12Just found the below link that provides some pretty cool statistics by country/state
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Just found the below link that provides some pretty cool statistics by country/state
mobile version here:
Not very accurate or up to date, at least for the California SF Bay Area - we have dozens of cases now and they only show the cruise ship off shore, which isn’t offshore anymore but has docked and unloaded two days ago.
I wouldn’t make any travel plans from these maps …
unfortunately this is a very fluid event and the data is constantly changing so it is very hard to be 100% up to date and accurate.
@chienfou I was just getting ready to post something similar. The link is hosted and updated by Johns Hopkins and is directionally accurate.
Regardless, looks like no one is going anywhere fast in the next 30 days anyway.
@chienfou @tinamarie1974 Yeah, looking at it a bit more it’s only down to the state level, so there’s just one dot for the whole state. So a bit coarse, but still a fascinating graphic representation of the extent.
@chienfou @tinamarie1974 There’s this:
@chienfou @PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 isn’t that the same thing linked in the opening topic?
@chienfou Duh-oh, I missed that it was the same link.
I think I was focused on looking at the mobile link, as I did post this from my phone.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa…
@chienfou @stolicat @tinamarie1974 the dots used to be spread out over a state. earlier this week, they consolidated it to one dot per state. looks like the data is refreshed hourly.
i’ve been using the link in the OP for a couple weeks now. have a trip to florida planned with my son. no need for me to change plans yet.
@carl669 are you coming for the theme parks or something else?
@RiotDemon initially it was just a weekend trip for a wedding. then the boy’s spring break happened to land on the same week, so i extended the trip and we’ll be hitting disney for a couple days. if they cancel our lightsaber build, there will be hell to pay!
@carl669 I’ll wave in your direction!
@carl669 @RiotDemon just saw that the mouse has pulled up the welcome mat in FL. through the end of the month.
ShitFUCK that sux!@carl669 Oh my gosh that sure is going to put a damper on the trip. @chienfou you had planned this so long and this would have been a highlight for the grandkids and @carl669 for your son if you were going there.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @RiotDemon
i’m kind of in a limbo situation with our trip. we’re supposed to check in at the disney resort on Mar 31st, but our first actual park day isn’t until Apr 1. currently, disneyworld is saying their resort hotels will still be open (vs disneyland saying their hotels will close as of march 16)
so, i’m kind of keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll still get to go. i’m going to call disney, but i’ll wait a week for the call volume to drop a bit. if disney doesn’t happen, i think i’ll still take him down and we can hang at the beach or something. or maybe @RiotDemon can suggest some other, non theme park places. (i think universal closed as well, but seaworld is currently still open)
@carl669 yep, universal just closed. I’m not right in Orlando. I’m a little more than an hour away. I think @PooltoyWolf is very close.
There’s a ton to do in Orlando, but I’m afraid that other stuff might be closing.
Ripley’s believe it or not is always fun. Medieval Times for dinner and knights shows.
@PooltoyWolf @RiotDemon the wedding i’m going to is actually near tampa. so, if disney falls through, and seaworld closes, i might just stay somewhere near there.
@carl669 @PooltoyWolf @RiotDemon Legoland is great if you have pre-teens that are into them. Don’t really expect them to stay open if the others close tho… Ringling Bros in Sarasota is pretty cool also.
@carl669 @RiotDemon I’m about 10 minutes from MCO (the airport).
I just came across my first acquaintance that doesn’t “believe” it’s a real thing and that it’s all hyped up fake news. How can people be so dense?
@luvche21 They drank the koolaid?
@luvche21 because the cool kids haven’t grasped the subtle difference between calm and heedless.
Panicking helps nobody, but heedlessness is nothing but deferred panic.
@Catburd @luvche21
/define heedlessness
No exact matches found for the specified word.
@therealjrn Talking about the psychological implications of human behavior and how they pertain to catastrophic threats like the one about to unfold, and this brother is asking me to help him conjugate adjectives.
@Catburd Not all of us are as smart as you. Please consider your audience as you write. kthxbai
@therealjrn that’s not really smart though, that’s… Like… 4th grade orange vocabulary workbook stuff. But okay. Fine. Maybe I retain that stuff differently because I’m a nerd.
To be heedless is to be unmindful, to ignore or downplay information, particularly in the form of warnings or suggestions.
Choosing to ignore reality and pretending everything is perfectly fine despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, is not the same as having a relatively clear understanding of the situation and simply choosing to respond to it in a measured and rational way. This is because choosing not to expose ourselves to things that upset and unsettle us, does not give us the time we need to respond in a safe and sane way, which leads to panic.
@Catburd So what are you trying to say? What’s all this about deferred panic?
@therealjrn C’mon, now. It was literally the last sentence of my last post.
