@Tin_Foil Unless the combined weight of you and the mini quadcopters is below 55 lbs, she’s gonna have to register with FAA http://www.faa.gov/uas/getting_started/ and she can only do that in class G airspace. Overall good idea, but tons of red tape.
These are so much fun! I bet these are the single biggest reason meh had to invent the worthless circuit breaker. “Beauty sleepers just wanna have fun”, and man will they whine to high heaven if they don’t get to! I think meh had to do it just to defend themselves from them over this, because, fun has to be “fair”…;)
Heck, someone could write a song, and call it “beauty sleepers just wanna have fun”.
AGAIN?? I have over a dozen of these now. You can’t possibly expect me to buy any more! I haven’t even taken the last two out of the boxes yet! This is ridiculous.
@addor This is considered a “gateway drone”. I followed a similar path, but mine started with a Syma X1 in a Fuk and 14 drones later still hasn’t peaked.
@ruouttaurmind gateway drone? One hit on this shit and you’re spending hundreds to have a drone that’s easier to fly. With this being so small I could never tell which way it was gonna go
How about a little SAT practice?
In 2016, Meh is to little drones as Woot was to __________ in 2008.
A.) Bluetooth headsets
B.) Refurbed Sansa MP3 players
C.) Off-brand SD cards
D.) All of the Above
@huja I love my Sansa’s and my Razer Ear Buds and my Dyson and my Leak Frogs and the funny look my son gives me when I pull out the Sansa wired into the blue tooth speaker when we work on projects… Shortly followed with “That is so 80’s Dad”. I love my life.
@ruouttaurmind I’m skipping this time, I think. We’re moving to our new house and if my fiancee sees how many I already have there will be problems
I still give these things the highest recommendation possible. Especially at five bucks. Much like the writeup, I can’t think of many better things $5 will get you. Someone else buy my 3 today!
I’ve never had one of these, and I always waver on it whenever they come up here. (Which means that’s happened a lot.) So I finally pulled the trigger! What the hell! Maybe I’ll save it and give it to my dad for Christmas. My parents have an insane two-story living room, so we’d have tons of room to play with it on Christmas day (and then they’d promptly put it in a drawer forever).
I bought three last time these were offered. They are next to impossible to control indoors and outdoors they go straight into my neighbor’s gutters. Yeah, that’s right, if you buy one and fly it outdoors, it will go straight into my neighbors gutters. They have a quantum magnet/blackhole effect apparently.
Anyone know how dog resistant they are? Because the people I want to buy these for all have dogs. And I don’t want to send people things that won’t survive long.
I bought two of these the last time they were on sale (and at this price). One was for me and the other for my wife. I have to say they have provided us with a lot of fun for the money. Mine is still going strong (hers - not so much as Max the Boston got it).
I bought a blue one because I don’t have that color and I really wanted purple but that’s not an option. Blue is half of purple, so it’s as close as I’ll get. So there.
Worth $5 and so much more!!! My first one I bought has lasted easily 50+ indoor flights possibly more. I have a bunch still in the unopened shipping box from the last deal, but I still just bought some more.
Ok. What is the range? If I hook up The One Ring to this with duct tape, can I fly this to Mount Doom and hover there over the volcano until the molten lava heat melts all the sticky off the duct tape and The One Ring falls into the Cracks Of Doom?
Well, damn. If that works, I’m totally gonna want one of those /cam versions. So I need one with wifi or LTE, or else it needs to be sturdy enuf to survive Mount Doom blowing chunks and still have battery left to fly out again.
Has anyone tested this scenario and posted a review?
Meh should allow us to purchase more than 3. I’ve been waiting for these cause the kids want them and I can’t give more than 3 kids at a time when they go on sale. Attempted to make second purchase and willing to pay shipping to the same place and it was not allowed. And to top it off my initial order went away and doesn’t exist. meh not happy! Lol
I like that Australian currency. And I have a fondness for cotter pins. But I’ll get the copters for nephews’ mas presents… Hope the order # isn’t descriptive of the items >< flimsy-dangerously-creator
ironically i just tried one of the two i got last time these were up. The first one likes to fly erratically and then get stuck in the full throttle position until i chop my fingers trying to turn it off and re-sync with the controller.
