Cootie games

sohmageek thought this was worth mentioning said

Where the fuck have they gone??? My son is 2. And incredibly bored with things that are deemed for age 2 on boxes… he really wants to play cards with daddy, still a little over his head. But we got a version of kerplunk that has plastic monkeys instead of marbles (tumbling monkeys) he loves it. Granted the object of the game is to NOT get monkeys but he wants monkeys. It’s great though. He’s learning to roll a die, find a color, and count the monkeys that fall out.
So break the ice- a cootie brand game. I can find a frozen branded (no cootie on the box) but not the original with the purple thing on the front and it was really a red thing… what other games were in the cootie series? I’ve actually reached out to Hasbro to find out where they are (as they own them, they also own Milton Bradley which is who owned the cootie series when I was growing up)
Any suggestions that aren’t $30-60 versions on amazon/eBay?