December Community Video Event: Sing Loud For All To Hear!
16It’s practically Christmas time! We may have built our entire identity around being ambivalent towards everything, but that doesn’t have to include the most wonderful time of the year.
So maybe you’re feeling like this:
But you should be feeling like this:
And the best way to do that is to sing together as a community!
And obviously we can’t just sing any song. We’re going to sing the best Christmas song there is:
All you need to do is post a video of yourself singing a line from literally everyone’s favorite song, The Twelve Days Of Christmas, but replace the “gift” (if you can even call it that) with something that Meh has given you (in exchange for your money).
For example, “Eight Maids-A-Milking” could be changed to “Eight Duncans Grooving”
Want to dress up? Go for it! Did you actually buy the thing you’re singing about (which is not a prerequisite)? Show it off! You don’t need to sound good, you just need to supply the voice and we’ll supply the tune. Seriously though, have you seen our staff sing? The bar is low.
The Rules
- Final entries are due December 12th!
- Check this link out to see what has already been taken. We only need two Eleventh days, but we’ll need twelve First Days
- Skip the “On the X day of Christmas my true love gave to me…” bit and jump right into the chorus (eg: “Eight Duncans Grooving”)
- No music, just your voice
- Sign up for your days here. Feel free to select multiple days, but try to limit yourself to six. (If you do multiple, you can keep them in the same video or mix it up, is up to you!)
- Bonus points for festive costume and set design (but please don’t feel like it is necessary, participation is all we truly ask for)
- Bonus bonus points for picking items that others haven’t (every day shouldn’t be speaker docks and candy corn)
- Keep your pants on
We’re obviously going to be using these so make sure you’re okay with having a video of you singing on a dumb ecommerce site (Santa’s beard and hat can be very disguising).
Post your video on YouTube so they embed properly and we can download them. If you don’t know how check this out.
What’s in it for me?
- Wonderful holiday cheer? Y’know, it’s the season of giving, not taking. But we will have prizes (I promise!). If you participate, I will personally scavenge the warehouse for special prizes just for you, and I’ll ship it to you (I promise!).
- All participants will also get a super-exclusive temporary Forum Badge that will take priority over all other badges (except goat) for one month.
Here’s an example!
- 32 comments, 51 replies
- Comment
‘Keep your pants on’?
Too many rules…
@daveinwarsh Where do I put my stupid video? Wait, maybe I should reword that…
Want me to post it here?
@daveinwarsh yeah just in the comments is great!
Ten knives a-stabbing…
Arg. It turned out shitty & I don’t want to do it over.
My apologies to those that know what the hell they are doing in making a video…
@daveinwarsh This is good.
@ThomasF good in an unsettling kind of way
@medz LOL… It was supposed to be a little ‘unsettling’, but after watching it… I’m very afraid…
I took some cotton balls and made a wizard beard once. I suppose it could be a Santa beard…
The thought of having people hear me sing is giving me anxiety though, lol
@RiotDemon autotune that shit, bruh
@medz that’s too much work.
What could possibly go wrong…
@moose your example video didn’t have audio on the right channel. Should these be recorded with mono sound? (maybe my ear buds are busted…)
@medz Yeah I don’t know if that was an editing issue or @Chadp had his finger on the mic but your ears work and please make it sound nice when you make your video, thanks in advance
Edit: Follow-up that no one cares about, the file was originally stereo, but Apple’s dumb new 4k codecs or whatever breaks in DaVinci Resolve. So still @chadp’s fault really
@Moose Thanks for the info.
C’mon @chadp, get your shit together. This is important stuff.
@Moose @chadp Meh delivers cutting edge 4K media? The codec is has a busted channel you say? Who let the purchasers in marketing?
I don’t know the lyrics to the song. Never listened to it.
/google Twelve Days of Christmas lyrics
Christmas Song - 12 Days Of Christmas Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Is the keep your pants on directed at me? I remember the last Meh event I worked on… I had all the meh gear… but you’ve never had meh branded pants… so… I was sans pants… (I had socks though!)
I had a productive lunch hour! My 3 clips have been recorded. I still need to edit for the best takes and trim the clips down. I had to leave my impromptu recording studio setup in the basement as I ran out of time before I had to head back. That’ll confuse the wife.
So, just embed the videos here? Won’t that spoil the end results? Can I just send a PM to @moose with the youtube links? Edit: never mind I see answered above.
FYI to others: I did Candy Corn, Phone Kick Stands, and Bidets.
@medz I expected no less from you.
A polite way of saying you didn’t expect any more from me either, but I’ll take it.
Hardest part was finding a Windows Movie Maker download for Windows 10… Don’t think any of my Roxio CDs would still work on Win10.
Ok @narfcake needs to record “5 purple catshirts”
@CaptAmehrican Not gonna happen. For one thing, I can’t sing. Secondly, catshirts still have not been offered (blame
@therealjrn@snapster), so the line is invalid.The only catshirts have been incidental ones from the TeeTurtle randoms.
Oh can the goat also record
"And a goat blamed in the forum"
@CaptAmehrican I think the one that was saved from being the December goat should sing it moar better–thanks! I’m WAY too busy scaping this month.
@mfladd I have made it unbelievably easy. I believe in you.
@Moose I reckon editing them together will be there real bitch with people singing different tempo and pitches…
I should take Day 2, put the things 1&2 on their birthday presents and have them sing “Two hoverboards.” But its saturday, so meh.
BTW, please sell those again, my oldest was pissed she didn’t get one.
@mtb002 How about Sunday?
I did mention it to them, tried plying them with the promised swag, but thing 2 is being shy for some reason. We’ll see if tomorrow is a new day, but I’m not going to press it if he’s not having it. My shitty parenting has its limits.
Ok, I got them to do it. I have the videos uploaded to YouTube, now what? BTW, they said the crap you send as a “gift” should be ok for a 12 yo boy, as they are claiming all the loot.
I had them sing both ways so you can use it wherever you want. Hopefully this is all you need, cause I’m not tech savvy enough to do anything else.
@mtb002 that’s perfect!
I’m looking for my meh purchases I think I should have did signed up for 11… I think I have 11 speaker docks and 11 meh shirts
I’m sure I’ll regret this later
@lichme I don’t see why. You look great.