What happens if you try to control more than one at a time?
Can you, or does one controller control everything in range?
If the latter was the case, and meh didn’t have that three item purchase limit, them buying ten or twenty of these and controlling my very own cyber locust swarm would be pretty awesome.
@Narwalt The controller and quadcopter bind to each other through the power up sequence. I’m not sure what would happen if you turned several on at the same time and tried to bind them to the same controller.
I’m in for 20! Will Meh let me? Wait 20 is too much and my wife will divorce me… but should be fine though since drones will take over the world soon. Ok, will just get a couple since i still love my wife and we can use EMPs to fry the drones if they attack.
Wow, can’t believe people are still buying these. Quite awful little pieces of junk… They don’t fly well and they break at the slightest tap. Enjoy your trash, suckers.
@wankeye You must have gotten lemons, or you didn’t practice long. I’ve ordered tons of these and have had some for several months now with no issues after being crashed countless times. I ordered a giant pack of replacement blades and have only used a few. Have given many to coworkers, friends, and family and they all love them. I’d say give them another try and practice slowly in an open area. Just my $0.02
@bpingel93 I’ve gone through about a dozen of the cx-10s. Maybe 30 propellers? Careful flying does improve lifespans, but even when you keep it at close range, the propellers are easy enough to jam up against the motor or fly off the axle, causing a crash, which destroys the balance, causing it to forever veer in one direction. The axle bending from landing top down is a big killer on these. The CX-10 is a great learner, but once you get your hands on something large enough to overcome a 2mph wind, you’ll not be looking at these for anything other than a gift.
If you’re practiced and can actually fly these, you can do manual (not click the stick!) flips pretty easy in mode 3.
The last time these went on sale in July Meh held them untill 8am, so i missed out. Now that they didn’t hold them untill 8am I missed out… again. zzzzz
@daleyshow Well, look at the bright side, you’re one of those “special” people that meh now caters to! Isn’t life so much better now that meh has made it “fair” for you to get cheap stuff too?
But actually, these are so fun, if beauty sleep would help me at ALL, I’d be whining for it too. Probably the only meh item worth the fuss from the beauty sleepers.
So, I hope you enjoy the heck out of these, because they are definitely a blast!
Went online at midnight PST and wanted to buy some. “On hold”. Couldn’t really stay awake until 5a PST to try again. Checked again at 8a PST and “sold out”. Eff you, meh.com.
Man, I meant to come back at 8 to order these and then remembered I had to leave for work. So, I hope ican remember to check at 4 to try and get some. But. I’ll be at work, and with my luck I will be too busy to check the Internet. Hmm. One can only hope
I tried buying two (blue & green) at least 10 times and my order couldn’t get through and the few reserved ones sold out in like 5 minutes. This sucks! Why wasn’t it taking my order? I’m so annoyed right now.
@pataluna But they did have stock – 109 units were held back. OTOH, with over 76,000 visitors to meh.com today, it didn’t take much for that remaining 109 to sell out.
@pataluna You have to strike exactly at 12:00 AM, 8:00 AM or 4:00 PM. This was the first time I had tried 4:00 PM and I tried to order 3-didn’t put in a color at first and then got a something went wrong notice and had to push the order button again-still went through but it must have been close since they sold out again at 4:05.
I watch the time on my activity tracker, my computer and my cable box-all a few seconds different but the activity tracker seems to be to the most accurate.
@sammydog01 I saw them then, but wasn’t particularly interested in them. Then I started reading some of the review and thought why not buy a couple and give them to my kids (ages 38 and 42) and keep one for myself.
What good is being a VMP member when I order exactly at 4:00:00 EDT and my order churns for two minutes then says Oops, sold out? Pretty crappy. Did you really hold back a few for VMP members?
What’s in the Box?
1x Cheerson CX-10 mini quadcopter
1x Remote control
1x USB battery charging cable
2x Replacement blades
1x User manual
Blue Quad
Orange Quad
Green Quad
Everything included with quad with finger and quarter for scale
Price Comparison
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 Day Mediocre
/giphy crap