When people pretend everything is fine, there’s nothing to worry about, nobody needs to take any sorts of precautions because the media is just blowing things out of proportion; those are the first people to lose their minds when something finally does happen worth responding to, because they’ve willfully ignored the warning signs and chose not to get ready. That’s deferred panic: through conscious inaction or poor decision making, putting yourself in a situation where you’re likely to be panicking later.
@Catburd So you’re saying I should start stockpiling now, ahead of the curve?
@luvche21 Yeah, me, too. Shared a link about praying.
@therealjrn I’m saying that anyone who has been watching this going on for two months and hasn’t already started to prepare in a calm and orderly fashion is probably a bit behind the curve already, but there is still time. Just… Don’t panic. A couple extra little things each trip. An extra bag of lentils here, an extra couple cans of tuna there, calm moderation ensures everyone can get what they need.
@Catburd I reluctantly agree. I started my hurricane stockup very early this year, and noted with dismay that many of my meds are made in China. I ordered as many as I could. The drop in cargo ships scared me more than anything, and that news coverage started in early February.
Well they are panic buying bottled water when there’s no threat to the water supply.
@blaineg The local university just cancelled classes for a few days before moving all learning online for likely the remainder of the semester. Because of this, there were 30+ minute wait lines at local grocery stores, and there was hardly anything on the shelf. I only went to look out of morbid curiosity and didn’t feed into the frenzy. This is wild.
There is only one conclusion - no need to panic. I understand that this is difficult, but there is something here. Panic will not help in the prevention and fight.
@dark_lord nor will hoarding TP![:wink:](
@dark_lord @tinamarie1974 I know. All I need is one package because we’re actually almost out. It’s like hunting for the old boc looking for TP.
@jaybird @tinamarie1974 Hmm maybe meh has some TP left from when we went them boxes and boxes of it and they can send you some.![:laughing:](
@dark_lord @jaybird @tinamarie1974 Widen your search! The closest grocery store to me is still super low, but the massive chain two towns over has an aisleful of it. We sometimes indulge in fancy Hello Kitty toilet paper from Super H-Mart, and when NO ONE had any toilet paper a week or so ago they still had a bunch (which may because people were afraid to shop at a Korean market, but whatever).
@dark_lord @jaybird @mossygreen
@dark_lord @tinamarie1974 Hoarding TP is the self-fulfilling prophecy. In fact, I ordered a big box of TP and tissues from Jet a couple of weeks ago, because I anticipated a run on TP at the local stores from all of the other people who were buying up a stock of TP before the other people got to it first. Those not paying attention to the news get a crappy deal (so to speak) because they didn’t anticipate the run on TP soon enough and now the local stores are out. They will learn a lesson for next time: stock up on TP before other people get to it first, thus starting a scarcity, but getting ahead of it themselves. And so on. Humans are weirdly irrational while being remarkably predictable.
@dark_lord @rockblossom @tinamarie1974 Target has it on sale and you need to buy 2 packages for a $5 gift card. Seems like a bad time for a volume discount.
@dark_lord @rockblossom @tinamarie1974 but now you have messed it up for those of us who did that already by telling everyone the secret. Now you will have to be ahead of the people you were going to be ahead of before…
@chienfou Nah. Toilet paper is like the stock market. There are people who constantly try to stay ahead of all the other people by anticipating what will affect the market. And there are the oblivious ones who wait until the Dow drops 10,000 points over the weekend before turning to their spouse and saying: “Honey, do you think we should consider selling our stock?” Which works out because they can then use their stock certificates for toilet paper.
@dark_lord @rockblossom @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
Those of us who use bidet toilet seats will inherit the world…
Well, unless the water and electric supply fails before the TP runs out.
Hey Meh - if you’re sitting on a supply of those cheap toilet seat bidets (pun acknowledged but not intended), now would be a great time to put them up for sale.
/free advice
@dark_lord @rockblossom @tinamarie1974 We have a hose in the backyard. That’ll do.
Walking out there with pants down might be kinda tricky, though…
@dark_lord @lisaviolet @rockblossom @tinamarie1974 I’ve got two brand new toilets each having brand new fresh-water bidets.
I’m sitting pretty right about now.
Well, just start pooping in the backyard and spare yourself the walk.
@DennisG2014 but what if one has a constitution that takes its time?
@dark_lord @rockblossom @tinamarie1974 Panic now (err, back then) and beat the rush!
@lisaviolet Bring a book…?
@dark_lord @lisaviolet @rockblossom @therealjrn @tinamarie1974
Well, now we know what Meh will be selling next week.
@DennisG2014 So, outside, before the sun is up (stupid time change), with a flashlight, squatting within easy reach of the hose.
