Day something awaiting catshirts.
18I stopped counting.
Day something:
Shipping notice earlier tonight! Which is good, because I didn’t wear a catshirt yesterday; I might have been running low …
All Aboard
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
Also catblanketwoot with banana for scale:
Day -1
Thank you to whomever at meh did …
/image horrific-antsy-river
… but now that means my order is at the back of the line. And so, the counting begins. Again.
Still made me feel like total shit all afternoon, though.
Love Your Haters
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
Day 8,675,309 (or 5)
Email: “Your order of Meh Cat Shirt: Loafing or Loathing? has been canceled.”
Sure enough, it’s not in my order history anymore.
What. In. The. Fuck?
Day 4
A reason why I don’t have a real cat.
Catshirt of the day – and also a reason why I don’t have a real cat:
Super Effective
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
My (late) doggie was a lap dog. Though small for a mastiff, she also weighed 100#. That pretty much meant when she sat down, I wasn’t going anywhere.
Do (or did) your pets have any strange habits?
Day 3
My mailbox still has not been graced by catshirtsmeh.
My catshirt of the day is Busy Schedule from TeeTurtle. This came out shortly after Ramy said he got a cat … but I’m sure it was just a coincidence.
(No link, as it’s a discontinued design.)
One time, shirt.woot got a shirt to me in 3 days via SmartPost – significantly faster than usual. Have you ever been unexpectedly surprised by the speed of something arriving?
Day 2
Still waiting …
Today’s catshirt is Meowter Space.
Meowter Space
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
Punny shirts - yay or nay?
Day 1
I ordered some catshirts yesterday. Why haven’t they arrived yet? They should have been here last week!
Catshirt of the day:
Purrrfect Day
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
I pulled it out when I did the comparison pic, so it was convenient this morning.
New catshirt today that I will probably skip:
Making Biscuits
Your general preference: text or no text?
- 11 comments, 24 replies
- Comment
It really depends on the shirt visual.
That looks like making pizza, so I say yes to the text.
/giphy say yes to the text

I’m not sure the text is kneaded…
Overall it depends. On that shirt it would be better without the text.
Your shirts should have arrived ages ago. Have you contacted support?
@speediedelivery Yes – way back on January 1, 1970 via an iPhone. A modified DMC-12 was involved somehow.

@narfcake Be careful of what you ask for.
@rtjhnstn But we got catshirts …
Depends. If the text is warped by anything except a perfectly flat canvas, then no. I have a shirt, with no text, of the knights of monty python running away from the Energizer Bunny. The bunny ends up on the side of my boob, so it mostly just looks like some running knights.
I have a bb8 t-shirt that says beep, but the text is so far to the side that I’ve had people ask me if my shirt says beer.
So in other words, have the print be small enough to not be hidden, whether text or just images.
Band shirts, definitely text. The name is kind of the whole reason to wear the shirt. It’s rare, but occasionally someone will actually talk to me because of a band shirt.
Just don’t give me so much text that it takes too long to figure out what it says.
Day 2 update: Still waiting.
Punny shirts - yay or nay?
@narfcake yay
@moonhat @narfcake Oh sure, why not.
Makin’ Biscuits Apron
Price: $9.00
Condition: Probably New
@moonhat @therealjrn Yep, got both Makin’ Biscuits and Makin’ Bread aprons already.
@narfcake @therealjrn gah!! So jealous! That’s a super cute apron and a good deal too!
Day 3 update: Still waiting.
Have you ever been unexpectedly surprised by the speed of something arriving?
Winter. Every @#$% year.
@TheFLP Google revealed the seasons of Southern California:
(Blame the goat.)
Day 4 update: Still waiting.
Do (or did) your pets have any strange habits?
@narfcake strange? Not sure. I think my dog acts pretty normal. She drives me crazy with one thing though. She barks at my neighbor. Really badly. I can go out there and stand with her, and she’s quiet. My neighbor can give her pets and she’s totally happy. As soon as I walk away, she starts barking again. It bums me out because when the weather gets better, she loves to lay outside in the grass, but I can’t stand the barking, so I bring her inside if she won’t be quiet. She will even sometimes be lazy and bark while lying down.
My neighbor says he doesn’t care, but I do.
@narfcake stop rubbing it in… I missed checking Meh that day and missed the shirt!!!
@mikibell Blame the goat?
Or maybe the CEO?
Someone at meh really doesn’t want me to get catshirts …
@narfcake Those bastards!!!
@narfcake why would they deny you a catshirt???
@RiotDemon I. Don’t. Know.
@narfcake must get an answer. This is upsetting.
@narfcake @RiotDemon
@narfcake @ThomasF
@woodhouse is a savage.
@narfcake hahahhhahahaha bet it is because I didn’t get one!
@narfcake it’s me
Not sure what the fuck happened beyond making my Friday shitty, but a huge thanks to whomever did:
/giphy horrific-antsy-river

@narfcake We figured out what happened. (order/item system borked over night, causing issues with cancels that morning, and we just refunded orders while cancels were borked. Eventually Dev went through and cancelled in the order system to match the refunds, but yours had been partially refunded or something, so it got caught in the crossfire.)
We would not deny you your cat shirts, even in a fit of complex irony.
@ThomasF @woodhouse I’m still pre-coffee to process that, but thank you for fixing it.
@narfcake @ThomasF We’re at an Alfred Hitchcock Presents level of irony, moving rapidly towards The Twilight Zone.