Meh, I already 10 of these for my nephews and nieces. They love em, but 10 is enough. Next year will be something else.
@KenC you accidentalied a word.
@yesca Yop, I did.
@yesca you accidentally a verb.
I’ve already copped several of these.
previously on meh
$5 is the cheapest it has ever been
@communist you get what you pay for
@communist Where did you get that data?
@GLaDOS http://www.mehstalker.com/mehhistory.php?search=cheerson its made by someone here(name escapes me now
VMP Clickbait.

/giphy fak
@connorbush @unixrab should be happy
@communist @connorbush
Wife said if I buy any more mini Quadcopters she’s gonna tie 'em all to me, lift me off the ground, and just wait for the batteries to drain.
@Tin_Foil you showed her the movie UP right?
@Tin_Foil Unless the combined weight of you and the mini quadcopters is below 55 lbs, she’s gonna have to register with FAA http://www.faa.gov/uas/getting_started/ and she can only do that in class G airspace. Overall good idea, but tons of red tape.
@lxlx what about FAA Part 103?
@Tin_Foil Don’t worry, based on the battery life it will only be a fall of a few feet.
meh time - copter time… Fly by night ER day time
/giphy meh

If I didn’t already have 4 of these still in the box, I’d be interested in them at this price.
@cengland0 Ditto.
@cengland0 I keep buyin’ ‘em, and wind up givin’ 'em away when someone says “Oooohhhh! That’s awesome!”
@ruouttaurmind same!
@ruouttaurmind Same! I’ve given away so many to coworkers and family! I’m glad I nabbed a few more at $5 a piece!
just no. one was enough to make me hate these things. just no.
These are fun for a bit, but I have too many. Goodnight…
/giphy melted-plump-starfish

/image melted-plump-starfish
Ugh, why the fuck not.
Never got one before.
I’m considered The Man according to the squirrels in our trees. We are watching…Nature.
i have already bought one for every kid and co-worker
/giphy sunken-judicious-panther

/image sunken judicious panther

Got 3 this time, more if I could!!
My Quadcopter Army Grows.
My boss got one for my birthday. We’re so bad at flying them we broke the frame. Can’t wait to get another.
@lanehammer FYI, you can get replacement parts for them dirt cheap here: http://www.banggood.com/
Nickelback? " unauthorized story” of the “masters of heartfelt, anthemic heavy rock.”"???
Well, I’ll just hold out for the “authorized story, about the masters of heartfelt…”.
I just can’t do it. I just can’t put the word down…
If we are gonna do re-runs how about we do the one where Greg hits Marcia in the nose with a Region Free Blu-ray Player…

@ruouttaurmind I think she looks a little better this way.
These are so much fun! I bet these are the single biggest reason meh had to invent the worthless circuit breaker. “Beauty sleepers just wanna have fun”, and man will they whine to high heaven if they don’t get to! I think meh had to do it just to defend themselves from them over this, because, fun has to be “fair”…;)
Heck, someone could write a song, and call it “beauty sleepers just wanna have fun”.
AGAIN?? I have over a dozen of these now. You can’t possibly expect me to buy any more! I haven’t even taken the last two out of the boxes yet! This is ridiculous.
Well, on the other hand, they’re only $5. Fuckit.
/buy --color blue --quantity 2
@awk It worked! Your order number is: private-unfair-cap
/image private unfair cap

They cheaped out on the controller internals or something the last 6 months of cx-10 production. Range on the last 4 have been poor.
Take the controller apart and cut a tiny hole into the housing for the antenna to stick out of and it gets a much better range.
@ColeSloth This. Make internal antenna external, gain 30% more range and fewer signal dropouts.
@ColeSloth Yes! First thing I do with a toy quad is bring the antennas out (on both the transmitter and receiver when possible).

Second thing is I replace LEDs so they are white in front and red in the back, because I hate it when they put red ones in the front.
@ColeSloth I did this and my cat chewed on the antenna. Now it doesn’t work. Thanks a lot.
/giphy cat chewing on stuff

Admit it…you thought there was going to be a Fuku tonight because woot has been running a crap off since yesterday…
@somf69 I admit it. I scored a BOC because I’m going through Fuku withdrawal. I’m prepared for upcoming disappointment.
@somf69 Don’t Fuks tend to happen on Thursday nights?
@somf69 I missed midnight here because that’s when the last crap hit. I got one, I’m ashamed to say.