Sounds like a plan. For someone, not me. lol
@dark_lord @jaybird @mossygreen @tinamarie1974 As bumpy as that TP looks I hope she doesn’t have hemorrhoids!
@blaineg @dark_lord @lisaviolet @rockblossom @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 but delivery of that will be in May likely. It will stay in stuck Greenwood due to
their stupid shippingquarantine.@blaineg @dark_lord @Kidsandliz @rockblossom @therealjrn @tinamarie1974
@dark_lord @Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @rockblossom @therealjrn @tinamarie1974
Butt does it wipe up or wipe down?
@blaineg @dark_lord @Kidsandliz @rockblossom @therealjrn @tinamarie1974
I’d say it probably wipes off.
![enter image description here]()
Here is another solution to the TP shortage
You want to see something really scary? Go to and see how many people die from voluntarily being vaccinated each year. This is just the stuff that is reported which is probably about 1%.
@spinedoc Okay, I looked at the VAERS data, and among all reports received about adverse events from vaccines from 1968-2019, rate of death varied from 0.00 - 0.03%. And that is an estimated death rate among ADVERSE events reported. The actual death rate as a direct result of vaccination is probably closer to 0.0000001% (about 1 in 100 million). Anti-vaxers are science deniers.
@MrNews @spinedoc And the death rate from the diseases people get if they aren’t vaccinated and don’t have herd protection (so those refusing to get vaccinated and the few people who can’t but want to are relying on the rest of us to keep their exposure lower) is much higher than any vaccination issue. Also the collateral damage from some of these diseases is pretty big. Deafness anyone? By all means increase your odds with mumps. Life long terrible nerve pain (just as bad as the shingles pain and shingles pain redefined what is a 10 on those pain scales) - take your chances of getting shingles and be one of the unlucky ones who suffers that if you don’t get a shingles vaccination (if you have had chickenpox).
My kid’s dad died of tetanus. He’d be still alive if he had been able to be vaccinated (he stepped on a landmine, lost his leg but lived through that and then died of tetanus). And her family wouldn’t have imploded had that not happened. And she would still be with them which is all she ever wanted. My dad had polio in the last epidemic. He died of post polio syndrome much younger than all of his relatives. ALL of them. By decades. And had a life long struggle with his disabilities. Those struggles didn’t just affect him. It affected all of us. He would have been spared that and likely been still alive had polio vaccinations been available then. And the list goes on and one for many, many families.
While testimonials like this prove nothing as the data isn’t scientifically collected, the actual science studies back up what I am saying (eg my examples are examples consistent with scientific studies).
@spinedoc Are you a chiropractor, by any chance?
I just found out I was behind on 3 of my vaccinations (how that happened I don’t know, someone dropped the ball). I got them as soon as I could. I’m not one of those idiotic people. What I don’t get is when their kids get Measles they freak out? You know what measles does, what do you think is going to happen if you don’t get the vaccine![:woman_facepalming:](
Librarians will save the world. Everyone bow down to WorldCat. It has a magnificent list of CVD resources and news links, including Canadian media.
Ars Technica is doing a good job of collecting and updating info.
We’ve graduated from toilet paper and bottled water hoarding to general panic here. Reports are half hour checkout lines at the stores, and a waiting line to get INTO Costco.
There are 5 confirmed cases in Utah.
@blaineg I hear that packing together in lines prevents it spreading
@blaineg I just ordered same day delivery from Costco. Easy peasy.
@LittleLulu I’ve probably got a couple months supply of TP, but I was noodling around online just to see, and nobody has it available online, at least in this area: Amazon, Costco, Target, Smiths, Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot. Every single one of them is out of stock for delivery or pickup.
@blaineg @LittleLulu
@blaineg I found Amazon brand generic tp on line for a reasonable price. I’ve requested emails on their sold out antibiotic gels and have received 3, but can’t get there in time b4 they’re sold out again. Sometimes 1/2 hour.
Clearly, the government should be doing more to save us from this existential threat to Humanity, or at least save Tom and Rita so they can propagate the species. The only thing keeping me from rending my garment right now is the knowledge that Peter Scolari is safe.
Do you have a new WinCo like I do? I forgot to take pictures of the pallets of bottled water but I can show you these many packages of TP.
![enter image description here]()
They had so much they put it over the dog food.
@therealjrn did you buy all of them?![:sweat_smile:](
@tinamarie1974 Naw, I got plenty from weeks ago. Using a bidet really saves the paper.
People were steady buying it though, I had to wait for people to clear out so I could take the picture. My friend thought I was crazy taking a picture, I had to tell her “THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW!” lol
She bought a 12 pack![:D](
@therealjrn does she not understand that finding a pallet of TP in the wild is very rare and should be photographed. Lol
@therealjrn ugh… i miss winco and their bulk spices. it was right down the hill from our house in WA.
