, that I am not chasing the Manager role.

Basically, I am unhappy in my current position and anywhere I could go and be effective is fine with me and since the auditor role isn’t in writing yet, nothing is official. From experience, until they are in writing, offers are prone to being revoked.

Each job is an amazing opportunity! I am too young to retire, and my previous work/education is not exactly transferable to other companies. I am trying to make myself more marketable, so what are your opinions, Mehtizens? Which is more in demand?