/giphy ashamed
Just bought one for a friend. I already have two.
/giphy deserted-laughing-knee

These things are kind of a pos. The fact that it’s hard to see which way is up, led me to buying a 200.00 drone, which later led to buying a phantom
@addor This is considered a “gateway drone”. I followed a similar path, but mine started with a Syma X1 in a Fuk and 14 drones later still hasn’t peaked.
@ruouttaurmind gateway drone? One hit on this shit and you’re spending hundreds to have a drone that’s easier to fly. With this being so small I could never tell which way it was gonna go
How about a little SAT practice?
In 2016, Meh is to little drones as Woot was to __________ in 2008.
A.) Bluetooth headsets
B.) Refurbed Sansa MP3 players
C.) Off-brand SD cards
D.) All of the Above
@huja AAIIEEEE…if only meh would get some of the refurb Sansa’s…
@huja ❤️❤️❤️ SANSA ❤️❤️❤️
@heartny Yeah, my Gen 1 Sansa Clips are on their last legs. What a great little player.
@huja lets not forget the leakfrogs.
Huh, I just realized I bought a couple Sansas back then but not a single frog…
@huja I hold (and will forever) that the original Sansa Fuze was the end-of-the-line for mp3 players.
The industry should’ve just stuck with those and stopped.
@huja I love my Sansa’s and my Razer Ear Buds and my Dyson and my Leak Frogs and the funny look my son gives me when I pull out the Sansa wired into the blue tooth speaker when we work on projects… Shortly followed with “That is so 80’s Dad”. I love my life.
@huja That was my first woot back in the day.
@djslack How many this time, Chris?
@ruouttaurmind I’m skipping this time, I think. We’re moving to our new house and if my fiancee sees how many I already have there will be problems
I still give these things the highest recommendation possible. Especially at five bucks. Much like the writeup, I can’t think of many better things $5 will get you. Someone else buy my 3 today!
@djslack Congrats on the new digs my friend! When should I start watching for the Mtv Cribs DJ Slack episode?
I’ve never had one of these, and I always waver on it whenever they come up here. (Which means that’s happened a lot.) So I finally pulled the trigger! What the hell! Maybe I’ll save it and give it to my dad for Christmas. My parents have an insane two-story living room, so we’d have tons of room to play with it on Christmas day (and then they’d promptly put it in a drawer forever).
/giphy galvanic-vast-silver

@currawong Once you have one, you’ll regret not having bought 3.
I bought three last time these were offered. They are next to impossible to control indoors and outdoors they go straight into my neighbor’s gutters. Yeah, that’s right, if you buy one and fly it outdoors, it will go straight into my neighbors gutters. They have a quantum magnet/blackhole effect apparently.
/giphy strange physics
*three gyros and three accelerometers, so it’s 6x the fun
Anyone know how dog resistant they are? Because the people I want to buy these for all have dogs. And I don’t want to send people things that won’t survive long.
@lordbowen Well, I know they aren’t Boston Terrier proof (then again, nothing is really).
I bought two of these the last time they were on sale (and at this price). One was for me and the other for my wife. I have to say they have provided us with a lot of fun for the money. Mine is still going strong (hers - not so much as Max the Boston got it
Not even for free, Meh. Actually I’d lose $2 using my $7 one-time Kershaw kerfuffle code.
Sad panda, indeed.

Eh, screw it, I went for it, mainly to screw with my cat. If he breaks them, eh, they were $5.
/giphy verdant chunky salamander

I bought a blue one because I don’t have that color and I really wanted purple but that’s not an option. Blue is half of purple, so it’s as close as I’ll get. So there.
You jerks have finally suckered me in at this price… in for 3!