@carl669 I’ve just been the 1 time last night, but I think I’m going to like this store![:D](
The bulk item area is amazing. I hope I don’t catch the 'Rona from it.
@carl669 @therealjrn A friend said the panic buying at the local store was so bad that after the TP and water was wiped out, they cleaned out the spices shelves as well. Spices???
He said the only thing that wasn’t touched was the beer aisle.
@blaineg @therealjrn nobody wants bland food during the apocalypse. that MRE ain’t gonna season itself.
@blaineg @carl669
Duh. Isn’t that exactly where the Corona is?
Yesterday TP was in short supply but available at Aldi and other smaller/grocery stores. Really only hand sanitizer and bulk TP was hard to find. Today… I stopped at Home Depot after work to get parts to put in a wall socket to plug in the bidet, and people were arguing over toilet paper that they had. It got wiped out.
The Aldi and Target stores that I drive by had black friday like crowds, parking lots full, people cruising the lot looking for spaces, people coming out of the stores with two or three carts full (even from Aldi!). The big grocery store (regional) also had an overflowing parking lot with people cruising for a space.
Guess all the Disney and sports closings and shutdown announcements finally got the chicagland area spooked.
Don’t know what the two nearer Costcos were like. I went last weekend, busy but not swamped. I was going to go again this week but work keeps crushing the time. Not even thinking about going over the weekend; it’ll be insane.
@duodec I was going go to Aldi today but ran out of time. Probably just as well. My freezer is fairly well stocked but I like Aldi brats.
The new WinCo here in town (open 24hrs a day!) was kind busy at 8:30 PM but not too crazy. They had 4 checkout lines and the wait was only a cart or 2 deep.
@therealjrn Maybe its because its a new store and people aren’t used to going there.
I may try to hit Walmart in the morning on the way to work if its not crazy (unfortunately we only have a standard store, not a super, so groceries are limited) and Aldi at lunchtime. But it’ll depend on how busy they look, and if work blows away my lunch and departure time again. We have a well stocked pantry but I’m wishing we had some more canned soup and some more meat in the freezer.
Yeah, I didn’t think of that. “4 registers” actually means 8 because you bag your own groceries there and they have a split conveyor downstream of the cashier so it moves quickly. A little like Aldi, but like Walmart self-checkout too because they have the bags there for you. Plastic & paper, your choice!
I may try Aldi this morning when they open. There’s supposed to be rain moving in so we’ll see. Off & on scattered showers they’re saying.
What, do people usually only keep a three-day supply of TP? A run on TP has got to be the biggest self-fulfilling prophecy. “They are gonna run out, I better go get some, because I will be out in 3 days!”
Me, I usually buy several months worth at a time, when the occasional sale hits my Sam’s Club. Beats buying it at standard too-high prices. I seldom get below a two-month stock. So I’m usually using TP priced at what it was half a year ago, or longer. Rather fill my closet with TP than unopened Meh packages.
Now fresh produce, that’s a different thing. Can’t realistically stock up on that; it will just spoil. But I keep lotsa canned vegetables JIC, and some frozen, including fruits. But I haven’t heard of any runs on fresh lettuce or radishes, or canned spinach or bottled stuffed Spanish olives.
On a different note, the local major university and the large community college announced extended spring break and no regular classes for at least another two weeks. And no organized sports for the rest of the semester. All in the interest of minimizing overall human contact. Guess that means there will be long lines to get into the local bars. Only places where there will be crowds of more than 50 people simultaneously. Good thing alcohol is a virus sanitizer.
@phendrick they did that around here too (extend spring break). And there is only one confirmed infection in the entire state. That guy is quarantined at home.
I keep thinking of 12 Monkeys.
@tweezak here’s the first three…
![enter image description here]()
You should have a one month supply of whatever you normally use. Earthquakes, ice storms, floods, you know things happen. Sometimes the supply line gets disrupted. It’s not prepping, it’s just what used to be normal. We could have lived out of my moms pantry maybe two months!![:joy:](
@rawhid still could at my house. Just the way I was raised I guess…
@chienfou @rawhid mine too. Buy stuff when it’s on sale. There’s plenty in the freezer/pantry. I can’t imagine panicking for food/water
WAIT…What happened??? Did I go back in time?
Went to bed about 0130 with 128k plus total cnfirmed cases on the counter and now it says not quite 92k…
@chienfou something has gone wrong with the counter. Italy for instance has no cases reported, but that was a hot bed in Europe the past few days.
Graph at bottom right shows a BIG drop equal to missing cases… hope they fix the data soon.