Got one!!! I really need to find something more important to get worked up about.
@norman8 yeah, you do.
If you’re stumped for ideas, we’re selling like a billion things today in case you hadn’t noticed
So I know the standard is set pretty low but can I record my bit in my noisy apartment that sounds like a waterfall when the neighbors shower? I have a dynamic mic at home that I bought to just clutter up my desk.
@Targaryen Y’know, we have an office that has some quiet-ish zones. But yeah sure it’ll be fine, my video didn’t even have two channels of audio. Can you film it in the neighbor’s shower?
@Moose I could give it a shot, but are you guys cool to post bail?
@Targaryen Nope!
I can redo it to focus on me if you want but here’s mine!
(No cats were shaved in the making of this video and were immediately given treats)
@Bluedragon07 this is great. Absolutely no need to redo it (though please feel free to contribute more!)
@Moose I’ll probably do one or two more but I can’t edit the document to reflect that unfortunately.
@Bluedragon07 like the cat!
@Moose Here’s a 3 and a 2 combined:
I have an idea for a 1st day, but I cant edit the google doc anymore, do you still need more?
Ok fine here it is whether you need it or not.
@mtb002 this is great and you should never stop. Thanks!
Here are 6, 4, 2, and two takes of 1.
My Google Assistant history is now full of me swearing at it from it launching while trying to edit the video. I finally figured out to fake cough really loud every time that came up to keep it from hearing its command.
My first attempt at a day 1…
@matthew bonus points for the tags?
Here’s Seven servers smoking,with repurposed footage.
By the way, are you calling this the Twelve Days of Christmehs? If not, you should be.
Edit away. I have no skills or talent. This should scare everyone away.
Oh crap, I don’t remember which days I signed up for. @moose, can you help a brother out?
@UncleVinny eh just pick some new ones. Preferably near the end.
@Moose ok, I’ll do an eighth day and a ninth day. Cheers!
@moose My video is 6 #$($*@# seconds long, but YouTube is choking on it. Stay tuned!
@moose Ok, let’s try another route. Can you see the video at this link?
@UncleVinny that works! Thanks!
@moose I’m a little mixed up, do you still need days?
@RiotDemon Yes! Especially days 3, 4, 8 and 9!
Day 2…
who remembers???
@sohmageek nice
Sorry… I did 11 days of shirts. I thought you were a little light. Cut it up as needed.
@sohmageek Why you have to go and ruin a perfectly good video by filming the last one vertically
@lichme I had that one first. Not sure how I pulled it off…
@Moose I did one for 8.
@moose I am too lazy to count and still busy at work but if you are in need of any days to complete this project ping me and I’ll see what I can’t do last minute.
This is no better than the other except lights. I like lights.
Here are mine
Took several takes of the video to figure out how to get them to record to show up right side up rather than sideways on youtube.
I guess my 8 evil elves doesn’t fit the rules (which I forgot to re-read before I made these - thanks so much @therealjrn for making me forget to do that) as the forums give us cats galore (@narfcake and others) but technically no money has exchanged hands… so go ahead and delete that one. My two spinners spinning though at least qualifies. Sorry about that.
@Kidsandliz You’re very welcome.

/image disqualified!
@medz Only on the elves though. The 2 spinners spinning came from here.

/giphy sticking tongue out