Concerning typos/omissions/mistakes, etc. in writeups
10How do y’all feel about them being pointed out for correction in the forums? Is doing so appreciated? Tolerated? Frowned upon? I’d point them out more often but wanna make sure I’m not stepping on toes or annoying the writers.
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I’m happy to get tagged to make corrections where needed. The writeup writer isn’t a regular around here so no hard feelings when things are pointed out and only a few people know how/have access to make the needed changes, so feel free to shoot me a message whenever.
Doesn’t hurt that I’m also tasked with doing a quick check for post problems ahead of all listings. I check for things like missing videos, polls, meh-faces, wacky photos, and post details, so it’s likely that I’ve seen each listing already, though I don’t do a 100% error check on the write-ups (but probably should consider starting).
Translation, they’ll just give the AI a swift kick in the algorithms or move to the next guy on Fiverr.
If you feel like you’d be missing an opportunity to help, I say live with no regerts.
@djkevdogg or forever hold your ragrets.
@Kyeh Love this one!
John 8:7
@capnjb Oh I am sure we have a few grammar Nazis on here who would in fit the category of whom can cast stones, although here it would be more like trackrs, dad jokes and cat memes that would be thrown.
I like to keep my Neener-Neener give/get stats relatively balanced.
Being a former English as a Second Language teacher, I’m embarrassed to be corrected, but I appreciate it. I can always (try to) blame mistakes on autocorrect.
I think this calls for a(nother?) writeup just rife with grammatical errors.
Typos in Meh writeups or discussion threads are something I might notice, but as long as the intended meaning is clear, I don’t really care. I’m no expert in language and make my own typos often enough.
I have noticed the number of typos/grammar oddities on major news sites (WaPo, NY Times, etc.) have actually increased in the last couple of years. I think a factor is that they use AI to do speech-to-writing from video files and no one is checking the result. I just read an article from The Hill that had this quote from a member of the House: “We have a bear majorities in both the House and the Senate, and that’s just a fact of life, …”
The little theater in my head that plays video as I read showed:
Until I realized that the speaker probably said “bare majorities” - which makes more sense but is a lot less fun.
@rockblossom are you sure they weren’t paid off by Behr paints?
@pakopako If so, Behr should demand its money back.