@chienfou Individual-1 issued an
executiveloyalty order to the CDC to apply a Sharpie to “get the numbers down”, since it worked before with NOAA and hurricane Dorian.@mike808 Maybe you missed the EUROPE part in my commnent? I can assure you there is no love lost there…
@chienfou I did. You must have been posting it while I was still pasting the image URL in the edit window. The first one I tried had all sorts of CDN crap in the link (FU vox media).
blame the goat!
@chienfou Excellent idea!
Scapegoat, thy
namedesignation hath been invoked ex post facto!@mike808 guess she fixed it! It looks right now
@chienfou @mike808 the overall numbers look right, but when you click on the individual country in the list on the left, the numbers are still fubar.
@carl669 @mike808 they are still missing most of the top European countries… Germany, Italy, Spain…
@chienfou @mike808 works fine for me now. try opening in an incognito window
@chienfou @mike808 I’d like to mention that the real scandal there was how much free publicity Newell Brands received for their Sharpie line.
Especially when the line was drawn with an Avery Chisel Tip.
@chienfou @Limewater @mike808
![enter image description here]()
well, it’s here… first AL case in Montgomery county. That’s the next county over…
/giphy Knock Knock
@chienfou Our first case was yesterday about 2 hours south of here. I think our two states finish out the deep south. Congrats on losing the race by coming in last LOL
@Kidsandliz for once it is good to be last on the list!
Alabama… official state motto:
Thank God for Mississippi
This virus is a huge problem for the whole world. We need to defend ourselves, because there are already a lot of sick people. You are scared ? But we need to keep ourselves in good shape and try not to go out.
@lilit_miras Where did anybody say they were scared?
I think maybe I heard @dark_lord saying that, but he just got here.
@lilit_miras Yes. I’ll be scared when I run low of toilet paper in 6 months.
Until then, business as usual. Luckily lots of people are still going out. Our favorite burger joint had lots of people inside, no one looking very worried. The burgers were great!
@daveinwarsh @lilit_miras The managers of this apartment complex are scared. Locked the entire place down. One confirmed case in the entire state 2 hours south of here (day before yesterday or maybe it was yesterday) who had come back from FL with contact with someone who had it. Well with that much toilet paper you are set then. But I wouldn’t advertise that fact too loudly. You know. Looters. (snicker).
@lilit_miras welcome to the craziness that is meh!
@Kidsandliz @lilit_miras I may have stretched the truth on TP…
I haven’t really gotten anything extra, and I actually inventoried my TP Supply to TP usage ratio (estimated). I came up with 4 to 6 weeks of worry-free butt wiping.
After that I go grab the 12-pack of TP I stocked in my workshop many years ago, after an earthquake here. TP does not expire I hope. By then the trees will be leafed-out and I’ll have an endless source. YAY!
@daveinwarsh @Kidsandliz @lilit_miras I thought you were going to save the earthquake TP for a special occasion Dave…
Feeling left out by the map not showing OUR contribution to the count…No dot for AL yet
The Washington Post just said that Trump will now call this a national emergency on TV at 3pm (I presume eastern time).
@Kidsandliz They just can’t keep a secret, can they?!?
/giphy secret
@chienfou @Kidsandliz The Wappo? They’ll make up secrets if need be, they’re that dedicated.
@therealjrn Yup clearly they want to make sure everyone tunes into something that won’t happen. Got it. Maybe they will highjack the airwaves instead and bring us a message from Russia about our election. Perhaps tell us that Bugs Bunny will be our next president if they have any say in it. You think?
@Kidsandliz What? What are you all on about then? I didn’t say they made up THIS secret.![:D](
It’s not really much of a secret really, pretty much all the news agencies are reporting it. Almost like the president’s office announced it.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn never really understood that process. Kind of steals the thunder so to speak.
@Kidsandliz If it’s a national emergency will you give your building managers a little break now on how proactive they are?
@chienfou @Kidsandliz Pelosi has scheduled a news conference for 2. She has to get her licks in before the president takes the podium. I heard she wants to talk about that bill they want to pass.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn PuhLeez could all the pols in DC stop for a minute and get their (collective) shit together and stop trying to out posture each other.
/giphy come together now
@chienfou @Kidsandliz
/giphy preach it brother
@Kidsandliz Thank Goodness that Trump has declared a National Emergency!
Anything that causes runs on toilet paper (wait… runs on toilet paper… ha ha) is a National Emergency!
At least I can now panic knowing the entire USA is panicking also!
Maybe the National Guard can start making toilet paper also!
@daveinwarsh @Kidsandliz Did you see where New York is using inmate labor to make sanitizer? May as well, what else are they doing? lol
Gittin’ a drink of water boss…
@daveinwarsh @Kidsandliz You know I used to work in a prison. I wonder how fast an inmate is going to try drinking the alcohol.
Here in Oklahoma, inmates make beds and mats and stuff for use inside the prison system.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn I worked in a County Jail for 5 yrs. They had inmates cooking and cleaning all the time. Yes, vanilla needed to be handed out and no ‘sanitizer’ anywhere.
