@Lynnerizer@yakkoTDI a dog wants to be your dog, master ( if still PC to use that term) But a cat will always want to his/her own cat. ‘Cause how cats roll.
Lol… Mine would do the same thing if I wasn’t combing him at least 2 to 3 times a day! I realize most people don’t have time for that but it makes such a HUGE difference. And, he’s STILL such a gorgeous big bundle of fur!
Our guy Tuc actually acts more like a dog than a cat. Don’t get me wrong though, he still has his moments, usually around 3 in the morning! Lol
@yakkoTDI I trained one of mine to jump through a hula-hoop, she would only do it if she knew I was holding treats though. No longer with us. She was the sweetest. I’d say “let’s go to bed” and she’d go running to the bed and wait for me there.
Another one of ours will stretch up on hindlegs to headbutt you on command (usually)… no treats necessary, she just loved giving affectionate headbutts and loved the attention.
Another of ours (another old one not with us) used to jump in our arms on command… again, no treats necessary, just loved affection.
Not so much a trick, but one of ours will sit on a skateboard and let us push him back and forth on it and seems to enjoy it.
None of these are incredible tricks, but they were all fairly easy to get them to do.
Cats don’t learn tricks.
Are you sure about that…
@yakkoTDI My calicos do 1 trick each. The one reluctantly gives me a high five, the other will jump up on anything I tap while saying “up up”.
@Lynnerizer I got to see them perform at a cat show once. Pretty damn cool to see!

That’s cool, cats are FUN!
I’m working on the high five with our guy.
@Lynnerizer Not sure but I am ok with cats being cats.
@edguyver14 @yakkoTDI The only trick our 2 fat and lazy cats have mastered in shedding on the furniture.
@Lynnerizer @yakkoTDI a dog wants to be your dog, master ( if still PC to use that term) But a cat will always want to his/her own cat. ‘Cause how cats roll.
@edguyver14 @macromeh @yakkoTDI

Mine would do the same thing if I wasn’t combing him at least 2 to 3 times a day!
I realize most people don’t have time for that but it makes such a HUGE difference. And, he’s STILL such a gorgeous big bundle of fur!
@pmarin @yakkoTDI
Our guy Tuc actually acts more like a dog than a cat. Don’t get me wrong though, he still has his moments, usually around 3 in the morning!
@yakkoTDI I trained one of mine to jump through a hula-hoop, she would only do it if she knew I was holding treats though. No longer with us.
She was the sweetest. I’d say “let’s go to bed” and she’d go running to the bed and wait for me there.
Another one of ours will stretch up on hindlegs to headbutt you on command (usually)… no treats necessary, she just loved giving affectionate headbutts and loved the attention.
Another of ours (another old one not with us) used to jump in our arms on command… again, no treats necessary, just loved affection.
Not so much a trick, but one of ours will sit on a skateboard and let us push him back and forth on it and seems to enjoy it.
None of these are incredible tricks, but they were all fairly easy to get them to do.
Yes, but it is not often work the effort.
Don’t know. And since I don’t have a dog, I’m not too worried about the answer.
Yes, if appropriate food is involved
Absolutely! (He’s 15 this year.)
@PooltoyWolf I knew dogs liked to stick their head out car windows; I hadn’t ever thought about how much more fun a locomotive window would be!
@PooltoyWolf lol… that’s awesome!
@PooltoyWolf WOW 15 years! You much treat him with excellent care, since he is still intact.
@Wollyhop Fen’s definitely had his share of pokes and punctures over the years but he’s lovingly patched up every time!
There’s a reason why Nibbler has a collar with crowns. He’s the King Pug ruling over his minions of his pug big brother and his favorite second, me.
Classical conditioning.
Basically (science stuff)
I have succeeded in getting all my oldest dogs to stay in one place indefinitely.