/image wealthy-meddlesome-potluck
Huh, this is from a play written by Lewis Black called One Slight Hitch
Worth $5 and so much more!!! My first one I bought has lasted easily 50+ indoor flights possibly more. I have a bunch still in the unopened shipping box from the last deal, but I still just bought some more.
/giphy sorrowful maddening lemur

Perpetual-fussy-cattle. Christmas presents for three grandkids.
This is essentially a flying battery that I will surely crash into a wall, yet I can’t help feeling I should have bought more than three…
graphic-trivial-squirrel IS a quad-copter
Ok. What is the range? If I hook up The One Ring to this with duct tape, can I fly this to Mount Doom and hover there over the volcano until the molten lava heat melts all the sticky off the duct tape and The One Ring falls into the Cracks Of Doom?
Well, damn. If that works, I’m totally gonna want one of those /cam versions. So I need one with wifi or LTE, or else it needs to be sturdy enuf to survive Mount Doom blowing chunks and still have battery left to fly out again.
Has anyone tested this scenario and posted a review?
@f00l I attempted such a scenario, but couldn’t find the duct tape so I said “screw it” and had second breakfast instead.
Couldn’t find duct tape? Why not just rip some off Rivendell? They used it all over the place. Elvish fav.
/giphy Elrond

Meh should allow us to purchase more than 3. I’ve been waiting for these cause the kids want them and I can’t give more than 3 kids at a time when they go on sale. Attempted to make second purchase and willing to pay shipping to the same place and it was not allowed. And to top it off my initial order went away and doesn’t exist.
meh not happy! Lol
Flying privileges have been rescinded. Copters have been grounded until 8:00am EST.
I like that Australian currency. And I have a fondness for cotter pins. But I’ll get the copters for nephews’ mas presents… Hope the order # isn’t descriptive of the items >< flimsy-dangerously-creator
ironically i just tried one of the two i got last time these were up. The first one likes to fly erratically and then get stuck in the full throttle position until i chop my fingers trying to turn it off and re-sync with the controller.
Lets hope #2 is slightly more articulate
The only repeat item I wish came back on sale is a Pursonic tooth brush. That thing is da bomb (that also won’t explode your teeth).
What happens if you try to control more than one at a time?
Can you, or does one controller control everything in range?
If the latter was the case, and meh didn’t have that three item purchase limit, them buying ten or twenty of these and controlling my very own cyber locust swarm would be pretty awesome.
@Narwalt The controller and quadcopter bind to each other through the power up sequence. I’m not sure what would happen if you turned several on at the same time and tried to bind them to the same controller.
/giphy attack of the drones

Might be kind of pathetic. But I’ve been waking up early just to see if I can come up with an insightful comment, in hopes of making the daily email.
@Kevin I made it in once. It was amazing. All my dreams came true. Keep trying.
/image substantial-fertile-parcel

Is it weird that I don’t even want these? Probably.
@ACraigL extremely weird.
@ACraigL Nah. I’ve passed every single time these were offered too.
ok, ok, in for 3.
/giphy nauseating queasy bandicoot

yay, three (more)
/image ragged-powerful-chicken

I’m in for 20! Will Meh let me? Wait 20 is too much and my wife will divorce me… but should be fine though since drones will take over the world soon. Ok, will just get a couple since i still love my wife and we can use EMPs to fry the drones if they attack.
Wow! Sold out in less than 20 minutes. Army must have bought them all for a mini drone strike.
Wow, can’t believe people are still buying these. Quite awful little pieces of junk… They don’t fly well and they break at the slightest tap. Enjoy your trash, suckers.
@wankeye You must have gotten lemons, or you didn’t practice long. I’ve ordered tons of these and have had some for several months now with no issues after being crashed countless times. I ordered a giant pack of replacement blades and have only used a few. Have given many to coworkers, friends, and family and they all love them. I’d say give them another try and practice slowly in an open area. Just my $0.02
@bpingel93 I’ve gone through about a dozen of the cx-10s. Maybe 30 propellers? Careful flying does improve lifespans, but even when you keep it at close range, the propellers are easy enough to jam up against the motor or fly off the axle, causing a crash, which destroys the balance, causing it to forever veer in one direction. The axle bending from landing top down is a big killer on these. The CX-10 is a great learner, but once you get your hands on something large enough to overcome a 2mph wind, you’ll not be looking at these for anything other than a gift.
If you’re practiced and can actually fly these, you can do manual (not click the stick!) flips pretty easy in mode 3.
The last time these went on sale in July Meh held them untill 8am, so i missed out. Now that they didn’t hold them untill 8am I missed out… again. zzzzz
@dronerboner They did hold them until 8AM.
First time buying as a latecomer, my 6am work schedule doesn’t allow for a lot of late-night impulse buying. But it worked!
/giphy learned-quicker-camp