Finding a bag of pruno was a very smelly situation.
@daveinwarsh @Kidsandliz I know that’s right. The day-to-day cleaning and cooking is usually inmate labor. Where I worked we had some pretty good cooks
We used to get donations from the foodbank and other places so it wasn’t typical “prison food” it wasn’t fancy, but usually it was pretty ok.
And they had free cable TV to each bunk. The inmates had to buy their own clear plastic TV but they had more channels than I did at home.
There’s a local news conference right now. Tulsa’s patient 0, the first guy, has recovered and is over it. Meaning he has had two clear tests and is free to resume his life.
I also found out our 2 cases were both travelers who went to Italy. Not together, but they both went there.
@therealjrn Still haven’t seen any definite “yea or nay” on acquired immunity after recovery. Probably still too early to rule it in or out…
@chienfou They didn’t say, not that I heard. But this feller passed 2 tests, 24 hours apart, so I guess maybe? I’m still going to social distance myself a bit for awhile.
I had a routine doctor appointment next week so I rescheduled for June. Ugh. Sick people.
This whole thing is bizarre. There’s so little confirmed cases in the US because we aren’t testing like other countries. Other countries have free testing. I heard if you don’t have insurance the test could be almost $2000. People aren’t going to pay that. It’s just insane.
Came back to say the $2000 price tag was way over inflated. Some tests are as little as $100 now.
AAAAAGGGHHH! Panic stations everybody!
To slow the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) in accordance with Mayor Lenny Curry and the City of Jacksonville, all Library locations will be closed as of 6 p.m. Friday, March 13, 2020 until further notice. Early voting and Election Day voting are expected to continue. Visit for any updates on election processes.
@OldCatLady AAAAAACK!!!
@OldCatLady EEEEEEEK!!!
@OldCatLady Oh, I didn’t see this further down:
I gotta love librarians: “Customers will be encouraged to order normally” hahaha
Gotta keep the Charbucks open! I use the short-term parking at the library to go across the plaza to the courthouse. I wonder if they will leave that open…heck I wonder if the courthouse is going to be open for the people’s business…
hm, I don’t think I have anything scheduled down there in the next couple of weeks.
@OldCatLady All the libraries are closing around here too. At our local branch, people will be able to check out books online and pick them up in the lobby, and the library is strengthening the wifi so people will be able to use it in their cars in the parking lot (many years ago I remember trying to use the library wifi to score an April Fool’s bag of crap in the middle of the night; maybe I should try this year).
I have a friend who worked at our library until very recently (she left just in time). She told me awhile back that in the circulation department there was only one full-time employee left, everyone else was part-time. It makes it easy to let people go.
Today my state banned any gathering of 250 or more people and closed schools for a month. (Although I hear teachers and staff are to report for work as usual.)
Waiting to find out if working in an office building counts as a gathering of 250 or more people.
I popped by a grocery store to get some good bread because I thought I might like to have a grilled cheese and the checkout lines were halfway down the aisles. I’m pretty sure there were more than 250 people there. Panic has ensued in full force.
@djslack yeah, and if they all left 6 ft between each of them they would never get checked out due to the asshats cutting into the line in those spaces…
@chienfou never mind that, if they all left 6 feet between them the store would have been full into the stockrooms.
Oh yeah, I left without bread. First thought was not worth it, and the confirmation to that was that they didn’t have any anyway.
For that memorable experience.
I drove by Costco earlier today after work; the gas line was well into the street for a half block. The parking lot … it was packed all the way to the adjacent store lot and then some.
I made a U-turn and went home instead. I’ll refuel tomorrow morning.
@narfcake Gas is so cheap right now. It’s disturbing.
@mossygreen @narfcake Tomorrow take a couple trash cans with you to stock up.
![enter image description here]()
@mossygreen @sammydog01 Yeah, no. I’ll fill an extra 5 gallon can at the most.
@mossygreen @narfcake @sammydog01
Yeah, because plastics don’t dissolve in petroleum distillates. He’s probably making a new layer to his bed liner by the time he gets home.
@mossygreen @narfcake
You know that us because the Russians are trying to flood the US shale oil producers out of business, and then raise prices after the competition goes under, right? They got the idea from Wal-Mart.
@mike808 @narfcake I know, that’s one of the reasons it’s so disturbing! Also, the economies of Russia and the other oil-producing countries are in trouble right now because demand cratered, which is potentially bad news in general. I mean, I know every economy is pretty much in trouble right now. But still…
@mike808 @mossygreen @narfcake
I could swear I remember the US had synthetic gasoline production piloted out in the '70s, and that OPEC temporarily reduced oil prices to the point that it was unfeasible to put into production.
