@phendrick@yakkoTDI True, but I’m not sure I’d want to know what Harry, et al. (or, more likely, that Malfoy miscreant), would be referring to if they were to “light up someone’s face.”
I like the mirror but is there any feedback or information regarding cocaine getting stuck or falling into the space between the mirror & light? Plus cordless is a nice option to have especially when driving 100 on the freeway. No time to pull over to “plug in some older model mirror” right! Can’t wait to hear some feedback
Why did it have to be snakes?? JK, just a harmless head of adorable kingsnakes. It’s funny, i just heard today that scientists named a newly discovered Peruvian species of snake after Harrison Ford:
@charliekno Got a link? All I could find was this sale from 2020, but it’s for a “reflections” mirror which is corded, only has 1 light setting and no separate 10x mirror
I need more than just a tiny 10x mirror. Mine is two sided with 7x on one side (where it always stays) and 1x on the other. It also has a built in battery which I almost never use, but the damn thing actually comes in handy when there’s a power outage. Lights up the whole living room.
Product: Conair Unbound Cordless 9" LED-Lighted 1x/10x Makeup Mirror
Model: BERC19
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$60.99 at Amazon
Limited 1 Year
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Sep 1 - Tuesday, Sep 5
You light up my face!
@yakkoTDI Tu illuminas faciem meam.
@ircon96 @yakkoTDI That sounds like a spell from “Harry Potter and the Banalities of Meh”.
@phendrick @yakkoTDI True, but I’m not sure I’d want to know what Harry, et al. (or, more likely, that Malfoy miscreant), would be referring to if they were to “light up someone’s face.”
I thought it was a bowling ball on a stand.
@awk I thought it was a long distance wireless network adapter.
@awk At first I thought it was a radio telescope starter kit.
As a bearded and shaved head dude, this would actually be helpful for me to use outside when I do big trimmings.
I like the mirror but is there any feedback or information regarding cocaine getting stuck or falling into the space between the mirror & light? Plus cordless is a nice option to have especially when driving 100 on the freeway. No time to pull over to “plug in some older model mirror” right! Can’t wait to hear some feedback
Signed-Mr 8-Ball
Suck harder.
@yakkoTDI Oh Boy. That’s my line. No pun intended
Why did it have to be snakes?? JK, just a harmless head of adorable kingsnakes. It’s funny, i just heard today that scientists named a newly discovered Peruvian species of snake after Harrison Ford:
@tonylegrone It worked! Your order number is: hospitable-miserable-gull
/image hospitable miserable gull
You wish. $9 maybe.
Hmm… Can I make an Archimede’s death ray with three of these? Darn, too expensive to find out.
@hchavers Shouldn’t that be solar powered, instead of requiring an adapter?
Mirror, mirror, on the meh.
You cost too much, so I say “neh”.
Eew, micro USB.
Currently 29.99 at Costco. Just to put that “amazon price” into perspective.
@charliekno Got a link? All I could find was this sale from 2020, but it’s for a “reflections” mirror which is corded, only has 1 light setting and no separate 10x mirror
I need more than just a tiny 10x mirror. Mine is two sided with 7x on one side (where it always stays) and 1x on the other. It also has a built in battery which I almost never use, but the damn thing actually comes in handy when there’s a power outage. Lights up the whole living room.
If I was 4ft tall this would be very useful on my vanity.