Champagne By The Bottle


The stockings are down, the menorah is packed, and half the toys are already broken... this means it's almost New Years!!!!

But wait. There's food to cook, a house to clean, and a bottle of champagne ready to go, but where are the champagne glasses? Maybe they broke last year, maybe you left them behind in your last move, maybe they are packed away in some far corner that you don't care to go looking, or MAYBE you are just like me and don't have any yet.

Meh, I look to you to take care of my needs, but you have let me down. One whole month to prepare and you couldn't offer up any champagne glasses? Certainly with the lack of speaker docks there might be some room somewhere in there for the lowly skinny glass? It's alright, you are not a storefront with an ever-growing number of 'deals', but this time I do feel cheated that your lack of concern has passed over my New Years needs. Meh.

Santana Champ

** If for some reason, Meh did sell champagne glasses and I missed this, shame on us both for no reason at all.