Then of course they started jacking prices again; same thing they and/or the russians will do this time.
Hit the stores yesterday (Wal-Mart, Schnucks, dollar store) it was horrible, shelves are bare. Aldi was closed because they were picked clean.
People need to settle down
@tinamarie1974 Costco had pallets of water, and not a speck of TP anywhere. All the product displays were gone. Sucks to be those folks, since they’re for sure 1099 contract workers with no benefits, paid sick leave or vacation to fall back on, and you know the staffing firm doesn’t offer enough to include that in their 1099 wages, and they don’t have a union to demand it. There is a premium to having a flexible work force - and that includes the costs that have to be built in for vacation, insurance, day care, sick leave, savings, and an IRA, just like any other employee.
Unfortunately, it is an excuse to deploy indentured servitude and legalized slavery all too often.
I know I called out Costco, but I think they outsource their product display people, and it is that company that is milking these workers and giving plausible deniability to Costco. Like a minimum wage job can support a middleman to take a cut.
It absolutely is the case with Sam’s Club, but with even crappier wages, scheduling fuckery (split 3-hour shifts with 2 hour gaps so you cant do shit between “shifts” like another job or to go back home for 4 commutes each day), and micro-time management designed to cheat as much wages out of their “associates” as they can.
All is not lost! Slate did a list of things that are in stock because no one wants to horde them:
Or hoard them, either. (And no, I don’t know where that spelling came from. Sometimes my typing fingers have their own ideas about things.)
But I’m sure the media and Dolt45 whored them.
@rockblossom I’m so happy to see that the hordes are not hoarding the dreaded DRYER SHEETS!
@Kyeh But apparently people are buying up all the stocks of bottled water. Ummmm … WHY? Do coronaviruses cause a water shortage?![:scream:](
@rockblossom It makes NO sense to me! Nobody is saying that the virus is transmitted through tap water, either. I’m not a fan of bottled water anyway - I like flavored seltzers like La Croix for the taste, but I think bottled plain water is a waste of money and resources most of the time, and a huge contributor to plastics pollution. It’s funny though that no one wants the Dasani!
@Kyeh @rockblossom NOBODY KNOWS! IT’S NEW! IT MIGHT CAUSE A WATER SHORTAGE! I admit we bought a couple of cases of Italian mineral water my mom likes because, well, Italy…
I guess the thing is, we don’t know how and where shortages might show up, because we don’t know how and where things are disrupted. I heard vitamin C raw material cost is way up, not just because of demand but also because most ascorbic acid is made in China because it’s so cheap and low profit. I’m not saying people aren’t insane, because they are, I’m just saying the uncertainty is real.
@Kyeh @mossygreen @rockblossom I’m pretty sure it’s yet to cause a water shortage in any of the countries that have been dealing with it longer than we have.
@Kyeh @Limewater @rockblossom I know, I know, I’m just saying there could be packaging issues, shipping issues, raw material issues, other supply chain issues, not with water specifically but in general. Water and toilet paper are, like, the things we have the least to worry about, but I guess people find it reassuring to have a stock of things that won’t spoil or not get used.
@Kyeh @Limewater @mossygreen @rockblossom logistically speaking cargo is still moving. Capacity is restrained with the cancellation of passenger flights, but cargo planes are still moving as are ocean vessels, albeit also with reduced capacity.
Domestically no big issues to speak of yet
@Kyeh @Limewater @rockblossom @tinamarie1974 And hopefully there won’t be!
@Kyeh @Limewater @mossygreen @rockblossom keeping EVERYTHING crossed. Lets think positive![:blush:](
On Live PD just now they were at the Walmart in Pamona, California over a man acting crazy.
@therealjrn I am constantly disappointed in humanity
@tinamarie1974 I was at Aldi tonight by my house. It was chill. All their bottle water & TP was gone, but still had produce, eggs, milk, canned & frozen goods etc.
I got my beloved Aldi brats but a lady in the parking lot stopped me to ask if I knew any stores that had TP. I told her about WinCo, but then she asked about the dollar stores. I told her I didn’t know but the smaller regional grocery stores still have it according to what I’ve heard.
@therealjrn glad it was low key for you.
After my fiasco last night I decided to stay in today. Tomorrow brings my parents and grilling ribs at my house. I DO NOT feel the need to mingle until folks settle down a bit.![:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:](
@therealjrn If you need TP, check C-stores.
As of yesterday (Friday), the Casey’s I work at still had quite a few packages of TP on the shelves. They’re only 4-packs and the single mega rolls, but something is better than nothing if you need it. It’s my weekend off so IDK how much we’ll have left Monday (although today was a grocery day).
We also had small bottles of bleach in stock but were out of disinfectant wipes and travel-size hand sanitizer.