@daleyshow Well, look at the bright side, you’re one of those “special” people that meh now caters to! Isn’t life so much better now that meh has made it “fair” for you to get cheap stuff too?
But actually, these are so fun, if beauty sleep would help me at ALL, I’d be whining for it too. Probably the only meh item worth the fuss from the beauty sleepers.
So, I hope you enjoy the heck out of these, because they are definitely a blast!
@daleyshow Yay! Welcome!
quadracopter swarm?
/giphy crazy flying cube

WTF is up with New Mexico? No fly zone or something? COME ON NM! SOMEONE there must need at least ONE of these!
Went online at midnight PST and wanted to buy some. “On hold”. Couldn’t really stay awake until 5a PST to try again. Checked again at 8a PST and “sold out”. Eff you, meh.com.
@njpomeroy FYI, it’s okay to say “Fuck you, meh.com.”
Man, I meant to come back at 8 to order these and then remembered I had to leave for work. So, I hope ican remember to check at 4 to try and get some. But. I’ll be at work, and with my luck I will be too busy to check the Internet. Hmm. One can only hope
Um, where’s the 4pm reserved stock?
@blaineg only for people with VMP since yesterday. you dont have VMP so you can only buy at midnight and 8am EST
@communist I am, but it says sold out already
@communist Silly, I am VMP, but it went from “we’re holding” to “sold out” between refreshes.
@blaineg if you are VMP you have a V badge next to your name (see @aristan )
you might want to double check your VMP status
@communist Ah, got bit by an expired card, and my VMP lapsed. Guess I’ll have to wait a day or two until these come around again.
@blaineg There, that’s better.
Sign in at 3:59, refresh at 4:00. Place order in under 30 seconds.
Loads for a long amount of time
“Oops there was a problem placing your order”
Clicks buy again to retry
“Oops we’re sold out.”
@midcontrast funny, I had the same problem. It’s official. Meh can bite me
@midcontrast Exactly!
@midcontrast Totally agree. And I pay $5 a month just to be shut out!
I tried buying two (blue & green) at least 10 times and my order couldn’t get through and the few reserved ones sold out in like 5 minutes. This sucks! Why wasn’t it taking my order? I’m so annoyed right now.
@ChibiChula try 30 seconds on the reserves. And they were on fire at the time.
/buy --quantity=4000
@rprussell Sorry, this deal contains 3 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
@mediocrebot DAMN!
I’d be willing to pay more that $5/month for VMP if they would guarantee in stock for VMP members so we could at least get one!!!
@pataluna But they did have stock – 109 units were held back. OTOH, with over 76,000 visitors to meh.com today, it didn’t take much for that remaining 109 to sell out.
FWIW, I wasn’t able to buy any either.
@pataluna You have to strike exactly at 12:00 AM, 8:00 AM or 4:00 PM. This was the first time I had tried 4:00 PM and I tried to order 3-didn’t put in a color at first and then got a something went wrong notice and had to push the order button again-still went through but it must have been close since they sold out again at 4:05.
I watch the time on my activity tracker, my computer and my cable box-all a few seconds different but the activity tracker seems to be to the most accurate.
@Felton10 They were up for almost an hour at midnight.
@sammydog01 I saw them then, but wasn’t particularly interested in them. Then I started reading some of the review and thought why not buy a couple and give them to my kids (ages 38 and 42) and keep one for myself.
@Felton10 They’re really fun. I hope you all like them.
What good is being a VMP member when I order exactly at 4:00:00 EDT and my order churns for two minutes then says Oops, sold out? Pretty crappy. Did you really hold back a few for VMP members?

Hope you’re sold out for good this time.
@calloremailme they lie!
@calloremailme they’re sold out until their next shipment of 2000 copters show up.
The next batch is going to be the refurbished copters.
@calloremailme Naw, it’s time for the camera version.
Just got mine today. These are freaking dangerous. Perfect for the nephews XD
@HemlockTea You can buy cheapo blade guards to make them less dangerous if you’re fond of your nephews.
Spare parts on sale at banggood…
PAYPAL11 gets you 11% off, I think.