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974
Hmm. Those Aldi brats better than Johnsonville?
And how do you cook 'em? Grill, then braise in kraut, or the reverse? Or griddle with onions, then add kraut? With caraway or no?
@mike808 @tinamarie1974
I think they’re as-good-as or better, and they’re considerably less expensive. I cook them on my uni-tasker Johnsonville cooker I bought at half-price some sale on AMZN awhile back. I pan fry fresh onion & peppers to accompany them.
@mike808 @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 all this talk about brats and now I want to beer boil brats and grill them, serve them with grilled onions and Ruffles. No kraut here, tho.
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 That is one sweet unitasker. Even has a curve for the brats and fat funnels.
@JnKL @therealjrn @tinamarie1974
When I lived in Milwaukee, I could tell how they were cooked from the taste alone. Sometimes even what kind of beer reduction they were braised in.
I went to Walmart yesterday; TP and bleach aisle were decimated.
Went to Sam’s Club today. It had a new layout so just about everything was in the “wrong spot”. That being said, I couldn’t even find where TP was supposed to be, and I’d wandered most aisles. IDK if they just put other stuff in its spot or what. I did find the empty section where bleach was supposed to go.
Also, just got word that church is cancelled for tomorrow as a precaution.
God gonna be pissed.
@msklzannie With only 6 cases in the entire state (almost all in one county, none near here) in Kroger the easter candy aisle was well stocked as was the ice cream (but not the popsicles) and frozen veggies so I’m good. Today going to Walmart to try to get Munster cheese (my Kroger doesn’t carry it). I’d guess that will be a zoo. It is always a zoo on Sunday anyway. And even in non apocalyptic times the shelves are never stocked. I just don’t feel like spending the gas money to go to the next closest one.
Iowa has had its first confirmed community spread case of Covid-19.
@msklzannie Aw, shucks. Community spread huh.![:frowning2:](
We went to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant.
Had some great food and beer.
We were the only ones in the restaurant the whole time, and it was noon.
Then, went to the feed store (Tractor Supply), saw 3 other people!
The media doesn’t care what it does to freak everyone out. They struggle to be first to post some panic headline. It’s all about their ratings.
And that us why we have the Orange Anus at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and this fuck-knuckle in congress representing Florida.
@mike808 LOL
I suppose you’re talking about President Trump?
Yeah, he’s really creating this supposed crisis.
Florida has far fewer idiots in office than Washington State does. We win that contest.
School district has cancelled for 4 weeks beginning tomorrow per the governor’s recommendation. They may do some online classes eventually. Also planning to provide school lunches but haven’t quite worked out logistics yet.
There are 3,782 confirmed cases in the US already, I hope it won’t be like Italy with 24,747 cases already.
@Vaudeville Um…ok…You know those numbers are enormously different don’t you? Especially when you take the relative populations into account.
I’m just hoping you’re not going to spam us. Welcome to meh, newbie.
@therealjrn Thanks, glad to be here.![:)](
One of the supermarkets down the road looked somewhat back to normal today, while the four closest to me are still facing the hordes with modified hours and long lines. It seems like everybody panicked when they cancelled school. Meanwhile, I’m still just trying to do my normal shopping. Luckily, I still have enough TP for 4 months.
governor toilet boy here in illannoy ordered all restaurants and bars to close for dine in (I suppose for bars that mostly means just close) after monday; reportedly take out and delivery will still be allowed. Schools closed too.
There’s talk about closing many/most retail establishments except for pickup also which may make things especially fun for people who now have to stay home and take care of their school kids and need extra food as a result (and have you seen how much toilet paper rugrats use?)
Our work says we can now work from home for the next two weeks. I may but going in tomorrow.
@duodec Unreal.
@duodec You’d need to go in for mental health reasons if nothing else if trapped in a house with a bunch of kids for days on end.
How long will this mess go? What do you think guys?
@Bookmann Were you hired by the Russians just to post 'rona “news”? Are you one of dem social engineers?
@therealjrn Another bot. Seems like four days ago we got this wave of bots.
Something we can agree upon.![:tada:](
There is a definite whiff of something in the electrons here.
Every American with an antiseptic.![enter image description here]()
All types of flu are apprehended with caution. After all, we do not know how to treat and there are no drugs specifically for the coronavirus. After all, antivirals do not help. When COVID-19 remains in the past, we will recall this with some irony. Everything new seems very scary for a person. And fear has big eyes.
@lilit_miras Oh shit. It’s you again with the fear. I told you before that @dark_lord was the only one afraid. Why are you so afraid?
Also, you talk like a bot.
Something we can agree upon.
There is a definite whiff of something in the electrons here.
@lilit_miras Just curious, what did you like best about Tom Sawyer when you read him in school?
/youtube tom sawyer